- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.402
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65324644 - cshepherd
- 65407755 - clv
- 65424900 - saffyre13
- WINNER - 65449193 - BronteAlcott
- 65512611 - zb.radzikowski
- 65786948 - not-logged-in-dc021d940ab793fb9c0a

65324644 - cshepherd
afternoon visited a ravishing Elizabethan Garden called St Cather-ine's Court. It is lyrical, yet complicated by corners, twenty different
levels, and unpredictable vistas and angles. I am temporarily won
away from the C18th landscape by its exultant richness of ornament.
How I wished for your companionship here. Yesterday, as you know, I saw
Bedford's Tower. Dierdre goes back to school on Wednesday
and after that I shall study the Georgian parts alone. Some of the Cook
Collection is on view here, including a Hogarth portrait and the early Purification of Temple of El Greco. By the way,
the Burlington subscriptionhas gone through alright.
You are never out of my thoughts. Imagination and memory continue
to haunt and enchant me. How vividly I remember our Winter run on the
beach. It was then I think the blue satyr prompted my earliest poems for
you. Yes I'm sure it was. Sad as I am without you my pleasure in the
country and fine weather consoles me, for landscape in England is int-
imately bound up with your presence, now. I remember when I was in
Paris you said the Spring wind on the nape of your neck was like my
kiss. How I observe the wind now, soft yet confident, combing the
valley and the secret groves. But I do not need the pathetic fallacy
to convey how much I love you. It is only ten days to the 30th. I long to see you so that we can be cruelly gay about Johnson again. But of
course that is only one of many reasons and one from low down on the
list. But you are so amusing and it's one quality I value in you.
And the others? Well, you know. Woman, painter, wit, and more.
I love you
65407755 - clv
afternoon visited a ravishing Elizabethan garden called St Catherine's Court. It is lyrical, yet complicated by sameness, twenty different levels, and unpredictable vistas and angles. I am temporarily won away from the (18th landscape by its exultant richness of ornament. How I wished for your companionship here. Yesterday, as you know, I saw Bedford's Tower. Dierdre goes back to school on Wednesday and after that I shall study the reargrass parts alone. Some of the Cook Collection is on view here, including a Hogarth portrait and the early Pasification of Teinle by el Greco.By the way, the Burlington subscription has gone through alright.
You are never out of my thoughts. Imagination and memory shine to haunt and enchant me. How vividly I remember our Winter run on the beach. It was then I think the blue satyr prompted my earliest poems for you. Yes, I'm sure it was. Sad as I am without you my pleasure in the country and fine weather consoles me, for landscape in England is intimately bound up with your presence, ow. I remember when I was in Paris you said the spring wind on the nape of your neck was like may kiss. How I observe the wind now, soft yet confident combing the valley and the secret groves. But I do not need the pathetic fallacy to convey how much I love you. It is only ten days to the 30th. I long to see you so that we can be cruely gay about Solomon again. But of course that is only one of many reasons and from low down on the list. But you are so amusing and it is one quality I value in you. And the others? Well, you draw. Woman, painter, wit and more. I love you, Lawrence
65424900 - saffyre13
afternoon visited a ravishing Elizabethan Garden called St. Catherine's Court. It is lyrical, yet complicated by corners, tments different levels, and unpredictable vistas and angles. I am temporarily won away from the (18th landscape by its exultant ridners of ornament. How I wished for your companionship here. Yesterday, as you know, I saw Bedford's Tower. Dierdre goes back to school on Wednesday and after that I shall study the Georgian parts alone. Some of the Cook Collection is on view here, including a Hogarth portrait and the early Purification of Temple by el Greco. By the way, the Burlington subscription has gone through alright.You are never out of my thoughts. Imagination and memory combine to haunt and endant me. How vividly I remember our Winter run on the head. It was then I think the blue satyr prompted my earliest poems for you. Yes I'm sure it was, sad as I am without you my pleasure in the country and fine weather consoles me, for landscape in England is intimately bound up with your presence, now. I remember when I was in Paris you said the spring wind on the nape of your neck was like my kiss. How I observe the wind now, soft yet confident, combing the valley and the secret grones. But I do not need the pathetic fallacy ton convey how much I love you. It is only ten days to the 30th. I long to see you so that we can be cruely gay about Solnson again. But of course that is only one of many reasons and one from low down on the list. But you are so amusing and its one quality I value in you. And the others? Well, you know. Woman, painter, wit, and more
I love you
WINNER - 65449193 - BronteAlcott
afternoon visited a ravishing Elizabethan garden called St. Catherine's Court. It is lyrical, yet complicated by corners, twenty different levels, and unpredictable vistas and angles. I am temporarily won away from the (18th landscape by its exultant richness or ornament. How I wished for your companionship here. Yesterday, as you know, I saw Bedford's Tower. Deirdre goes back to school on Wednesday and after that I shall study the Georgian parts alone. Some of the Cook Collection is on view here, including a Hogarth portrait and the early Purification of Temple by el Greco. By the way, the Burlington subscription has gone through alright.You are never out of my thoughts. Imagination and memory combine to haunt and enchant me. How vividly I remember our winter run on the beach. It was then I think the blue satyr prompted my earliest poems for you. Yes I'm sure it was. Sad as I am without you my pleasure in the country and fine weather consoles me, for landscape in England is intimately bound up with your presence, now. I remember when I was in Paris you said the spring wind on the nape of your neck was like my kiss. How I observe the wind now, soft yet confident, combing the valley and the secret groves. But I do not need the pathetic fallacy to convey how much I love you. It is only ten days to the 30th. I long to see you so that we can be cruely gay about Johnson again. But of course that is only one of many reasons and one from low down on the list. But you are so amusing and its one quality I value in you. And the others? Well you know. Woman, painter, wit, and more.
I love you
65512611 - zb.radzikowski
65786948 - not-logged-in-dc021d940ab793fb9c0a
afternoon merited a ravishing Elizabethan garden called St. Catharine's Court. it is lyrical, yet complicated corners, twenty different levels, and unpredictable vistas and angles. I am temporarily won away from the (18th landscape & its exultant richness of ornament. How i wished for your companionship here. Yesterday, as you knowk I saw Bedford's Tower. Dierdre goes back to school on Wednesday and after that i shall study the Gerogian parts alone. Some of the cook collection is on view here, including a Hogarth portrait. and the early parification of Temlo & el Greco. By the way, the Burlington subscription has gone through alright.You are never out of my thoughts. Imagination and memory combine to haunt and enchant me. How vividly I remember our winter run on the beach. it was then i think the blue satyr prompted my earliest poems for you. Yes I'm sure it was. sad as i am without you my pleasure in the country and fine weather consoles me, for landscape in England is intimately bouond up with your presence, now. I remember when I was in Paris you said the spring wind on the nape of your neck was like my kiss. Now i observe the wind now, soft yet conofident, combing the valley and secret groves. but I do not need the pathetic fallacy to convey how much I love you. It is only ten days to the 30th. I long to see you so that we can be cruely gay about Johnson again. but of course that is only one of many reasons and one from low down on the list. But you are so amusing and its one quality I value in you. And the others? Well, you know. Woman, painter, wit, and more
I love you