- Max. dissimilarity: 0.549
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.355
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65451402 - not-logged-in-f1a3afd6d36877f6f5b9
- 65463573 - PenguinCo.
- 65464473 - Vellamoinen
- 65495108 - Culebra78
- 65503083 - vanderfb
- WINNER - 65539930 - lilacwood
- 65776395 - samurai13

65451402 - not-logged-in-f1a3afd6d36877f6f5b9
Dandylion walking home on Saturday finds his attention caught by a fan fare on Redboarn Green...... IVHEMPEL HEMPSTEAD 3 1/4
65463573 - PenguinCo.
Dandylion walking home on Saturday finds his attention caught by a fan fare on Redbourn Green.....IV
65464473 - Vellamoinen
Dandylion walking home on Saturday finds hisattention caught by a fun fair on Redbourn
65495108 - Culebra78
Dandylion waling home on Saturday finds his attention caught by a fun fair on Redbourne Green...... IV65503083 - vanderfb
Dandylion walking home on Saturday finds his attention caught by a fun fair on Redbourne Green...... IVWINNER - 65539930 - lilacwood
Dandylion walking home on Saturday finds his attention caught by a fun fare on Redbourne green... IV[Drawing of Dandylion walking along the road to Hemel Hempstead, with funfair rides in the background]
65776395 - samurai13
Dandylion walking home on Saturday finds his attention caught by a fun fare on Redbourn Green......IV
Hemel Hempstead 3 1/4