- Max. dissimilarity: 0.227
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.13
- Image votes: 0.67
- 65459095 - beccathecliff
- WINNER - 65513599 - not-logged-in-b2f332268215a03322ce
- 65601587 - Lovage
- 65623853 - altheist
- 65665183 - k.h.pot
- 65678955 - AnneWorner

65459095 - beccathecliff
2What a shame that the daffodils have not turned
out well but I hope that your other pictures are
successful. How nice that you should paint my
'tomato' wall after all, though from another angle to
my attempt.
The company of us are very excited about the
dishes. We will prepare a vast store of sundries -
in all colours: Yawalla Hood shall serve them, and
Sylvia on Lionel Chat's right hand shall eat half of
them from our new plates while Lionel and Dandylion
share the other half. Perhaps a crumb for Yawalla
if he is good enough. It is a feast I look forward to.
It is eleven by my wrist-watch - the one which
baffles you. Where are you exactly I wonder? I am
sitting in a great wicker chair in the garden, the sun
drying the ink as I write, and warming me deliciously.
It is a magnificent day. I have already been for a
country walk, tracing the course of an ancient
earth-works very near to this house.
This is to be arrived at, some say, by a syn-
thesis of all opinions. Putting all my informants
together then it is a Celtic-Saxon-Roman earth
works I have explored. One person tells me they
have even found mosacks (SIC) there, "you know -
MOSACKS used in floors..." It is overgrown for the
most part but areas have been cleared and there the firm undulation can be seen. Occasionally a
wire fence insolently crosses it: here a tree has fallen, tearing up most of the banks. In the distance
This is a
drawing of
P's waist
be on
P. 3
WINNER - 65513599 - not-logged-in-b2f332268215a03322ce
2What a shame that the daffodils have not turned out well but I hope that your other pictures are successful. How nice that you should paint my 'tomato' wall after all, though from another angle to my attempt.
The company of us are very excited about the dishes. We will prepare a vast store of sundries - in all colors: Lavalla Hood shall serve them, Sylvia on lionel chat's right hand shall eat half of them from our new plates while lionel & Dandylion share the other half. Perhaps a crumb for Lavalla if he is good enough. It is a feast I look forward to.
It is eleven by my wrist-watch - the one which baffles you. Where are you exactly I wonder? I am sitting in a great wicker chair in the garden, the sun drying the ink as I write, and warming me deliciously. It is a magnificent day. I have already been for a country walk, tracing the course of an ancient earth-works very near to this house.
Truth is to be arrived at, some say, by a synthesis of all opinions. Putting all my informants together then it is a celtic seascon- Roman earthworks I have explored. One person tells me they have even found mosacks (sic) there. "You know - mosacks used in floors..." It is overgrown for the most part but areas have been cleared and there the firm undulation can be seen. Occasionally a wire fence insolently crosses it: here a tree has fallen, tearing up part of the bank. In the distance
This is a drawing of P's waist line & should be on p.3
65601587 - Lovage
2What a shame that the daffodils have not turned
out well but I hope that your atlas pictures are
successful. How nice that you should paint my
'tomato' wall after all, though from another angle to
my attempt.
The company of us are very excited about the
dishes. We will prepare a vast store of sardines? sundries? -
in all colours: Yawalla Hood shall serve them, &
Sylvia on Lionel Chat's right hand shall eat half of
them from our new plates while Lionel & Dandylion
share the other half. Perhaps a crumb for Yawalla
if he is good enough. It is a feast I look forward to.
It is eleven by my wrist-watch - the one which
baffles you. Where are you exactly I wonder? I am
sitting in great wicker chair in the garden, the sun
drying the ink as I write, and warming me deliciously.
It is a magnificent day. I have already been for a
country walk, tracing the course of an ancient
earth-works very neat to this house.
This is a drawing of P's waist line & ? be on p.3
Truth is to be arrived at. some day, by a syn-
thesis of all opinions. Putting all my informants
together then it is a Celtic-Saxon-Roman earth
works I have explored. One person tells me they
have found mosacks (sic) there, "You know - MOSACKS used in floors..." It is overgrown for the
vast part but areas have been cleared and there
firm undulation can be seen. Occasionally a
wire fence insolently crosses it: here a tree has
fallen, tearing up part of the bank. In the distance
65623853 - altheist
2What a shame that the daffodils have not turned out well but I hope that your atlas pictures are successful. How nice that you glazed paint my "tomato" wall after all, though from another angle is my attempt.
The company of us are very exited about the dishes. We will prepare a nact store of eurdrig - in all colours: Yawalla Hood shall serve them, & Sylvia on Lionel that's right hard shall eat half of them from our new plates while Lionel & Dandylion share the atlas half. Perhaps a crumb for Yawalla is he is good enough. It is a feast I look forward to.
It is eleven by my wrist-watch - the one which baffles you. Where you are exactly I wonder? I am sitting in a great wicker chair in the garden the sun drying the ink as I write, and warming my deliciously. It is a magnificent day. I have already been for a country walk, tracing the course of an ancient earth-wards very near to this house.
Truth is to be arrived at, some day, by a synthesis of all opinions. Putting all my informants together then it is a Celtic - Easeon - Roman earth wards I have explored. One person tell me they have even found mosacks (sic.) there. "You know - Mosacks used in floors..." I.C. is overgrown for the most part but areas have been cleaned and there the form undulation can be seen. Occasionally a wire fence instantly crosses it: here a tree has fallen, clearing up part of the banks. In the distance
(This is a drawing of P's waist line & should be M. P. 3)
65665183 - k.h.pot
2What a shame that the daffodils have not turned
out well but I hope that your other pictures are
successful. How nice that you should paint my
'tomato' wall after all, though from another angle is
my attempt.
The company of us are very excited about the
dishes. We will prepare a vast store of sundries -
in all colours: Yawalla Hood shall serve them, &
Sylvia on Lionel Chat's right hand shall eat half of
them from our new plates, while Lionel & Dandylion
share the other half. Perhaps a crumb for Yawalla
if he is good enough. It is a feast I look forward to.
It is eleven by my wrist-watch - the one which
baffles you. Where are you exactly I wonder? I am
sitting in a great wicker chair in the garden, the sun
drying the ink as I write, and warming me deliciously -
It is a magnificent day. I have already been for a
country walk, tracing the course of an ancient
earth-works very near to this house.
Truth is to be arrived at, some say, by a syn-
thesis of all opinions. Putting all my informants
together then it is a celtic - Saxon - Roman earth
works I have explored. One person tells me they
have even found mosacks (SIC) there. "You know -
MOSACKS used in floors ..." It is overgrown for the
most part but areas have been cleared and there the
firm undulation can be seen. Occasionally a
wire fence insolently crosses it: here a tree has
fallen, tearing up part of the bank. In the distance
This is a drawing of B's waist line Should be on P. 3
65678955 - AnneWorner
What a shame that the daffodils have not turnedout well but I hope that your other pictures are
successful. How nice that you should paint my
'tomato' wall after all, though from another angle to my attempt.
The company of us are very excited about the
dishes. We will prepare a vast store of sundrig -
in all colours: JawallaHood shall serve them, & Sylvia on Lionel Chat's right hand shall eat half of them from our new plates while Lionel & Dandylion share the other half. Perhaps a crumb for Jawalla if he is good enough. It is a feast I look forward to.
It is eleven by my wrist-watch - the one which
baffles you. Where are you exactly I wonder? I am
sitting in a great wicker chair in the garden, the sun
drying the ink as I write, and warming me deliciously. It is a magnificent day. I have already been for a country walk, tracing the course of the ancient earth-works very near to this house.
Truth is to be arrived at, some say, by a synthesis of all opinions. Putting all my informants together then it is a celtic - season - Rowan earthe works I have explored. On person tells me they have even found mosacks (sic) there. "You know MOSACKS used in floors..." It is overgrown for the most part but areas have been cleared and there the firm undulation can be seen. Occassionally a wire fence insolently crosses it: here a tree has fallen, tearing up part of the bank. In the distance
This is a drawing of P's waist live & should be on p.3