- Max. dissimilarity: 0.12
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.087
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65303845 - saffyre13
- 65351221 - not-logged-in-5201f0d1382676b2be1f
- 65351892 - Reggers44
- 65364726 - KirstenTree
- 65399708 - Astro_scoutleader

WINNER - 65303845 - saffyre13
-3-How I look forward to seeing you again. It really shouldn't make much difference but I feel much more distant from you than I do at Wimbledon. I love you, dearest, and anticipate continuing to do so, long enough to refute Clifford's gloomy dogma - for dogma it seems to be. Possibly even long enough to set all your doubts at rest.
It is a fine warm morning. The sun is warm on my bare back as I write. I am sure the weather will do a lot to ease you (provided it is fine in Sussex).
Christian bells are clanging away varrilly . So I think I shall devote the morning to the minervan part of my poem in compensation.
I adore you,
65351221 - not-logged-in-5201f0d1382676b2be1f
How I look forward to seeing you again. It really shouldn't make much difference but I feel much more distant from you than I do at Wimbledon. I love you, dearest, and anticipate continuing to do so, long enough to refute Clifford's gloomy dogma - for dogma it seem to be. Possibly even long enough to set all your doubts at rest.It is a fine warm moring. The sun is warm on my bare body as I write. I am sure the weather will do a lot to ease you (provided it is fine in Sussex).
Christian bells are clanging away variably. So I think I shall devote the morning to the minervan part of my poem in compensation.
I adore you,
65351892 - Reggers44
3How I look forward to seeing you
again. It really shouldn't make much dif-
terence but I feel much more distant from
you than I do at Wimbledon. I love you,
dearest, and anticipate continuing to do
so, long enough to refute Clifford's gloomy
dogma - for dogma it seems to be. Pos-
silly even long enough to set all
your doubts at rest
It is a fine warm morning. The
sun is warm on my bare backs I
write. I am sure the weather will do a lot
to ease you(provided it is fine
in Sussex)
Christianbells are clanging away
horribly. So I think I shall devote
the morning to the Minervan part
of my poem in compensation.
I adore you
65364726 - KirstenTree
-3-How I look forward to seeing you again. It really shouldn't make much dif-
ference but I feel much more distant from you than I do at Wimbledon. I love you, dearest, and anticipate continuing to do so, long enough to refute Clifford's gloomy dogma -- for dogma it seems to be. Pos-
sibly even long enough to set all your doubts at rest.
It is a fine warm morning. The sun is warm on my bare back as I write. I am sure the weather will do a lot to cure you (provided it is fine in Sussex).
Christian bells are clanging away horribly. So I think I shall devote the morning to the minervan part of my poem in compensation.
I adore you,
65399708 - Astro_scoutleader
how I look forward to seeing you again. It really make much difference but I feel much more distant from you than I do at Wimbledon. I love you, dearest, and anticipate continuing to do so, long enough to refute Clifford's gloomy dogma - for dogma it seems to be. Possibly even long enough to set all your doubts at rest.It is a fine warm morning. The sun is warm on my bare body as I write. I am sure the weather will do a lot to ease you (provided it is fine in Sussex).
Christian bells (?) are clanging away vainly (?). So I think I shall devote the morning to the minervan (?) part of my poem in compensation.
I adore you,