- Max. dissimilarity: 0.177
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.105
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65303651 - NVarellas
- 65309990 - not-logged-in-a735ac0d1b14c41577ea
- WINNER - 65316928 - kanjoku
- 65329893 - not-logged-in-aca499dd64fc3639793a
- 65339350 - Bethbeth

65303651 - NVarellas
parts of our nature. It means so much to me that our love includes this: could we wish a happier omen? This is a list more than a letter - it is an attempt to show how my mind works when we are apart, never leaving you. My intelligence endorses my love though it cannot assuage the strain I feel as well as you and Michael feel. It is time to go to bed now. I shall write again tomorrow. I love you.5th October 12.15
You have phoned me. Oh what it means to hear your voice, even though your news is unsettling. Remember, my dearest, that you have admitted me so far into your future plans. It is so important to me. I know that absence works in part against me and I pity greatly your divided role. But think of the future enough to prevent yourself being completely at the mercy of Michael's decision. You have all my love, all my energy, ALL my hope. Hope was, at least, born in your present agony which must soon diminish. Oh my dearest Sylvia, I love you. I must see you to talk soon. I shall phone you, as you said I might, after lunch.
I love you, I love you.
I want you to have this, incomplete as it is, it is a sign of my loving you. I must rush to the post now I have your permission to sent letters. I love you. L
65309990 - not-logged-in-a735ac0d1b14c41577ea
parts of our nature. It means so much to me that our love includes this: could we wish a happier omen?This is a bit more than a letter - it is an attempt to show how my mind works when we are apart, never leaving you. My intelligence enhanses my love though it cannot assuage the strain I feel as well as you and Michael feel. It is time to go to bed now. I shall write again tomorrow. I love you.
5th October 12.15.
You have phoned me. as what it means to hear your voice, even though your news is unsettling. Remember, my dearest, that you have admitted me so far into your future plans. It is so important to me. I know that absence works in part against me and I pity greatly your divided role. But think of the future enough to prevent yourself being completely at the mercy of Michael's decision. You have all my love, all my energy. All my hope. Hope was, at last, born in your present agony which must soon diminish. Oh my dearest Sylvia, I love you. I must see you to talk soon. I shall phone you, as you said I might, after lunch.
I love you, I love you.
I want you to have this, incomplete as it is, it is a sign of my loving you. I must to the post now I have your permission to send letters. I love you.
WINNER - 65316928 - kanjoku
parts of our nature. It means so much to me that our love includes this: could we wish a happier omen?This is a bit more than a letter - it is an attempt to show how my mind works when we are apart, never leaving you. My intelligence endures my love though it cannot assuage the strain I feel as well on you and Michael feel. It is time to go to bed now. I shall write again tomorrow. I love you.
5th October 12:15
You have phoned me, oh what it means to hear your voice, even though your news is unsettling. Remember, my dearest, that you have admitted me so far into your future plans. It is so important to me. I know that absence works in part against me and I pity greatly your divided role. But think of the future enough to prevent yourself being completely at the mercy of Michael's decision. You have all my love, all my energy. All my hope. Hope was, at last, born in your present agony which must soon diminish. Oh my dearest Sylvia, I love you. I must see you to talk soon. I shall phone you, as you said I might, after lunch.
I love you, I love you.
I want you to have this, incomplete as it is, it is a sign of my loving you. I must rush to the post now I have your permission to send letters. I love you.
65329893 - not-logged-in-aca499dd64fc3639793a
parts of our nature. It means so much to me that our love includes this: could we wish a happier omen?This is a bit more than a letter - it is an attempt to show how my mind works when we are apart, never leaving you. My intelligence en?my love though it cannon assuage the strain I feel as well as you and Michael feel. It is time to go to bed now. I shall write again tomorrow. I love you.
5th October 12.15
You have phoned me. Oh what it means to hear your voice, even though your news is unsettling. Remember, my dearest, that you have admitted me so far into your future plans. It is so important to me. I know that absence works in part against me and I pity greatly your divided r^ole. But think of the future enough to prevent yourself being completely at the mercy of Michael's decision. You have all my love, all my energy. All my hope (underlined). Hope we, at least, born in your present agony which must soon diminish. Oh my dearest, Eylina, I love you. I must see you to talk soon. I shall phone you, as you said I might after lunch.
I love you, I love you.
I want you to have this, incomplete as it is, it is a sign of my loving you. I must rush to the post now I have your permission to send letters (to write crossed out). I love you.
65339350 - Bethbeth
parts of our nature. It means so much to me that out love includes this: could we wish a happier omen?This is a bit more than a letter - it is an attempt to show how my mind works when we are apart, never leaving you. My intelligence endorses my love though it cannot assuage the strain I feel as well as you and Michael fee. It is time for you to go to bed now. I shall write again tomorrow. I love you.
5th October 12.15.
You have phoned me. what it means to hear your voice, even though your news is unsettling. Remember, my dearest, that you have admitted me so far into your future plans. It is so important to me. I know that absence works in part against me and I pity greatly your divided role. But think of the future enough to prevent yourself being completely at the mercy of Michael's decision. You have all my love, all my energy. All my hope. Hope was, at last, born in your present agony which must soon diminish. Oh my dearest Sylvia, I love you. I must see you to soon. I shall phone you, as you said I might, after lunch.
I love you, I love you.
I want your to have this, incomplete as it is, it is a sign of my loving you. I must rush to the post now I have your remission to write. I love you.
send letters