- Max. dissimilarity: 0.125
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.084
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65453738 - not-logged-in-f1a3afd6d36877f6f5b9
- 65519045 - najjernick
- 65647911 - not-logged-in-9aa71deff6ad00fe4135
- 65650128 - ChrisMM76
- WINNER - 65814142 - Pandanglish
- 65950060 - Astrolunos

65453738 - not-logged-in-f1a3afd6d36877f6f5b9
11 Mansel Road,Wimbledon
24th January 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
We said on the phone that 'heads' were working against your heart at Pett. Thinking it over I am not so sure. I think reason is on our side as well as passion. If you were not to come now doubt and frustration would cling forever to what remained of our love. It is I think reasonable to come to me for three months. If compromises are to be made they ought to come after that - not before. I want the chance to make you happy, free ENTIRELY from Michael, the associations of Pett, Tiny's projected guild, and so on. I know it will be difficult for Michael but it was difficult for you for a long time. You say in your letter he can't understand 'why I should leave him'. Good Heavens, what more does he have to do to you? I should have thought he had done more than enough against you and against Eros.
If you will come I ask one more thing. Do not, if you can help it, come with the mental reservation of a compromise being reached soon. Try whole-heartedly for not less than three-months to be with me. Please, do this, sweetheart. I love you so deeply. Come to Blackheath and come soon.
65519045 - najjernick
11 Marsel RoadWimbledon
24Th. january 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
We said on the phone that 'heads' were working against your heart at Fett. Thinking it over I am not so sure. I think reason is on our side as well as passion. if you were not to come now doubt and frustration would cling forever to what remained of our love. It is I think reasonable to come to me for three months. If compromises are to be made they ought to be made after that - not before. I want the chance to make you happy, free ENTIRELY from Michael, the associations of Pett, Tiny's projected guilt, and so on. I know it will be difficult for MICHAEL but it was difficult for you for a long time. You say in your letter he can't understand 'why I should leave him'. I should have thought he had done more than enough against you and against Ercs.
If you will come I ask one more thing. Do not, if you can help it, come with the mental reservation of a compromise being reached soon. try whole-heartedly for not less than three-months to be with me. Please do this dearest. I love you so deeply. Come to Blackheath and come soon.
65647911 - not-logged-in-9aa71deff6ad00fe4135
11 Mansel Road,Wimbledon
24th January 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
We said on the phone that 'heads' were working a-
gainst your heart at Pett. Thinking it over I am not
so sure. I think reason is on our side as well as pas-
sion. If you were not to come now doubt and frustration
would cling forever to what remained of our love. It is
I think reasonable to come to me for three months. If
not before. I want the chance to make you happy, free
ENTIRELY from Michael, the associations of Pett, Tiny's
projected guilt, and so on. I know it will be diffi-
cult for Michael but it was difficult for you for a long
time. You say in your letter he can't understand 'why
I should leave him'. Good Heavens, what more does he
have to do to you? I should have thought he had done
more than enough against you and against Eros.
If you will come I ask one more thing. Do not, if
you can help it, come with the mental reservation of
a compromise being reached soon. Try whole-heartedly
for not less than three-months to be with me. Please,
do this, dearest. I love you so deeply. Come to
Blackheath and come soon.
65650128 - ChrisMM76
11 Mansel Road,Wimbledon
24th January 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
We said on the phone that 'heads' were working a-
gainst your heart at Pett. Thinking it over I am not
so sure. I think reason is on our side as wee as pas-
sion. If you were to not come now doubt and frustration
would cling forever to what remained of our love. It is
I think reasonable to come to me for three months. If
compromises are to be made they ought to come after that -
not before. I want the change to make you happy, free
ENTIRELY from Michael, the associations of Pett, Tiny's
projected guilt, and so on. I know it will be diffi-
cult for Michael but it was difficult for you for a long
time. You say in your letter he can't understand 'why
I should leave him'. Good Heavens, what more does he
have to do to you? I should have thought he had done
more that enough against you and against Eros.
If you will come I ask one more thing. Do not, if
you can help it, come with the mental reservation of
a compromise being reached soon. Try whole-heartedly
for not less than three-months to be with me. Please,
do this, dearest. I love you so deeply. Come to
Blackheath and come soon.
WINNER - 65814142 - Pandanglish
11 Mansel Road,Wimbledon
24th January 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
We said on the phone that 'heads' were working a-
gainst your heart at Pett. Thinking it was over I am not
so sure. I think reason is on our side as well as pas-
sion. f you were not to come now doubt and frustration
would cling forever to what remained of our love. It is
I think reasonable to come to me for three months. If
compromises are to be made they ought to come after that -
not before. I want the change to make you happy, free
ENTIRELY from Michael, and the associations of Pett, Tiny's
projected guilt, and so on. I know it will be diffi-
cult for Michael but it was difficult for you for a long
time. You say in your letter he can't understand 'why
I should leave him'. Good Heavens, what more does he
have to do to you? I should have thought he had done
more than enough against you and against Eros.
If you will come I ask one more thing. Do not, if
you can help it, come with the mental reservation of
a compromise being reached soon. Try whole-heartedly
for not less than three-months to be with me. Please,
do this, dearest. I love you so deeply. Come to
Blackheath and come soon.
65950060 - Astrolunos
11 Mansel Road,Wimbledon
24th January 1969
Dearest Sylvia,
We said on the phone that 'heads' were working a-
gainst your heart at Pett. Thinking it over I am not so sure. I think reason is on our side as well as pas-
sion. If you were not to come now doubt and frustration would cling forever to what remained of our love. It is I think reasonable to come to me for three months. If compromises are to be made they ought to come after that - not before. I want the chance to make you happy, free ENTIRELY from Michael, the associations of Pett, Tiny's projected guilt, and so on. I know it will be diffi-
cult for Michael but it was difficult for you for a long time. You say in your letter he can't understand 'why I should leave him'. Good Heavens, what more does he have to do to you? I should have thought he had done more than enough against you and against Eros.
If you will come I ask one more time. Do not, if you can help it, come with the mental reservation of a compromise being reached soon. Try whole-heartedly for not less than three-months to be with me. Please, do this, dearest. I love you so deeply. Come to Blackheath and come soon.