- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.33
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65462079 - amcorbin
- WINNER - 65474114 - not-logged-in-d1adead91886384ef756
- 65486225 - not-logged-in-0b21026b91568e40a86b
- 65508131 - not-logged-in-129402a1804e88f4a088
- 65572232 - Mel492
- 65578611 - not-logged-in-2fb3a1b9d8457666d352
- 65693722 - Mel492

65462079 - amcorbin
-2-The poet can divine
The complicated origin
Or love and feeling,
Its convoluted path
Below the lawn or tangle,
And with an image signal
The spring behind the flower.
Dearest love, you are always
in my thoughts. A wonderful fel-
icity has occured: cassoni have
been placed under the four Venonese
pictures in the N.G. This, to a
poet, reveals the hand of his muse
in exquisite symbolism.
How I love you, Silvia,
WINNER - 65474114 - not-logged-in-d1adead91886384ef756
-2-The poet can divine
The complicated origin
Or love and feeling,
Its convoluted path
Below the lawn or tangle,
And with an image signal
The spring behind the flower.
Dearest love, you are always in my thoughts. A wonderful felicity has occured: cassoni have been placed under the four Venonese pictures in the N.G. This, to a poet, reveals the hand of his muse in exquisite symbolism.
How I love you, Sylvia.
65486225 - not-logged-in-0b21026b91568e40a86b
-2-The poet can divine
The complicated origin
Or love and feeling
Its convoluted path
Below the lawn or tangle,
And with an image signal
The spring behind the flower.
9. II. 1949
Dearest love, you are always in my thoughts. A wonderful felicity has occurred: cassoni have been placed under the four Venonese pictures in the N.G. This, to a poet, reveals the hand of his muse in exquisite symbolism.
How I love you, Sylvia,
65508131 - not-logged-in-129402a1804e88f4a088
The poet can divineThe complicated origin
Or love and feeling,
Its convoluted path
Below the lawn or tangle,
And with an image signal
The spring behind the flower.
Dearest love, you are always in my thoughts. A wonderful fel-icity has occured: cassoni have been placed under the four Venonese pictures in the N.G. This, to a poet, reveals the hand of his muse in exquisit symbolism.
How I love you, Sylvia,
65572232 - Mel492
2The poet can divine
The complicated origin
Or love and feeling,
It's convoluted path
Below the lawn or tangle,
And with an image signal
The spring behind the flower.
Dearest love, you are always
in my thoughts. A wonderful fel-
icity has occurred: cassoni have
been placed under the four Venonese
pictures in the N.G. This, to a
poet, reveals the hand of his muse
in exquisite symbolism.
How I love you, Sylvia,
65578611 - not-logged-in-2fb3a1b9d8457666d352
The poet can divineThe complicated origin
Or love and feeling,
Its convoluted path
Below the lawn or tangle,
And with an image signal
The spring behind the flower.
Dearest love, you are always in my thoughts. A wonderful felicity has occurred: cassoni have been placed under the four Venonese pictures in the N.G. This, to a poet, revels the hand of his muse in exquisite symbolism.
How I love you, Sylvia,
65693722 - Mel492