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  1. 65471913 - not-logged-in-e3e1ef5853104ce68015
  2. 65506610 - itullis
  3. 65621833 - ChrisMM76
  4. WINNER - 65665630 - k.h.pot
  5. 65671300 - elle67
  6. 65733544 - Pushdos

65471913 - not-logged-in-e3e1ef5853104ce68015


Surrounded, then, by symbols
My love and I appear:
At our feet an open book
And to one side a spear,
A warning to dark sub-conscious beasts.

Shells beside us open smoothly
Scooped with subtle light;
Fruit abundant rings us round,
Luxurious and bright,
Divided frequently - and often phallic.

No diminutive, regressive
Gothic creatures scuttle
(such as question hermit 'saints')
Nor do rib-bones and skulls rattle
In our physical iconology.

Fruit in open baskets lie
Or, duplicated, spring on trees:
The thoughtful wind pages the book
Ans a fountain runs to please,
So do our symbols act the genital stage.

22 x1 1949

65506610 - itullis


Surrounded, then, by symbols
My love and I appear:
At our feet and open book
And to one side a spear,
A warning to dark sub-conscious beasts.

Shells beside us open smoothly
Scooped with subtle light:
Fruit abundant rings us round,
luxurious and bright,
Divided frequently - and often phallic.

No diminutive, regressive
Gothic creatures scuttle
(such as question hermit 'saints')
Nor do rib-bones and skulls rattle
In our physical iconology.

Fruit in open baskets lie
Or, duplicate, spring on trees:
And a fountain runs to please.
So do our symbols act the genital stage.

22 xi 1949

65621833 - ChrisMM76


Surrounded, then, by symbols
My love and I appear:
At our feet an open book
And to one side a spear,
A warning to dark sub-conscious beasts.

Shells beside us open smoothly
Scooped with subtle light:
Fruit abundant rings us round,
Luxurious and bright,
Divided frequently - and often phallic.

No diminutive, regressive
Gothic creatures scuttle
(such a question hermit 'saints')
Nor do rib-bones and skulls rattle
In our physical iconology.

Fruit in open baskets lie
Or, duplicated, spring on trees:
The thoughtful wind pages the book
And a fountain runs to please.
So do out symbols act the genital stage.

22 xi 1949

WINNER - 65665630 - k.h.pot


Surrounded, then, by symbols
My love and I appear:
At our feet an open book
And to one side a spear,
A warning to dark sub-conscious beasts.

Shells beside us open smoothly
Scooped with subtle light:
Fruit abundant rings us round,
luxurious and bright,
Divided frequently - and often phallic.

No diminutive, regressive
Gothic creatures scuttle
(such as question hermit 'saints')
Nor do rib-bones and skulls rattle
In our physical iconology.

Fruit in open baskets lie
Or, duplicated, spring on trees:
The thoughtful wind pages the book
And a fountain runs to please.
So do our symbols act the genital stage.

22 xi 1949

65671300 - elle67

Surrounded, then, by symbols
My love and I appear:
At our feet an open book
And to one side a spear,
A warning to dark sub-conscious beasts.

Shells beside us open smoothly
Scooped with subtle light:
Fruit abundant rings us round,
luxurious and bright,
Divided frequently - and often phallic.

No diminutive, regressive
Gothic creatures scuttle
(such as question hermit 'saints')
Nor do rib-bones and skulls rattle
In our physical iconology.

Fruit in open baskets lie
Or, duplicated, spring on trees:
The thoughtful wind pages the book
And a fountain runs to please.
So do our symbols act the genital stage.

22 xi 1949

65733544 - Pushdos

Ode with Symbols

Surround, then, by symbols
My love and I appear:
At our feet an open book
And to one side a spear,
A warning to dark sub-conscious beasts.

Shells beside us open smoothly
Scooped with subtle light:
Fruit abundant rings us round,
Luxurious and bright,
Divided frequently - and often phallic.

No diminutive, regressive
Gothic creatures scuttle
(such as question hermit 'saints')
Nor do rib-bones and skulls rattle
In our physical iconology.

Fruit in open baskets lie
Or, duplicated, spring on trees:
The thoughtful wind pages the book
And a fountain runs to please.
So do our symbols act the genital stage.

22 xi 1949

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