- Max. dissimilarity: 0.118
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.076
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65661568 - k.h.pot
- 65674505 - Lynst
- 65716281 - Zunie2010
- 65859578 - southsidesunny
- 65959558 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
- WINNER - 66233332 - Preacher357

65661568 - k.h.pot
19th March 1949Harpenden
Dearest Sylvia,
I have just had a lunch time walk in the pleasant
landscape outside the millage, over towards Red-
bourne. It is a fresh, crisp, bright day and I en-
joyed if very much though I couldn't help wish-
ing that you were there with your watercolours.
Then the experience would have been preserved ...
I enclose a cutting from the Harpenden FREE PRESS
and I need not tell you how annoyed I am on behalf
of us both about the caption. The reporter had no
right to assume anything of the kind and Dandylion's
tail is bristling. I have ordered this and the other
photograph, but they won't be ready for a week.
Yesterday I had about 80 school boys but today is
quiet again. I thought there would be a rush and
left Hogarth at the hotel and I am regretting this
waste of time. Even Saturday the people seem to
be rather indifferent to the exhibition though the
publicity is so bad many don't know about it.
Sherwood was efficient in comparison with this!
I hope that the situation is not too frightening
though I can guess at your grief and feel something
of your terrible perplexity. But on the other hand
the lover in me begs you to remember his love as he re-
members yours: although it is that which makes
the tension so great it is that also which gives a
reason to the conflict. I hope that thought of my
love will give some ease and consolation.
65674505 - Lynst
19th March 1949 HarpendenDearest Sylvia,
I have just had a lunch-time walk in the pleasant
landscape outside the village, over towards Red-
bourne. It is a fresh, crisp, bright day and I en-
joyed it very much though I couldn't help wish-
ing that you were there with your watercolours.
Then the experience would have been preserved...
I enclose a cutting from the Harpenden FREE PRESS
and I need not tell you how annoyed I am on behalf
of us both about the caption. The reporter had no
right to assume anything of the kind and Dandylion's
tail is bristling. I have ordered this and the other
photograph but they won't be ready for a week.
Yesterday I had about 80 school boys but today is
quiet again. I thought there would be a rush and
left Hogarth at the hotel and I am regretting this
waste of time. Even Saturday the people seem to
be rather indifferent to the exhibition though the
publicity is so bad many don't know about it.
Sherwood was efficient in comparison with this!
I hope that the situation is not too frightening
though I can guess at your grief and feel something
of your terrible perplexity. But on the other hand
the lover in me begs you to remember his love as he re-
members yours : although it is that which makes
the tension so great it is that alas which gives a
reason to the conflict. I hope that thought of my
love will give some ease and consolation.
65716281 - Zunie2010
19th March 1949 HarpendenDearest Sylvia,
I have had a lunch time walk in the pleasant
landscape outside the village, over towards Red-
Bourne. it is a fresh, crisp, bright day and I en-
joyed it very much though I couldn't help wish-
I guess that you were there with your watercolours.
Then the experience would have been preserved...
I enclosed a cutting from the Harpenden FREE PRESS and I need not tell you how annoyed I am on
behalf of us both about the caption. The reporter had no right to assume anything of the kind and Dandylion's tail is bristling. I have order this and the other photograph but they won't be ready for a week.
Yesterday I had about 80 school boys but today is quiet again. I thought there would be a rush and left Mogarth at the hotel and I am regretting this waste of time. Even Saturday the people seem to be rather indifferent to the exhibition though the publicity is so bad many don't know about it. Sherwood was efficient in comparison with this!
I hope that the situation is not too frightening though I can guess at your grief and feel something of your terrible perplexity. But on the other hand the loner in me begs you to remember his line as he re-members yours: although it is that which makes the tension so great it is that also which gives a reason to the conflict. I hope that thought of my lone will give some ease and consolation.
65859578 - southsidesunny
19th March 1949 HarpendenDearest Sylvia,
I have just had a lunch time walk in the pleasant
landscape outside the village, over towards Red-
bourne. It is a fresh, crisp, bright day and I en-
joyed it very much enough I couldn't help wish-
ing that you were there with your watercolours.
Then the experience would have been preserved...
I enclose a cutting from the Harpenden FREE PRESS
and I need not tell you how annoyed I am on behalf
of us both about the caption. The reporter had no
right to assume anything of the kind and Dandylion's
tail is bristling. I have ordered this and the other
photographs but they won't be ready for a week.
Yesterday I had about 80 school boys but today is
quiet again. I thought there would be a rush and
left Hogarth at the hotel and I am regretting this
waste of time. Even Saturday the people seem to
be rather indifferent to the exhibition though the
publicity is so bad many don't know about it.
Sherwood was efficient in comparison with this!
I hope that the situation is not too frightening
though I can guess at your grief and feel something
of your terrible perplexity. But on the other hand
the lover in me begs you to remember his love as he re-
members yours: although it is that which makes
the tension so great it is that also which gives a
reason to the conflict. I hope that thought of my
love will give some ease and consolation.
65959558 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
19th March 1949Dearest Sylvia,
I have just had a lunch time walk in the pleasant landscape outside the village, ones towards Redbourne. It is a fresh, crisp, bright day and I enjoyed it very much though I couldn't help wishing that you were there with your watercolours. experience would have been preferred.
I enclose a cutting from the Harpenden FREE PRESS and I need not tell you how annoyed I am on behalf of us both about the caption. The reporter had no right to assume anything of the kind and Dandylion's tail is bristling. I have ordered this and the other photograph but they won't be ready for a week.
Yesterday I had about 80 school boys but today is quiet again. i thought there would be a rush and left Mogarth at the hotel and I am regretting this waste of time. Even Saturday the people seem to be rather indifferent to the exhibition thought the publicity i so bad many don't know about it. Sherwood was efficient in comparison with this!
I hope that the situation is not too frightening though I can guess at your grief and feel something of your terrible perplexity. But on the other hand the loner in my begs you to remember his love as he remembers yours: although it is that which makes the tension so great it is that also which gives a reason in the conflict. I hope that thought of my love will give me ease and consolation.
WINNER - 66233332 - Preacher357
19th March 1949 Harpenden Dearest Sylvia,I have just had a lunch time walk in the pleasant
landscape outside the village, one towards Red-
bourne. It is a fresh, crisp, bright, day and I en-
joyed it very much though. I couldn't help wish-
ing that you were there with your watercolours.
Then the experience would have been preserved...
I enclose a cutting from the Harpenden FREE PRESS
and I need not tell you how annoyed I am on behalf
of us both abut the captions. The reporter had no
right to assume anything of the kind and Dandylion's
tail is bristling. I have ordered this and the other
platograph but they won't be ready for a week.
Yesterday I had about 80 school boys but today is
quiet again. I thought there would be a rush and
left Hogarts at the hotel and I am regretting this
waste of time. Even Saturday the people seem to
be rather indifferent to the exhibition though the
publicity is so bad many don't know about it.
Sherwood was efficient in comparison with this!
I hope that the situation is not too frustrating
though I can guess at your grief and feel something
of your terrible perplexity. But on the other hand
the lover in me, begs you to remember his love as he re-
members yours: although it is that which makes
the tension so great it is that also which gives a
reason to the conflict. I hope that thought of my
love will give some ease and consolation.