- Max. dissimilarity: 0.08
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.032
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65498350 - tmeconverse
- 65504552 - vanderfb
- 65510690 - writerchick88
- 65635454 - WiltedLotus
- 65646948 - LindaK0412
- 65717433 - Zunie2010

WINNER - 65498350 - tmeconverse
John Skipp rang up this morning and told me that Sherwood had been in to see him and is delighted with my work at Bilston. Skipp wants me to do more lecturing for him - at St. Albans and Skegness among other places. I'm inclined not to. What do you think?Molly rang up too and was surprised I was not at Blackheath yet. She said I was to go there at once - what would Sylvia think of my delay. So I shall go on Thursday.
Also Gainsborough rang up and wants me to review an interesting sounding exhibition at Rowland, Browse, & D.
My other news is simply and directly that I love you, long for you, and implore you for action, not this Hamlet-like pattern of conflicting motives. Act for love and for your Dandylion, please, please, my Dearest. i will look after you and I love you.
65504552 - vanderfb
John Skipp rang up this morning and told me that Sherwood had been in to see him and is delighted with my work at Bilston. Skipp wants me to do more lecturing for him - at St. Albans and Skegness among other places. I'm inclined not to. What do you think?Molly rang up too and was surprised I was not at Blackheath yet. She said I was to go there at once - what would Sylvia think of my delay. So I shall go on Thursday.
Also Gainsborough rang up and wants me to review an interesting sounding exhibition at Rowland, Browse, & D.
My other news is simply and directly that I love you, long for you, and implore you for action, not this Hamlet-like pattern of conflicting motives. Act for love and for your Dandylion, please, please my Dearest. I will look after you and I love you.
65510690 - writerchick88
John Skipp rang up this morning and told me that Sherwood had been in to see him and is delighted with my work at Bilston. Skipp wants me to do more lect-uring for him - at St. Albans and Skegness among o-ther places. I'm inclined not to. What do you think?Molly rang up too and was surprised I was not to Blackheath yet. She said I was to go there at once- what would Slyvia think of my delay. So I shall go on Thursday.
Also Gainsborough rang up and wants me to review an interesting sounding exhibition at Rowland, Browse, & D.
My other new is simply and directly that I love you, long for you, and implore you for action, not this Ham-let-like pattern for conflicting motives. Act for love and for your Dandylion, please, please, my Dearest. I will look after you and I love you.
65635454 - WiltedLotus
John Skipp rang up this morning and told me that Sherwood had been in to see him and is delighted with my work at Bilston. Skipp wants me to do more lecturing for him - at St. Albans and Skegness among o-ther places. I'm inclined not to. What do you think?Molly rang up too and was surprised I was not at Blackheath yet. She said I was to go there at once - what would Sylvia think of my delay. So I shall go on Thursday.
Also Gainsborough rang up and wants me to review an interesting sounding exhibition at Rowland, Browse, & D.
My other news is simply and directly that I love you, long for you, and implore you for action, not this Ham-let-like pattern of conflicting motives. Act for love and for your Dandylion, please, please, my Dearest. I will look after you and I love you.
65646948 - LindaK0412
John Skipp rung up this morning and told me thatSherwood had been in to see him and is delighted with
my work at Bilston. Skip wants me to do more lect-
uring for him - at St. Albans and Skegness among o-
ther places. I'm inclined not to. What do you think?
Molly rang up too and was surprised I was not at
Blackheath yet. She said I was to go there at once -
what would Sylvia think of my delay. So I shall go
on Thursday.
Also Gainsborough rang up and wants me to review an
interesting sounding exhibition at Rowland, Browse, & D.
My other news is simply and directly that I love you,
long for you, and implore you for action, not this Ham-
let-like pattern of conflicting motives. Act for love
and for your Dandylion, please, please, my Dearest. I
will look after you and I love you.
65717433 - Zunie2010
John Skipp rang up this morning and told me that Sherwood had been in to see him and is delighted with my work at Bilston. Skipp wants me to do more lecturing for him - at St. Albans and Skegness among o-ther places. I'm inclined not to. What do you think?Molly rang up and was surprised I was not at Blackheath yet. She said I was to go there at once - what would Sylvia think of my delay. So I shall go on Thursday.
Also Gainsborough rang up and wants to review an interesting sounding exhibition at Rowland, Browse, & D.
My other news is simply and directly that
I love you, long for you, and implore you for action, not this Ham-let-like pattern of conflicting motives. Act for love and for your Dandylion, please, please, my Dearest. I will look after you and I love you.