- Max. dissimilarity: 0.176
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.108
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65461081 - BronteAlcott
- 65502850 - vanderfb
- WINNER - 65517363 - landfordjohnmartin
- 65633004 - not-logged-in-09bf29c16f143e8449db
- 65655148 - not-logged-in-9aa71deff6ad00fe4135
- 65752648 - gaart2
- 65755191 - kecharaan

65461081 - BronteAlcott
ThursdayThe Aubreys
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter which came this morning with one from the Pooles telling me that they are leaving on the morning of April 5th. I think that is Tuesday. I shall leave here, I suppose, on the 4th, go to Banstead, stay the night at Wimbledon, and go in on the 5th.
This morning I went to St. Albans to see the hypocaust (really only the tepidarium remains) and it was well worth the journey and I had time to visit the museum again. I enclose a poor post-card of it: the colour is dark red, brown, purple, blue-gray, and buff and the whole fresher than appears in the photograph. At the far end is a fragment of a later mosaic whose workmanship makes one appreciate the firmness of the (2nd example.
Here is another piece of a topographical poem, about the fine weather of last week in Harpenden:
A crisp day: sunlight spatters
Upon the view you painted in the rain.
The sun lectures the twisted trees -
And gamins run for cover in each leaf.
The warm air sucks the birds upon the trees
. . . .
65502850 - vanderfb
The AubreysThursday
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter which came this morning with one from the Pooles telling me that they are leaving on the morning of April 5th. I think that is Tuesday. I shall leave here, I suppose, on the 4th, go to Barnstead, stay the night at Wimbledon, and go in on 5th.
This morning I went to St Albans to see the hypocaust (really only the tepidarium remains) and it was well worth the journey and I had time to visit the museum again. I enclose a poor postcard of it: the colour is dark red, brown, purple, blue-grey, and buff and the whole fresher than appears in the photograph. At the far end is a fragment of a later mosaic whose workmanship makes one appreciate the firmness of the (2nd example.
Here is another piece of a topographical poem, about the fine weather of last week in Morperden:
A crisp day: sunlight spatters
Upon the view you painted in the rain.
The sun lectures the twisted trees -
And gamins run for cover in each leaf.
The warm air sucks the buds upon the trees
WINNER - 65517363 - landfordjohnmartin
The Aubreys ThursdayDearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter which came this morning with one from the Pooles telling me that they are leaving on the morning of April 5th. I think that is Tuesday. I shall leave here, I suppose, on the 4th, go to Banstead, stay the night at Wimbledon, and go in on 5th.
This morning I went to St Albans to see the hypocaust (really only the tepidarium remains) and it was well worth the journey and I had time to visit the museum again. I enclose a poor postcard of it: the colour is dark red, brown, purple, blue-grey, and buff and the whole fresher than appears in the photograph. At the far end is a fragment of a later mosaic whose workmanship makes one appreciate the firmness of the c2nd example.
Here is another piece of a topographical poem, about the fine weather of last week in Harpenden:
A crisp day: sunlight spatters
Upon the view you painted in the rain.
The sun lectures the twisted trees -
And gamins run for cover in each leaf.
The warm air sucks the buds upon the trees ...
65633004 - not-logged-in-09bf29c16f143e8449db
The AubreysThursday
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter which came this morning with one from the Pooles telling me that they are leaving on the morning of April 5th. I think that is Tuesday. I shall leave here, I suppose, on the 4th, go to Bonstead, stay the night at Wimbledon, and go in on 5th.
This morning I went to St. Albans to see the hypocause (really only the tepidarium remains) and it was well worth the journey and i had time to visit the museum again. I enclose a poor post-card of it. The colour is dark red, brown, purple, blue-grey, and buff and the whole fresher than appears in the photograph. The the for end is a fragment of a later mosaic whose workmanship makes one appreciate the firmness of the 2nd example.
Here is another piece of a topographical room, about the fine wather of last week in Morpenden
A crisp day sunlight spatters
upon the view you painted in the rain
The sun lectures the twisted trees-
And gamins run for cover in each leaf.
The warm air sucks the buds upon the trees
65655148 - not-logged-in-9aa71deff6ad00fe4135
ThursdayThe Aubreys
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your letter which came this morn-
ing with one from le Pooles telling me that they
are leaving on the morning of April 5th. I think
that is Tuesday. I shall leave here, I suppose,
on the 4th, go to Banstead, stay the night at
Winhledon , and go in on 5th.
This morning I went to St Albrams to see the
hyrocaurt (really only the tepidarium remains) and it was well worth the journey and I had time to visit the museum again. I enclose a poor post- card of it: the colour is dark red, brown, purple, blue grey, and buff and the whale fresher than ap-
pears in the photograph. Ar tee Jon end is a frag-ment of a late mosaic whose
workmanship makes one appreciate the firmness of the (2nd example.
Here is another piece of a topographical room, about the fine weather of last week in Harpenden:
A crisp day: sunlight spatters upon the view you painted in the rain.
The sun leclieres the twisted trees - And gamins run for cover in each leaf.
The warm air sucks the buds upon the Trees
65752648 - gaart2
The Aubreys ThursdayDearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your letter which came this morning with one from the Pooles telling me that they are leaving on the morning of April 5th. I think that is Tuesday. I shall leave here, I suppose, on the 4th, go to Banstead, stay the night at Wimbledon and go in on 5th.
This morning I went to St Albans to see the hypocast (really only the tepidarium remains) and it was well worth the journey and I had time to visit the museum again. I enclose a poor post-card of it: the colour is dark red , brown, purple, blue-grey and buff, and the whole fresco than appears in the photograph. At the far end is a fragment of a later mosaic whose workmanship makes one appreciate the firmness as the (2nd example.
Here is another piece of a topographical room, about the fine weather of last week in Harpenden:
A crisp day: sunlight spatters
Upon the view you painted in the rain.
And gamins run for cover in each leaf.
The warm air sucks the .... upon the trees
. . . .
65755191 - kecharaan
The Aubreys ThursdayDearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter which came this morn-
ing with one from the Pooles telling me that they
are leaving on the morning of April 5th. I think
that is Tuesday. I shall leave here, I suppose,
on the 4th, go to Banstead, stay the night at
Wimbledon, and go in on the 5th.
This morning I went to St Albans to see the
hypnocaust (really only the tepidarium remains)
and it was well worht the journey and I had time
to visit the museum again. I enclose a poor
post-card of it: the colour is dark red, brown,
purple, blue-grey, and buff and the whole fresher than ap-
pears in the photograph. At the far end is a frag-
ment of a late mosaic whose workmanship makes
one appreciate the firmness of the (2nd example.
Here is another piece of a topographical poem,
about the fine weather of last week in Harpenden:
A crisp day: sunlight spatters
Upon the view you painted in the rain.
The sun lectures the twisted trees-
And gamins run for cover in each leaf.
The warm air sucks the buds upon the trees