- Max. dissimilarity: 0.167
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.1
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65474267 - not-logged-in-e3e1ef5853104ce68015
- 65665055 - nathanield
- 65723011 - Astro_scoutleader
- 65739864 - srasg56
- 65743031 - mikethebike2
- WINNER - 65767081 - kecharaan
- 65833232 - Bambina41

65474267 - not-logged-in-e3e1ef5853104ce68015
9th February 1949 B.M. North Library.Dearest Sylvia =
I have got Mrs. Behn's novel as I hoped so if you
are interested we will read it together. I am quite
tempted to start already - but I shan't. I have more
than enough to read as it is. I feel at the moment
as you do when the Horizon, Listener, New States-
man, etc, pile up unread.
Do you know yet which day you will come? I
imagine it would be best to come on Monday or
Tuesday. We shall be late on Wednesday owing
to Machiavelli at the Mercury and I don't want
you to travel the same day as that.
I hope to have our poem in a fairly good state
when you come and then I want you to make your
suggestions for I want the poem to represent us
both. If it does not do that I have failed. As
the titles of the parts show the lovers speak independ-
antly and then listen together to Love's Advice and
Comments. The wishes of the bridegroom must be answered & the wishes of the bride.
65665055 - nathanield
9th February 1949 B.M. North Library.Dearest Sylvia -
I have got Mrs. Behn's novel as I hoped so if you
are interested we will read it together. I am quite
tempted to start already - but I shan't. I have more
than enough to read as it is. I feel at the moment
as you do when the Morison, Listeners, New States-
man, &c. pile up unread.
Do you know yet which day you will come? I
imagine it would be best to come on Monday or
Tuesday. We shall be late on Wednesday, owing
to Mochianelli at the Mercury and I don't want
you to travel the same day as that.
I hope to have our poem in a fairly good state
when you come and then I want you to make your
suggestions for I want the room to represent us
both. If it does not do that I have failed. As
the cities of the past show the lovers speak independ-
antly and then listen together to Love's Advice and
comments. The wishes of the bridegroom must be
answered & the wishes of the bride.
65723011 - Astro_scoutleader
9th February 1949B.M. North Library
Dearest Sylvia -
I have got Mrs. Behn's novel as I hoped so if you are interested we will read it together. I am quite tempted to start already - but I shan't. I have more than enough to read as it is. I feel at the moment
as you do when the Horizon, Listener, New States-man, &c. pile up unread.
Do you know yet which day you will come? I
imagine it would best to come on Monday or
Tuesday. We shall be late on Wednesday owing
to Machiavelli at the Mercury and I don't want
you to travel the same day as that.
I hope to have our poem in a fairly good state
when you come and then I want you to make your
suggestions for I want the poem to represent us
both. If it does not do that I have failed. As
the titles of the parts show the lovers speak independ-
antly and then listen together to Love's Advice and
comments. The wishes of the bridegroom must be
answered & the wishes of the bride.
65739864 - srasg56
9th February 1949 B.M. North LibraryDearest Sylvia
I have got Mrs. Behn's novel as I hoped so if you
are interested we will read it together. I am quite
tempted to start already - but I shan't. I have more
than enough to read as it is. I feel at the moment
as you do when the Horizon, Listeners, New States-
man, &c. pile up unread.
Do you know yet which day you will come? I
imagine it would be best to come on Monday or
Tuesday. We shall be late on Wednesday owing
to Machiavelli at the Mercury and I don't want
you to travel the same day as that.
I hope to have our poem in a fairly good state
when you come and then I want you to make your
suggestions for I want the poem to represent us
both. If it does not do that I have failed. As
the titles of the parts show the lovers speak independ-
ently and then listen together to Love's Advice and
comments. The wishes of the bridegroom must be
answered by the wishes of the bride.
65743031 - mikethebike2
9th February 1949 B.M. North Library. Dearest Sylvia - I have got Mrs. Behn's novel as I hoped so if you are interested we will read it together. I am quite tempted to start already - but I shrift. I have more than enough to read as it is. I feel at the moment as you do when all Marigon, listeners, New States-men, etc. pile up unread. Do you know yet which day you will come? I imagine it would be best to come on Monday or Tuesday. We shall be late on Wednesday owing to Machiavelli at the Mercury and I don't want you to travel the same day as that. I hope to have our poem in a fairly good state when you come and then I want you to make your suggestions for I want the poem to represent us both. If it does not do that I have failed. As the title of the parts show the lovers speak independently and then listens together to love's advice and comments. The wishes of the bridegroom must be answered if the wishes of the bride.WINNER - 65767081 - kecharaan
9th February 1949 B.M. North LibraryDearest Sylvia-
I have got Mrs. Behn's novel as I hoped so if you
are interested we will read it together. I am quite
tempted to start already- but I shan't. I have more
than enough to read as it is. I feel at the moment
as you do when the Horizon, Listeners, New States-
men, &c pile up unread.
Do you know yet which day you will come? I
imagine it would be best to come on Monday or
Tuesday. We shall be late on Wednesday owing
to Machiavelli at the Mercury and I don't want
you to travel the same day as that.
I hope to have our poem in a fairly good state
when you come and then I want you to make your
suggestions for I want the poem to represent us
both. If it does not do that I have failed. As
the titles of the parts show the lovers speak independ-
antly and then listen together to Love's Advice and
Comments. The wishes of the bridegroom must be
answered by the wishes of the bride.
65833232 - Bambina41
9th February 1949 B.M. North LibraryDearest Sylvia-
I have got Mrs. Belru's novel as I hoped so if you are interested we will read it together. I am quite tempted to start already-but I shan't. I have more than enough to read as it is. I feel at the moment as you do when you see Harison, listeners, New States-men, &c. pile up unread.
Do you know yet which day you will come? I imagine it would be best to come on Monday or Tuesday. We shall be late on Wednesday owing to Machiavelli all tee Mercury and I don't want to travel the same day as that.
I hope to have our poem in a fairly good state when you come and then I want you to make your suggestion for I want the poem to represent us both. If it does not do that I have failed. As the titles of the parts show the lovers speak independently and then listen together to lovers advice and comments. The wishes of the bridegroom must be answered as the wishes of the bride.