- Max. dissimilarity: 0.118
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.067
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65471209 - not-logged-in-c9b2c93efc284b846cb0
- 65494799 - mcook76
- 65613511 - vanderfb
- 65749422 - altheist
- WINNER - 65856520 - evanstonsherry

65471209 - not-logged-in-c9b2c93efc284b846cb0
On a pagodaThe chimera
Eats the moon
In a baloon
Monkeys rise
Above the level
Of the tour Eiffel
Chinese ladies
Raise umbrellas
And Apollo's
Crimson horses
Cross the sky
O who enslaved
The crimson rose
Among this net
Of doves and gloves
Pearls and masks
Sickles and pears
Conjoring tricks
By monkeys made
Bells on their tails
Agile serpents
Ripe and supple
Hunt for apples
Like baskets
Marble ribbands
Hold a scrole
Conceits of joy
The wit of love
Symbols of
Loving conduct
In congeries
Of imagery
Here are two swans
Silent as a dream
Antigione is being heavily booked and queued for but I saw the old woman who sells the gallery stools yesterday and if I tell her when I want two tickets for the gallery she will reserve them for us. Otherwise people queue at four in the morning. She remembers me from the ballet days - hence this good fortune.
Off to the B.M. today. Ho, hum!
I hope you are well. Dearest I love you
I love you
65494799 - mcook76
On a pagoda The chimera Eats the moon In a baloon Monkeys rise Above the level Of the tour Eiffel Chinese ladies Raise umbrellas and Apollo's Crimson horses Cross the sky O who enslaved The crimson rose Among this net Of doves and gloves Pearls and masks Sickles and pears Conjoring tricks By monkeys made Bells on their tails Agile serpents Ripe and supple Hunt for apples Interwound Like baskets Marble ribbands Hold a scrole Conceits of joy The wit of love Symbols of Loving conduct In congeries Of imagery Here are two swans Silent as a dreamAntigione is being heavily booked and queued for but I saw the old woman who sells the gallery stools yesterday and if I tell her when I want two tickets for the gallery she will re-serve them for us. Otherwise people queue at four in the morning. She remembers me from the ballet days - hence this good fortune. Off to the B.M. today. Ho, hum! I hope you are well. Dearest I love you I love you Lawrence This terribly important envelope is the only one I have. L
65613511 - vanderfb
On a pagodaThe chimera
Eats the moon
In a balloon
Monkeys rise
Above the level
Of the tour Eiffel
Chinese ladies
Raise umbrellas
And Apollo's
Crimson horses
Cross the sky
O who enslaved
The crimson rose
Among this net
Of doves and gloves
Pearls and masks
Sickles and pears
Conjouring tricks
By monkeys made
Bells on their tails
Agile serpents
Ripe and supple
Hunt for apples
Like baskets
Marble ribbands
Hold a scrole
Conceits of joy
The wit of love
Symbols of
Loving conduct
In congeries
Of imagery
Here are the two swans
Silent as a dream
Antigone is being heavily booked and queued for but I saw the old woman who sells the gallery stools yesterday and if I tell her when I want two tickets for the gallery she will reserve them for us. Otherwise people queue at four in the morning. She remembers me from the ballet days - hence this good fortune.
Off to the B.M. today. Ho, hum!
I hope you are well. Dearest I love you
I love you
This terribly important envelope is the only one I have
65749422 - altheist
On a pagodaThe chimera
Eats the moon
In a balloon
Monkeys rise
Above the level
Of the tour Eiffel
Chinese ladies
Raise umbrellas
And Apollo's
Crimson horses
Cross the sky
O who enslaved
The crimson rose
Among this net
Of doves and gloves
Pearls and masks
Sickles and pears
Conjuring tricks
By monkeys made
Bells on their tails
Agile serpents
Ripe and supple
Hunt for apples
Like baskets
Marble ribbands
Hold a scroll
Conceits of joy
The wit of love
Symbols of
Loving conduct
In congeries
Of imagery
Here are two swans
Silent as a dream
Antigione is being heavily booked and queued for but I saw the old woman who sells the gallery stools yesterday and if I tell her when I want two tickets for the gallery she will reserve them for us. Otherwise people queue at four in the morning. She remembers me from the ballet days - hence this good fortune.
Off to the B.M. today. Ho, hum!
I love you,
This terribly important envelope is the only one I have. L.
On a pagodaThe chimera
Eats the moon
Monkeys rise
About the level
Of the tour Eiffel
Chinese ladies
Raise umbrellas
and Apollo's
Crimson horse
Cross the sky
O who enslaved
The crimson rose
Among this net
Of doves and gloves
Pearls and masks
Sickles and pears
Conjouring tricks
By monkeys made
Bells on their tails
Agile serpents
Ripe and supple
Hunt for apples
Like baskets
Marble ribbands
Hold a scrole
Conciets of joy
The wit of love
Symbols of
Loving conduct
In congeries
Of imagery
Here are two swans
Silent as a dream
Antigione is being heavily booked and queued for but I saw
the old woman who sells the gallery stools yesterday and if I
tell her when I want two tickets for the gallery she will re-
serve them for us. Otherwise people will queue at four in the morning. She remembers me from the baller days - hence this
good fortune.
Off to the B.M. Today. Ho, hum!
I hope you are well. Dearest I love you.
I love you lawrence
This terribly important envelope is the only one I have. L
WINNER - 65856520 - evanstonsherry
On a pagodaThe chimera
Eats the moon
In a balloon
Monkeys rise
Above the level
Of the tour Eiffel
Chinese ladies
Raise umbrellas
And Apollo's
Crimson horses
Cross the sky
O who enslaved
The crimson rose
Among this net
Of doves and gloves
Pearls and masks
Sickles and pears
Conjouring tricks
By monkeys made
Bells on their tails
Agile serpents
Ripe and supple
Hunt for apples
Like baskets
Marble ribbands
Hold a scrole
Conceits of joy
The wit of love
Symbols of
Loving conduct
In congeries
Of imagery
Here are two swans
Silent as a dream
Antigione is being heavily booked and queued for but I saw
the old woman who sells the gallery stools yesterday and if I
tell her when I want two tickets for the gallery she will re-
serve them for us. Otherwise people queue at four in the
morning. She remembers me from the ballet days - hence this
good fortune.
Off to the B. M. today. Ho, hum!
I hope your are well. Dearest I love you
I love you
This terribly important envelope is the only one I have.