- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.335
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65491536 - WiltedLotus
- 65588344 - bubblesalwaysgopop
- 65597247 - Batfan
- 65659685 - ChrisMM76
- WINNER - 65685695 - SREM
- 65751189 - JanetCormack
- 65751239 - kecharaan

65491536 - WiltedLotus
3a tractor chugged petulantly and a small angular train - exuding virgin white smoke - ran along the valley, soundlessly, and disappeared beyond the mound of the barrow. Then I climbed up on the barrow and saw, in an adjoining field, a derelict tractor. I sat in the seat of it for some time and enjoyed the view and the warmth. I thought very poignantly of our country walks together.
Now, as I say, I am sitting in the dazzling sun to write to you. Sylvia, I love you.
Good heavens, yes, cold cream is what I should have got! Well, vanishing cream lives up to its name so I shall soon have to get some cold cream!
I saw my parents yesterday and they are well. They gave me lots of food. Molly came to tea: She and Eric have got a new flat with a vast studio. Pablo is looking outrageously well - I fear he has caught less than his share of birds and mice to judge from his generous waist-line. 'Nonsense" he said 'Its only my winter coat', and smoothed his hips indignantly with his paws. [Drawing should be here!]
In the coach which I travelled in yesterday I read Beddoes' unfinished tragedy 'The Second Brother'. It is marvellous poetry and, had he finished it, I do not believe it would have been poorer theatre than anything by Tourner and, perhaps, Webster. Like Michelangelo, how-ever, Beddoes seems to have had a resistance to completed
65588344 - bubblesalwaysgopop
65597247 - Batfan
3a tractor chugged petulantly and a small
train - exuding white smoke - ran along
the valley, soundlessly, beyond the
round of the barrow. Then I climbed up on the
barrow and saw, in an adjoining field, a dere -
lict tractor. I sat in the seat of it for some time
and enjoyed the view and the warmth. I thought
very poignantly of our country walks together.
Now, as I say, I am sitting in the dazzling sun
to write to you. Sylvia, I love you.
Good heavens, yes, cold cream is what I should
have got ! Well, vanishing cream lives up to its
name so I shall soon have to get some cold cream!
I saw my parents yesterday and they are well.
They gave me lots of food. Mally came to tea. She and Eric have got a new flat with a vast studio.
is looking outrageously well - I fear he has
caught less less than his share of birds and mice to judge
from his generous waist-line. 'nonsense' he said
'its only my winter coat' and smoothed his hips in-
digantly with his paws. (Drawing should be here!)
In the coach which I travelled in yesterday I read Beddoes' unfinished tragedy 'The second Brother'. It is marvellous poetry and, had he finished it, I do not
believe it would have been poorer theatre than anything
by and, perhaps, Webster. Like Michelangelo, how-
ever, Beddoes seems to have had a to completed
65659685 - ChrisMM76
3a tractor chugged petulantly and a small angular
train - exuding virgin white smoke - ran along
the valley, soundlessly, and disappeared beyond the
mound of the barrow. then I climbed up on the
barrow and saw, in an adjoining field, a dere-
lict tractor. I sat in the seat of it for some time
and onjoyed the view and the warmth. I thought
very poignantly of our country walls together.
Now, as I say, I am sitting in the dazzling sun
to write to you. Sylvia, I love you.
Good heavens, yes, cold cream is what I should
have got! Well, vanishing cream lives up to its
name so I shall soon have to get some cold cream!
I saw my parents yesterday. Molly came to tea:
She and Eric have got a new flat with a vast studio.
Pablo is looking outrageously well - I fear he has
caught less than his share of birds and mice to judge
from his generous waist-line. 'Nonsense' he said
'Its only my winter coat', and smoothed his hips in-
dignantly with his paws. [Drawing should be here!]
In the coach which I traveled in yesterday I read
Beddoes' unfinished tragedy 'The Second Brother'. It is
marvelous poetry and, had he finished it, I do not
believe it would have been poorer theatre than anything
by Tourner and, perhaps, Webster. Like Michelangelo, how-
ever, Beddoes seems to have had a resistance to completed
WINNER - 65685695 - SREM
a tractor chugged petulantly and a small angular train - exuding virgin white smoke - ran along the valley, soundlessly, and disappeared beyond the mound of the barrow. Then I climbed up on the barrow and saw, in an adjoining field, a derelict tractor. I sat in the seat of it for some time and enjoyed the view and the warmth. I thought very poignantly of our country walls together.Now, as I say, I am sitting in the dazzling sun to write to you. Sylvia, I love you.
Good heavens, yes, cold cream is what I should have got! Well, vanishing cream lives up to its name so I shall soon have to get some cold cream!
I saw my parents yesterday and they are well. They gave me lots of food. Molly came to tea: she and Eric have got a new flat with a vast studio. Pablo is looking outrageously well - I fear he has caught less than his share of birds and mice to judge from his generous waist-line. 'Nonsense' he said 'It's only my winter coat', and smoothed his hips indignantly with his paws. [Drawing should be here!]
In the coach which I travelled in yesterday I read Beddoes' unfinished tragedy 'The Second Brother'. It is marvellous poetry and, had he finished it, I do not believe it would have been poorer theatre than anything by Tourner and, perhaps, Webster. Like Michelangelo, however, Beddoes seems to have had a resistance to completed
65751189 - JanetCormack
3a tractor chugged petulantly and a small argulartrain - exuding virgin white smoke - ran along the valley, soundlessly, and disappeared beyond the round of the havant. Then I climbed upon the barrow and saw, in an adjoining field, a derelict tractor. I sat in teh seat of it for some time and enjoyed the view and the warmth. I though very poignantly of our country walks together.
Now, as I say, I am sitting in the dazzling sun to write to you. Sylvia I love you.
Good heavens, yes, cold cream is what I should have got! Well, vanishing creamlives up to its name so I shall soon have to get some cold cream.
I saw my parents yesterday and they are well. They gave me lots of food. Molly came to tea: she and Eric have got a new flat with a vast studio. Pablo is looking outrageously well - I fear he has caught less than his share of birds and mice to judge from his generous waist-line. 'Nonsense' he said 'Its only my Winter Coat', and smoothed his hips indignantly with his paws. [Drawing should be here!]
In the coach which I travelled in yesterday I read Beddoes' unfinished tragedy 'The Second Brother'. It is marvellous poetry and, had he finished it, I do not believe it would have been poorer theatre than anything by Tourner and, perhaps, Webster. Like Michelangelo, however, Beddoes seems to have had a resistance to completed
65751239 - kecharaan
a tractor chugged petulantly and a small angulartrain- exuding virgin white smoke- ran along
the valley, soundlessly, and disappeared beyond the
mound of the barrow. Then I climbed up on the
barrow and saw, in an adjoining field, a dere-
lict tractor. I sat in the seat of it for some time
and enjoyed the view and the warmth. I thought
very poignantly of our country walks together.
Now, as I say, I am sitting in the dazzling sun
to write to you. Sylvia, I love you.
Good heavens, yes, cold cream is what I should
have got! Well, vanishing cream lines up to its
name so I shall soon have to get some cold cream!
I saw my parents yesterday and they are well.
They gave me lots of food. Mallycame to tea:
she and Eric have got a new flat with a vast studio.
Pablo is looking outrageously well- I fear he has
caught less than his share of birds and mice to judge
from his generous waist-line. 'Nonsense' he said
'Its only my winter coat', and smoothed his hips in-
dignantly with his paws. [Drawing should be here!]
In the coach which I travelled in yesterday I read Beddoes' unfinished tragedy 'The Second Brother'. It is
marvellous poetry and, had he finished it, I do not
believe it would have been poorer theatre than anything
by Tourner and, perhaps, Webster. Like Michelangelo, how-
ever, Beddoes seems to have had a resistance to completed