- Max. dissimilarity: 0.267
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.186
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65319952 - LadyCrazyCat
- 65345573 - Kelvets
- 65358096 - not-logged-in-4f3cc5738d15953108ea
- WINNER - 65393659 - julie_harkin
- 65416813 - dolphinate
- 65425500 - ananya.som

65319952 - LadyCrazyCat
64 St John's Road Bathwick Bath Somerset1 6 1948
Dearest Sylvia
How re-assuring it was to get your letter this morning in an unfamiliar landscape though I am sorry that your news is not all happy. Perhaps things are easier by now: I need not tell you how strongly I hope they are. Alas, that your landscape is not to your liking yet but I am sure it is only a matter of time. I will try and arrange the kind of light you particularly want: I shall send the Tawney One down to you long enough to fix the weather. He shall bemy mercy.
The Beggar's Opera was enchanting. Do listen to one of the broadcasts this week: they are not all on the third, I believe. Poor Dandylion clean forgot about Fortenums. of well perhaps in September 1949. I'll book if I can for Crime Passioned on my return which will be next weekend. I would like to see it again.
Sylvia, would you send me The Building of Bats. I do not have it (any white owl could not get it - despite the duffel coat). Would you send it as promptly as possible for I have only a few days here. First post Friday is the absolute outside. Thank you darling so much. (I'll see about the Klergarden, of course)
Today I went for a walk to see Sham Castle (a1760 built ruin) and walked over a great Park Narf golf-course. In the
65345573 - Kelvets
64 St John's Road Bathwick Bath SommersetXI IX 1948
Dearest Sylvia
How re-assuring it was to get your letter this morning in an unfamiliar landscape, though I am sorry that your news is not all happy. Perhaps things are easier by now - I need not tell you how strongly I hope they are. Alas that your landscape is not to your liking yet but I am sure it is only a matter of time. I will try and arrange the kind of light you particularly want. I shall send the Tawny One down to you long enough to fix the weather - he shall be my proxy.
The Beggar's opera was enchanting. Do listen to one of the broadcasts this week: they are not all on the third. I believe poor Dandylion lean forgot about Fartenums. Oh well perhaps in September 1949 I'll book if I can for Crime Passionel my turn which will be next weekend. I would like to see it again.
Sylvia, would you send me the The Building of Bath. I do not have it (my White Owl could not get it - despite the duffle coat). Would you send it as promptly as possible for I have only a few days here. First, post Friday is the absolute outside. Thank you darling so much. (I'll see about the Clingenders, of course)
Today I went for a walk to see Sham Castle (a 1970 built ruin) and walked over a great Pane Narf golf course. In the
65358096 - not-logged-in-4f3cc5738d15953108ea
64 St John's Road Bathwick Bath Somerset XI IX 1948.Dearest Sylvia
How re-assuring it was to get your letter this morning in an unfamiliar landscape though I am sorry that your news is not all happy. Perhaps things are easier by raw: I need not tell you how strongly I hope they are. Alas that your landscape is not to your liking yet but I am sure it is only a matter of time. I will try and arrange the kind of light you par-
ticularly want: I shall send the Tawny One doen to you long en-
ough to fix the weather - he shall be my proxy.
The Beggar's Opera was enchanting. Do listen to one of the broadcasts this week: they are not all on the kind, I believe, Poor Dandylion soon forgot about tartanums. As well perhaps in September 1949. I'll book if I can for Crime Passionel on my return which will be next weekend. I should like to see it again.
Sylvia, could you send me The Building of Bats. I do not have it (my White Owl could not get it - despite the duffle coat). Would you send it as promptly as possible for I have only a few days here. Last post Friday is the absolute outside. Thank you darling so much. (I'll see about the Klirgarden, of course)
Today I went for a walk to see Sham Castle (a 1760 built ruin) and walked over a great Paul Nash golf course. In the
WINNER - 65393659 - julie_harkin
64 St John's Road, Bathwich Bath Somerset 6X 1948.Dearest Sylvia
How re-assuring it was to get your letter this morning in an unfamiliar landscape though I am sorry that your news is not all happy. Perhaps things are easier by now: I need not tell you how strongly I hope they are. Alas, that your landscape is not to your liking yet but I am sure it is only a matter of time. I will try and arrange the kind of light that you particularly want: I shall send the the
Tawny One down to you fix the weather - he shall be my proxy.
The Beggar's Opera was enchanting. Do listen to one of the broadcasts this week: they are not all on the third, I believe. Poor Dandylion clean forgot about the Fortenums. Oh well perhaps in September 1949. I'll book if I can for Crime Passionel on my return which will be next weekend. I should like to see it again.
Sylvia, would you send me the Building of Bats. I do not have it (only White Owl could not get it - despite the duffle coat). Would you send it as promptly as possible for I have only a few days here. First post Friday is the absolute outside. Thank you darling so much. (I'll see about the Klirgarden, of course)
Today I went for a walk to see Sham Castle(a 1760 built ruin) and walked over a great Paul Nash golf course. In the
65416813 - dolphinate
64 St john's Road Bathwick Bath Somerset11 6x 1948
Dearest Sylvia
How reassuring it was to get your letter this morning in an unfamiliar landscape though I am sorry that your news is not all happy. Perhaps things are easier by now : I need not tell you how strongly I hope they are. Alas, that your landscape is not to your liking yet but I am sure it is only a matter of time. I will try and arrange the kind of light you particularly want: I shall sent the Tawny One down to you long enth augs to fix the weather he shall be my proxy.
The Beggar's Opera was enchanting. Do listen to one of the broadcasts this week: they are not all on the third, I believe Poor Dandylion clean forgot about Fortenums. Oh well perhaps in September 1949. I'll book if I can for Crime Passionel on my return which will be next weekend. I should like to see it again.
Sylvia, could you send me The Building of Bath. I do not have it (my white girl could not get it - despite the duffle coat).
Would you send it as promptly as possible for I have only a few days here. First post Friday is the absolute outside. Thank you darling so much (I'll see about the ?? of course)
Today I went or a walk to see Sham Castle (a 1760 built ruin) and walked over a great Paul Narl gf course. In the
65425500 - ananya.som
64 st. John`s Road Batheruins Bath Somerset6 x 1948
Dearest Sylvia
How re-assuring it was to get your letter this morning in an unfamiliar landscape though i am sorry that your news is not all happy.Perhaps things are easier by naw : I need not tell you how strongly i hope they are. Alas, that your landscape is not to your liking yet but i am sure it is only a matter of time. I will try and arrange the kind of bright your particularly want : I shall send tee Tawney One down to you long enough to fix the weather - he shall be my proxy
The Beggar`s opera was enchanting . Do listen to one of the broadcasting this week : they are not all on the theid , i believe.
Poor Dardylion clean forgot aboutfartenums or well perhaps in september 1949 i`ll boarding i can far crime parrionel my return which will be next weekend. I should like to see it again.
Sylvia, would send me The Building of Bats , I do not have it (my while owl could not get it - despite the duffle coat). Would you send it as promptly as possible for i have only a few days here. First part Friday is the absolute outside. Thank you darling so much ( I`ll see about the Klirgarden of course)
Today i went for a walk to see Sham Castle (a 1760 quiet ruin) and walked over a great pond near golf course. In the