- Max. dissimilarity: 0.229
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.153
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65342431 - hwhite17
- 65346389 - PengiePaula
- 65393720 - dolphinate
- 65413026 - Channy58
- WINNER - 65435572 - yuripuppies
- 65440907 - ChamboPip

65342431 - hwhite17
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
4th October. 8.30
Me dearest love,
It is an eternity since I talked to you, days the clock puts it at nine and a half hours ago. Love does not make the third of time that clocks can tell us about. Therefore I must write: my hand is weighted by all I want to write but words I can only speak and, better, reveal by action. I shall resist tonight the fierce desire I have to ring you - just to wish you 'sleep well' and to hear your voice for a moment. That would be wonderful but I will hold back for your sake.
Be assured of my love, Eyenia. I long for you and the chance to prove in so many ways what my love means. How beautiful you are: I know you will say that you are 'flattered' now but, remember, your beauty makes my heart beat fasten. When I hod your locket to the light the stones glow a dark-red like fine. It is an emblem of my longing as well as a token of your love. How precious it is to me.
Today I have worked on Mogrants and your image has been present all the time: every word is dedicated to you. I have helped you to paint. You have given me the making to write morse and, I need not say; you are the very substance of my poetry. I must tell you that last in my love for you is recognition of what Pett means to you: your personality has posses me amazingly, even to the point of communicating your distaste of the town. My passional poem showed that half-consciously before the rest of me understood. We are integrated in each other's artistic creations which come from such deep
65346389 - PengiePaula
11 Mansel RoadWimbeldon
4th October 8:30
My dearest love,
it is an eternity since I talked to you, days the clock puts it at nine and a half hours ago. Love does not make the kind of time that cooks can tell us about. Therefore I must write. My hand is weighted by all I want to write but which I can only speak and, better, reveal by action. I shall resist tonight the fierce desire I have to ring you - just to wish you 'sleep well' and to hear your voice for a moment. That would be wonderful but I will hold back for your sake.
Be assured of my love, Sylvia. I long for you and the chance to prove in so many ways what my love means. How beautiful you are: I know you will say that you are 'battered' now but, remember, your beauty makes my heart beat faster. When I hold your locket to a light the stones glow a dark-red like fire. It is an emblem of my longing as well as a token of your love. How precious it is to me.
Today I have worked on Mozart and your image has been present all the time: every work is dedicated to you. I have helped you to paint. You have given me the motive to write prose and, I need not say; you are the very substance of my poetry. I must tell you that basic in my love for you is recognition of what Pett means to you: your personality has possessed me amazingly, even to the point of communicating your distaste of the town. My pastoral poem showed that hal-consciously before the rest of me understood. We are integrated in each other's artistic creations which came from such deep
65393720 - dolphinate
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
4th October 8.30
My dearest love,
It is an eternity since I talked to you, days the clock puts it at nine and a half hours ago. Love does not make the hand of time that clocks can tell us about. Therefore I must write : my hand is weighted by all I want to write but which I can only speak and, letter, reveal by action. i shall resist tonight the fierce desire I have to ring you - just to wish you "sleep well" and to hear your voice for a moment. That would be wonderful but I will hold back for your sake.
Be assured of my love, Sylvia, I long for you and the chance to prove in so many ways what my love means.
How beautiful you are : I know that you will say you are 'flattered' now but, remember, your beauty makes my heart beat faster. When I hold your locket to the light the stones glow a dark red like fire. It is an emblem of my longing as well as a token of your love. How precious it is to me.
Today I have worked on Hogarth and your image has been present all the time : every word is dedicated to you.
I have helped you to paint, you have given me the motive to write more and, I need not say; you are the very substance of my poetry. I must tell you that early in my love for you is recognition of wear Pett means to you: your personality has possessed me amazingly, even to the point of communicating your distaste of the town. My pastoral poem showed that half consciously before the rest of me understood. We are integrated in each other's artistic creations which come from such deep
65413026 - Channy58
11 Mansell RoadWimbledom
4th October 8.30
My Dearest love,
It is an eternity since I talked to you, days the clock puts I tat nine and half hours ago. Love does not make the bird of time that clocks can tell us about. Therefore I must write: My hand is weighted by all I want to write but which I only speak and, letters, reveal by action I shall resist tonight the fierce desire I have to ring you - just to wish you 'sleep well' and to hear your voice for a moment. That would be wonderful but I will hold back for your sake.
Be assured of my love, Sylvia. I long for you and the chance to prove in so many ways what my love means. How beautiful you are: I know you will say that you are 'battered' now but, remember, your beauty makes my heart beat faster. When I hold your locket to the light the stones glow a dark-red like fire. It is an emblem of my longing as well as a token of your love. How precious it is to me.
Today I have worked on Hogarth and your image has been present all the time: every word is dedicated to you. I have helped you to paint. You have given me the motive to write prose and, I need not say you are the very substance of my poetry. I must tell you that basic is my love for you is recognition of what poet means to you: your personality has possessed me amazingly, even to the point of communicating your distaste of the town. My pastoral poem showed that half - consciously before the rest me understood. We are integrated in artistic creations which come from such deep
WINNER - 65435572 - yuripuppies
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
4th October 8.30
My dearest love,
It is an eternity since I talked to you, though the clock
puts it at nine and a half hours ago. Love does not make
the kind of time that clocks can tell us about. Therefore
I must write : my hand is weighted by all I want to write
but which I can only speak and, better, reveal by action.
I shall resist tonight the fierce desire I have to ring you -
just to wish you 'sleep well' and to hear your voice for
a moment. That would be wonderful but I will hold
back for your sake.
Be assured of my love, Sylvia. I long for you and
the chance to prove in so many ways what my love means.
How beautiful you are : I know you will say that you are
'battered' now but, remember, your beauty makes my
heart beat faster. When I hold your locket to the
light the stones glow a dark-red like fire. It is an emblem
of my longing as well as a token of your love. How precious
it is to me.
Today I have worked on Mozarts and your image has
been present all the time : every word is dedicated to you.
I have helped you to paint. You have given me the nature to
write prose and, I need not say; you are the very sub-
stance of my poetry. I must tell you that basic in my
love for you is recognition of what Pett means to you :
your personality has possessed me amazingly, even to
the point of communicating your distaste of the town. My
pastoral poem showed that half-consciously be-
fore the rest of me understood. We are integrated in
each other's artistic creations which come from such deep
65440907 - ChamboPip
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
4th October 8.30
My dearest love,
It is an eternity since I talked to you, though the clock
puts it at nine and half hours ago. Love does not make
the kind of time that clocks can tell us about. Therefore
I must write: my hand is weighted by all I want to write
but which I can only speak and, better, reveal by action.
I shall resist tonight the fierce desire I have to ring you-
just to wish you 'sleep well' and to hear your voice for
a moment. That would be wonderful but I will hold
back for your sake.
Be assured of my love, Sylvia. I long for you and
the chance to prove in so many ways what my love means.
How beautiful you are: I know you will say that you are
'battered' raw but, remember, your beauty makes my
heart beat faster. When I hold your locket to the
light the stones glow a dark-red like fire. It is an emblem
of my longing as well as a token of your love. How precious
it is to me.
today I have worked on Mogarts and your image has
been present all the time: every work is dedicated to you.
I have helped to paint. You have given me the incentive to
write proce and, I need not say, you are the very sub-
stance of my poetry. I must tell you that basic in my
love for you is recognition of what Pett means to you:
the point of communicating your distate of the town. My
pastoral poem showed half-conciously he-
fare the rest of me understood. We are integrated in
each others' artistic creations which come from such deep