- Max. dissimilarity: 0.064
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.04
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65619387 - Peeriemoot
- 65658015 - samurai13
- 65667296 -
- 65677521 - k.h.pot
- WINNER - 65695903 - _secunda
- 65759709 - Astrolunos
- 65759900 - devoneg

65619387 - Peeriemoot
IIOn Saturday evening, after I had just returned from Birmingham I went to see Love's Labours Lost. It is an exquisite play, absolutely at one with my taste for pastoral poetry and for erudite imagery. I know this is your taste, too, so I hope that we can go together shortly. You will, I know, adore it as much as I do and I long to see it again - and especially with you.
Apart from a circular letter to Mesens, Erika, Colin Agnew, Smart, Gainsborough, and brief notes to the New Statesman, Art News, The Times, and International Journal of Psychoanalysis I have told no-one about Michael's projected relations with the Lefevre. You will, of course, have already seen my communications to The Daily Express and Old Balls' Almanac on the subject so, tell Michael, I say nothing of these. And, of course, I say James and Longden immediately but I know he wouldn't mind that.
I wrote six letters on Sunday of a dutiful kind and today I am going to see about ringing up editors and go to Christies (two guineas this will produce). Tiny tells me you are busy making dresses. I look forward with great excitement (and Betty rather ambivalently in case she look too shabby by contrast) to seeing you in them.
Oh Sylvia, I adore you. I hope that you can feel and believe in my love at this distance. I think from your letters that you do. I adore you my ravishing beauty and Muse, my rose and my lover.
I love you
65658015 - samurai13
IIOn Saturday evening, after I had just returned from Birmingham I went to see Love's Labours Lost. It is an exquisite play, absolutely at one with my taste for pastoral poetry and for erudite imagery. I know this is your taste, too, so I hope that we can go together shortly. You will, I know, adore it as much as I do and I long to see it again - and especially with you.
Apart from a circular letter to Mesens, Erika, Colin Agnew, Smart, Gainsborough, and brief notes to the New Statesman, Art News, The Times, and International Journal of Psychoanalysis I have told no-one about Michael's projected relations with the Lefevre. You will, of course, have already seen my communications to The Daily Express and Old Balls' Almanac on the subject so, tell Michael, I say nothing of these. And, of course, I rang James and Langdon immediately but I know he couldn't mind that.
I wrote six letters on Sunday of a dutiful kind and today I am going to see about ringing up editors and go to Christies (two guineas this will produce). Tiny tells me you are busy making dresses. I look forward with great excitement (and Hetty rather ambivalently in case she look too shabby by contrast) to seeing you in them.
Oh Sylvia, I adore you. I hope that you can feel and believe in my love at this distance. I think from your letters that you do. I adore you my ravishing beauty and Muse, my rose and my lover.
I love you
65667296 -
IIOn Saturday evening, after I had just returned
from Birmingham I went to see Love's Labours Lost.
It is an exquisite play, absolutely at one with
my taste for pastoral poetry and for erudite imagery.
I know this is your taste, too, so I hope that we can
go together shortly. You will, I know, adore it as
much as I do and I long to see it again - and especial-
ly with you.
Apart from a circular letter to Mesens, Erika,
Colin Agnew, Smart, Gainsborough, and brief notes to
the New Statesman, Art News, The Times, and Internat-
ional Journal of Psychoanalysis I have told no-one a-
bout Michael's projected relations with the Lefevre.
You will, of course, have already seen my communica-
tions to The Daily Express and Old Balls' Almanac
on the subject so, tell Michael, I say nothing of
these. And, of course, I rang James and Longden immediately
but I know he couldn't mind that.
I wrote six letters on Sunday of a dutiful kind
and today I am going to see about ringing up editors
and to to Christies (two guineas this will produce).
Tiny tells me you are busy making dresses. I look
forward with great excitment (and Betty rather ambiv-
alently in case she look too shabby by contrast) to
seeing you in them.
Oh Sylvia, I adore you. I hope that you can
feel and believe in my love at this distance. I think
from your letters that you do. I adore you my ravish-
ing beauty and Muse, my rose and my lover.
I love you
65677521 - k.h.pot
IIOn Saturday evening, after I had just returned
from Birmingham I went to see Love's Labours Lost.
It is an exquisite play, absolutely at one with
my taste for pastoral poetry and for erudite imagery.
I know this is your taste, too, so I hope that we can
go together shortly. You will, I know, adore it as
much as I do and I long to see it again - and especial-
ly with you.
Apart from a circular letter to Mesens, Erika,
Celine Agnew, Smart, Gainsborough, and brief notes to
the New Statesman, Art News, The Times, and Internat-
ional Journal of Psychoanalysis I have told no-one a-
bout Michael's projected relations with the Lefevre.
You will, of course, have already seen my communica-
tions to The Daily Express and Old Balls' Almanac
on the subject so, tell Michael, I say nothing of
these. And, of rouse, I say James and Longden immdiately
but I know he couldn't mind that.
I wrote six letters on Sunday of a dutiful kind
and today I am going to see about ringing up editors
and go to Christies (two guineas this will produce).
Tiny tells me you are busy making dresses. I look
forward with great excitement (and Hetty rather ambiv-
alently in case she look to shabby by contrast) to
seeing you in them.
Oh Sylvia, I adore you. I hope that you can
feel and believe in my love at this distance. I think
from your letters that you do. I adore you my ravish-
ing beauty and Muse, my rose and my lover.
I love you
WINNER - 65695903 - _secunda
IIOn Saturday evening, after I had just returned from Birmingham I went to see Love's Labours Lost. It is an exquisite play, absolutely at one with my taste for pastoral poetry and for erudite imagery. I know this is your taste, too, so I hope that we can go together shortly. You will, I know, adore it as much as I do and I long to see it again--and especially with you.
Apart from a circular letter to Mesens, Erika, Colin Agnew, Smart, Gainsborough, and brief notes to the New Statesmen, Art News, The Times, and International Journal of Psychoanalysis I have told no-one about Michael's projected relations with the Lefevre. You will, of course, have already seen my communications to The Daily Express and Old Balls' Almanac on the subject so, tell Michael, I say nothing of these. And, of course, I rary James and Longden immediately but I know he couldn't mind that.
I wrote six letters on Sunday of a dutiful kind and today I am going to see about ringing up editors and go to Christies (two guineas this will produce). Tiny tells me you are busy making dresses. I look forward with great excitement (and Hetty rather ambivalently in case she look too shabby by contrast) to seeing you in them. Oh Sylvia, I adore you. I hope that you can feel and believe in my love at this distance. I think from your letters that you do. I adore you my ravishing beauty and Muse, my rose and my lover.
I love you
65759709 - Astrolunos
IIOn Saturday evening, after I had just returned from Birmingham I went to see Love's Labours Lost. It is an exquisite play, absolutely at one with my taste for pastoral poetry and for erudite imagery. I know this is your taste, too, so I hope that we can go together shortly. You will, I know, adore it as much as I do and I long to see it again - and especial-
ly with you.
Apart from a circular letter to Mesens, Erika, Colin Agnew, Smart, Gainsborough, and brief notes to the New Statesmen, Art News, The Times, and Internat-
ional Journal of Psychoanalysis I have told no-one a-
bout Michael's projected relations with the Lefevre. You will, of course, have already seen my communica-
tions to The Daily Express and Old Balls' Almanac on the subject so, tell Michael, I say nothing of these. And, of course, I nary James and Langdon immediately but I know he couldn't mind that.
I wrote six letters on Sunday of a dutiful kind and today I am going to see about ringing up editors and go to Christies (two guineas this will produce). Tiny tells me you are busy making dresses. I look forward with great excitement (and Hetty rather ambiv-
alently in case she look too shabby by contrast) to seeing you in them.
Oh Sylvia, I adore you. I hope that you can feel and believe in my love at this distance. I think from your letters that you do. I adore you my ravish-
ing beauty and Muse, my rose and my lover.
I love you
65759900 - devoneg
IIOn Saturday evening, after I had just returned from Birmingham I went to see Love's Labours Lost. It is an exquisite play, absolutely at one with my taste for pastoral poetry and for erudite imagery. I know this is your taste, too, so I hope that we can go together shortly. You will, I know, adore it as much as I do and I long to see it again - and especially with you.
Apart from a circular letter to Mesens, Erika, Colin Agnew, Smart, Gainsborough, and brief notes to the New Statesman. Art News, The Times, and International Journal of Psychoanalysis I have told no one about Michael's projected relations with the Lefevre. You will, of course, have already seen my communications to The Daily Express and Old Ball' Almanac on the subject so, tell Michael, I say nothing of these. And, of course, I say James and and Longdon immediately but I know he couldn't mind that.
I wrote six letters on Sunday of a dutiful kind and today I am going to see about ringing up editors and go to Christies (two guineas this will produce). Tiny tells me you are busy making dresses. I look forward with great excitement (and Hetty rather ambivalently in case she look too shabby by contrast) to seeing you in them.
Oh, Sylvia, I adore you. I hope that you can feel and believe in my love at this distance. I think from your letters that you do. I adore you my ravishing beauty and Muse, my rose and my lover.
I love you