- Max. dissimilarity: 0.168
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.101
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65481446 - not-logged-in-73c25e8eb3372e668415
- 65499256 - tmeconverse
- 65515768 - travellersghost
- 65638793 - Jacobi
- WINNER - 65678748 - SREM
- 65695749 - Maisfeeka

65481446 - not-logged-in-73c25e8eb3372e668415
2The clouds are shuffled like a pack of cards
Across the azure table of the sky.
I have nearly finished a Hogarth chapter, so I
have (almost) written about his life up to the age
of 40. When the other chapter is ready it will
be 10,000 words, introducing one to the chapter
(excluding analysis which is later) you have al-
ready read. Then I shall go to Hoddens.....
You have painted the pear-tree again! How
exciting - I am interested to see how you make
it look this time, my dearest.
Thank you again for you letter which cheers
me up somewhat. I have some poems nearly fin-
ished to send you immediately ('immediately' in
the C18th sense of 'stantly'.
I wish I had your charm with me.
I love you.
65499256 - tmeconverse
[[centered]] 2 [[/centered]]The clouds are shuffled like a pack of cards
Across the azure table of the sky.
I have nearly finished a Hogarth chapter, so I have (almost) written about his life up to the age of 40. When the other chapter is ready it will be 10,000 words, introducing one to the chapters (excluding [[underlined]] Analysis [[/underlined]] which is later) you have already read. Then I shall go to Hodders. . . .
You have painted the pear-tree again! How exciting - I am interested to see you you make it look this time, my dearest.
Thank you again for your letter which cheers me up somewhat. I have some poems nearly finished to send you immediately ('immediately' in the C 18th sense of 'shortly').
I wish I had your charm with me.
I love you
65515768 - travellersghost
2The clouds are shuffled like a pack of cards
Across the azure table of the sky.
I have nearly finished a Hogarth chapter, so I
have (almost) written about his life up to the age
of 40. When the other chapter is ready it will
be 10,000 words, introducing one of the chapters
(excluding Analysis which is later) you have al-
ready read. Then I shall go to Hodders....
You have painted the pear-tree again! How
exciting -- I am interested to see how you make
it look this time, my dearest.
Thank you again for your letter which cheers
me up somewhat. I have some poems nearly fin-
ished to send you immediately ('immediately' in
the (18th sense of 'shortly').
I wish I had your charm with me.
I love you
65638793 - Jacobi
2The clouds are shuffled like a pack of cards
Across the azure table of the sky.
I have nearly finished a Hogart Chapter, is I name (almost) written about his life up to the age of 40. When the other chapter its ready it will be 10,000 words, introducing one to the chapters (excluding analysis UNDERSCORE ANALYSIS which is later) you have already read. Then I shall go to ....
You have painted the pear-tree again! How exciting - I am interested to see how you make it look this time, my dearest.
Thank you again for your letter which cheers me up somewhat. I have some poems nearly fin-
wished to send you immediately ("immediately" in the C18th ch sense of "shortly").
I wish I had your charm with me.
I love you,
WINNER - 65678748 - SREM
2The clouds are shuffled like a pack of cards
Across the azure table of the sky.
I have nearly finished a Hogarth chapter, so i have (almost) written about his life up to the age of 40. When the other chapter is ready it will be 10,000 words, introducing one to the chapters (excluding Analysis which is later) you have already read. Then I shall go to Hodders....
You have painted the pear - tree again! How exciting - I am interested to see how you make it look this time, my dearest.
Thank you again for your letter which cheers me up somewhat. I have some poems nearly finished to send you immediately ('immediately' in the (18th sense of 'shortly').
I wish I had your charm with me.
I love you
65695749 - Maisfeeka
2The clouds are shuffled like a pack of cards
across the azure table of the sky.
I have nearly finished a Hogarlt chapter so I have (almost) written about his life up to the age of 40. When the other chapter is ready it will be 10,000 words, introducing one the the chapters (excluding Analysis which is later) you have al-
ready read. Then I shall go to Hodders....
You have painted the pear-tree again! How exciting - I am interested to see how you make it look this time, my dearest.
Thank you again for your letter which cheers me up somewhat. I have some poems nearly finished to send you immediately ('immediately' in the (18th sense of 'shortly').
I wish I had your charm with me.
I love you