- Max. dissimilarity: 0.198
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.117
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65561611 - PenguinCo.
- 65593680 - srasg56
- 65656090 - ChrisMM76
- 65668738 - sweezie
- 65677946 - rb38mk
- WINNER - 65828015 - SusanMorley53425

65561611 - PenguinCo.
Thursday WimbledonDearest Sylvia
As you may have heard from Clifford and Marjorie (whom I met in the Vega yesterday accidentally) I spent the night at Wimbledon. The mother was unpleasant and, in any case, I wanted the trays. Unfortunately my mother is still only willing to part with one of them - and I have reluctantly accepted this condition.
The subject of my lecture next week will be 'Connaisseurship and Appreciation' - I hope it will not be too familiar to you. Your splendid eye for pictures will perhaps be patient in the cause of love. I have worked out a syllabus with the clars. Only ten pupils so far but I expect it will go up. Stupick the W E A have arranged Architecture lectures by Helen Roseram for the same night!
I feel tired and lazy today so I think I shall not do any work today but start a new chapter to - warrant.
Edward (whose flat I went to the other night) Laofjurt returned from from France. He had been to Coleman and Nancy. I was very envious and felt sure you would be, too. I thought of you very hard - especially when the conversation turned to the Rugby Pavilion. Somebody there suggested Fallro's as a subject for a King penguin.
65593680 - srasg56
Thursday WimbledonDearest Sylvia
As you may have heard from Clifford and Marjorie
(whom I met in the Vega yesterday accidentally) I spent
the night at Wimbledon. The weather was unpleas-
and and, in any case, I wanted the trays. Unfortuna-
tely my mother is still only willing to part with one
of them - and I have reluctantly accepted this
The subject of my lecture next week will be
connoisseurship and appreciation - I hope it will not
be too familiar to you. Your splendid eye for pictures
will perhaps be patient in the cause of love. I have
worked out a syllabus with the class. Only ten
pupils so far but I expect it will go up. Stupidly
the WEA have arranged Architecture lectures by
Helen Rosenau for the same night!
I feel tired and lazy today so I think I shall not
do my work today but start a new chapter to-
Edward (whose flat I went to the other night) had just
returned from France. He had been to Calewar and
Nancy. I was very envious and felt sure you would
be, too. I thought of you very hard - especially when
the conversation turned to the Brighton Pavilion. Somebody
there suggested Follies as a subject for King penguin.
65656090 - ChrisMM76
Dearest Sylvia
As you may have heard from Clifford and Marjorie
(whom I met in the Vega yesterday accidentally) I spent
the night at Wimbledon. The weather was unpleas-
ant and, in any case, I wanted the trays. Unfortuna-
tely my mother is still only willing to part with one
of them - and I have reluctantly accepted this
The subject of my lecture next week will be
connoisseurship and appreciation - I hope it will not
be to familiar to you. Your splendid eye for pictures
will perhaps be patient in the cause of love. I have
worked out a syllabus with the class. Only ten
pupils so far but I expect it will go up. st the W E A have arranged architecture lectures by
Helen Rosenau for the same night!
I feel tired and lazy today so I think I shall not
do any work today, but start a new chapter to-
Edward (whose flat I went to the other night) had just
returned from France. He had been to and
. I thought of you very hard especially when
the conversation turned to the Nights Pavilion. Somebody
there suggested follies as a subject for a king penguin.
65668738 - sweezie
Thursday WimbledonDearest Sylvia
As you may have heard from Clifford and Marjorie (whom I met in the Vega yesterday accidentally) I spent the night at Wimbledon. The weather was unpleasant and, in any case, I wanted the trays. Unfortunately my mother is still only willing to part with one of them - and I have reluctantly accepted this condition.
The subject of my lecture next week will be 'connoisseurship and appreciation' - I hope it will not be too familiar to you. Your splendid eye for pictures will perhaps be patient in the cause of love. I have worked out a syllabus with the class. Only ten pupils so far but I expect it will go up. Stupidly the W E A have arranged architecture lectures by Helen Roseman for the same night!
I feel tired and lazy today so I think I shall not do any work today but start a new chapter tomorrow.
Edward (whose flat I went to the other night) had just returned from France. He had been to Caleiras and Nancy. I was very envious and felt sure you would be, too. I thought of you very hard - especially when the conversation turned to the Brigitte[ pavilion. Somebody there suggested Falling as a subject for a King penguin.
65677946 - rb38mk
Thursday WimbledonDearest Sylvia
As you may have heard from Clifford and Marjorie(whom I met in the Vega yesterday accidentally) I spent the night at Wimbledon. The weather was unpleasant and, in any case, I wanted the Crays. Unfortunately my mother is still only willing to part with one of them - and I have reluctantly accepted this condition.
The subject of my lecture next week will be 'connoisseurship and appreciation'- I hope it will not be too familiar to you. Your splendid eye for pictures will perhaps be patient in the cause of love. I have worked out a syllabus with the class. Only ten pupils so far but I expect it will go up. Stupidly the W.E.A have arranged Architecture lectures by Helen Rosenam for the same night!
I fell tired and lazy today so I think I shall not do any work today but start a new chapter tomorrow.
Edward (whose flat I went to the other night ) had just returned from France. He had been to Cale**as and Nancy. I was very envious and felt sure you would be , too. I thought of you very hard -especially when the conversation turned to the Brighton Pavillion . Somebody there suggested Follies as a subject for a King Penguin
WINNER - 65828015 - SusanMorley53425
Thursday WimbledonDearest Sylvia
As you may have heard from Clifford and Marjorie
(whom I met in the Vega yesterday accidentally) I spent
the night at Wimbledon. The weather was unpleas-
and and, in any case, I wanted the trays. Unfortuna-
tely my mother is still only willing to part with one
of them - and I have reluctantly accepted this
The subject of my lecture next week will be
'Connoisseurship and Appreciation' - I hope it will not
be too familiar to you. Your splendid eye for pictures
will perhaps be patient in the cause of love. I have
worked out a syllabus with the class. Only ten
pupils so far but I expect it will go up. Stupidly
the W E A have arranged Architecture lectures by
Helen Roseman for the same night!
I feel tired and lazy today so I think I shall not
do any work today but start a new chapter to-
Edward (whose flat I went to the other night) has just
returned from France. He had been to Calemar and Nancy. I was very envious and felt sure you would
be, too. I thought of you very hard - especially when
the conversation turned to the Brighton Pavilion. Somebody
there suggested Follies as a subject for a King penguin.