- Max. dissimilarity: 0.223
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.14
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65524906 - SREM
- 65543048 - PenguinCo.
- 65555629 - not-logged-in-7559aa3934289719a3bf
- 65618591 - xuelee
- WINNER - 65625811 - srasg56
- 65666707 - k.h.pot

65524906 - SREM
I have got another school lecture - on Saturday morning at 11:30. I am to talk about the Italians - I am sure you can guess the ones I shall choose. I think I will try and do what Rosenau told me she did recently - take the theme of triumph and show how the artists have handled it.I await news of your composition - is it an 'Historical Picture'? - with great excitement. The promise of a shelter pleases me enormously - but if you don't have time I shall understand.
I have been reading Joan Evans' Taste and Temperament and have decided that there are 5 psychological types; quick introvert, quick extrovert, slow intro., slow extra., and ME. I seem to fit none of her pigeon holes!
Now I am off to buy my socks.
I hope you are well, and not too busy and I hope absence is not separating us much. I long to meet you...Sylvia - I love you Lawrence
65543048 - PenguinCo.
I have got another school lecture - on Saturday morning at 11:30. I am to talk about the Italians - I am sure you can guess the ones I shall choose. I think I will try & do what Rosemary told me she did recently - take the theme of Triumph and show how the artists have handled it.I await news of your composition - is it an 'Historical Picture'? - with great excitement. The promise of a sketch pleases me enormously - but if you don't have time I shall understand.
I have been reading Joan Evan's Taste & Temperament & have decided that there are 5 psychological types; Quick introvert, Quick extravert, slow introv., slow extra., and ME. I seem to fit in none of her pigeon holes!
Now I am off to buy my socks.
I hope you are well, and not too Quey, and I hope absence is not separating us much. I long to meet you... Sylvia - I love you
65555629 - not-logged-in-7559aa3934289719a3bf
I have got another school lecture - on Sat-uriah morning at 11:30. I am to talk about the
Italians - I am sure you can guess the one I shall choose. I think I will try to do what Pos-
ennui told me she did recently - take the theme
of triumph and show how the artist have handled
I await hews of your composition - is it an
'Historical Picture/? - with great excitement.
The promise of a sketch pleases me enormously
= but if you don't have time I shall understand.
I have been reading Joan Evan's Taste & Temperament & have decided that there are
5 psychological types; quiet introvert, quick
extravert, slow intro., slow extra., and ME.
I seem to fit more of her pigeon holes!
Now I am off to buy my socks.
I hope you a re well, and not too busy,
and I hope absence is not separating us much.
I long to meet you... Sylvie - I love you
65618591 - xuelee
I have got school lecture - on Saturday morning at 11.30. I am to talk about the Italians - I am sure you can guess the ones Ishall choose. I think I will try do what Ros-
eau told me she did recently - take the theme
of triumph and show how the articles have handled it.
I await news of your composition - is it on
"Historical Picture"? - with great excitement.
The promise of the sketch pleases me enormously
- but if you don't have time I shall understand.
I have been reading soon Evan's Taste &
Teperament & I have decided that there are
5 psychological types; Quick introvert, Quick extravert, slow intro., slow extra., and ME.
I seem to fit none of her pigeon holes!
Now I am off to buy my socks.
I hope you are well, and not too busy,
and I hope absence is not separating us much.
I long to meet you ... Sylvia - I love you
WINNER - 65625811 - srasg56
I have got another school lecture - on Sat-urday morning at 11.30. I am to talk about the
Italians - I am sure you can guess the ones I
shall choose. I think I will try & do what Ros-
enau told me she did recently - take the theme
of triumph and show how the artists have handled
I await news of your composition - is it an
'Historical Picture'? - with great excitement.
The promise of a sketch pleases me enormously
- but if you don't have time I shall understand.
I have been reading Joan Evan's Taste &
Temperament & have decided that there are
5 psychological types: Quick introvert, Quick extravert, slow intro., slow extro., and ME.
I seem to fit in none of her pigeon holes!
Now I am off to buy my socks.
I hope you are well, and not too busy,
and I hope absence is not separating us much.
I long to meet you ... Sylvia - I love you
65666707 - k.h.pot
I have got another school lecture - on Sat-urday morning at 11.30. I am to talk about the
Italians - I am sure you can guess the ones I
shall choose. I think I will try to do what Ros-
eman told me she did recently - take the theme
of triumph and show how the artists have handled
I await new of your composition - is it an
'Historical Picture'? - with great excitement.
The promise of a sketch please me enormously
- but if you don't have time I shall understand.
I have been reading Joan Evan's Taste &
Temperament & have decided that there are
5 psychological types; Quick introvert, Quick
extrovert, slow intro., slow extro., and ME.
I seem to fit none of her pigeon holes!
Now I am off to buy my socks.
I hope you are well, and not too busy,
and I hope absence is not separating us much.
I long to meet you ... Sylvia - I love you