- Max. dissimilarity: 0.26
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.157
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65470892 - WiltedLotus
- 65495397 - lmorgan9
- 65551654 - Gillian1956
- 65631858 - bookbrig
- 65706513 - Wborges4
- 65749310 - mar15ted

WINNER - 65470892 - WiltedLotus
44 Queen Street - Redcar Yorkshire 9 XII 1949Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your letter though I am distressed at the news contained in it about your illness. I do hope that you are perfectly recovered now and that this evening's lecture will not be too trying. Yesterday - after writing the second letter to you - I, too, had recurring waves of nausea but not as badly as you appear to have suf-fered from, my poor, dear, cat. What a pity that you have to travel to Pett - look after yourself and keep as warm as you possibly can. Wrap up till only the tips of your whiskers and your narrowed eyes can be seen!
Yesterday I went for a walk along the beach North of Redcar = the landscape is absolutely flat and only an ambling line of sand-dunes separates the sea from the plain. Not far from Redcar, visible among euphemistic combinations of mist and smoke immense factories almost reach the water. The sands are very fine (though streaked just now with the patterns of fine sea-coal) and, in the summer, is favoured by the people who work at Middlerborough and other industrial places i-land who come daily, returning home at night, apparently. The sea-front of Redcar would delight Jack A. Napes in season but at present it has a sub-dued sullen air: 'fun city', ice-cream bar, cafes -by
65495397 - lmorgan9
44 queen Street Redcar Yorkshire 9x11 1949Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your letter though I am distressed at the news contained in it about your illness. I do hope that you are perfectly recovered now and that this evenings lecture will not be too trying. Yesterday - after writing the second letter to you- I, too, had recurring saves of nausea but not as badly as you appear to have suffered from, my poor dear, cat. What a pity that you have to travel to Pelt - look after yourself and keep as warm as you possibly can. Wrap up till only the tip of your whiskers and your narrowed eyes can be seen!
Yesterday I went for a walk along the beach North of Redcar= the landscape is absolutely flat and only an ambling line of sand-dune, separates the sea from the plain. Not far from Redcar, among of mist and smoke immerse factors of most reach the water. The sands are very fine (though streaked just now with patterns of fine sea coal) and, in the summer, is favoured by the people who work at Middlesborough and other industrial places inland who come daily, returning home at night, apparently. The sea-front of Redcar would delight Jack A Napes in season but at present it has a subdued sullen air = 'fun city', ice-cream bar, cafes by
65551654 - Gillian1956
44 Queen Street - Redear Yorkshire 9XII 1949Dearest Sylvia,
THank you for your letter though I am distressed at the news contained in it about your illness. I do hope that you are perfectly recovered now and that this evening's lecture will not be too trying. Yesterday - after writing the second letter to you - I, too, had recurring waves of nausea but not as badly as you appear to have suffered from, my poor, dear, cat. What a pity that you have to travel to Pett - look after yourself and keep as warm as you possibly can. Wrap up till only the tips of your whiskers and your narrowed eyes can be seen!
Yesterday I went for a walk along the beach North of Redcar + the landscape is absolutely flat and only an ambling l ine of sand-dunes separates the sea from the plain. Not far from Redcar, visible among combinations of mist and smoke immense factories almost reach the water. The sands are very fine (though streaked just now with patterns of fine sea - coal) and, in the summer, is favored by the people who work at middlerborough and other industrial laces in-land who come daily, returning home at night, apparently. The sea-front of Redcar would delight Jack A. Napes in season but at present it has a subdued sullen air: 'fun city', ice-cream bar, cafes by
65631858 - bookbrig
44 Queen Street - Redcon Yorkshire 9 xII 1949Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your letter though I am distressed at the news contained in it about your illness. I do hope that you are perfectly recovered now and that this evening's bedtime will not be too trying. Yesterday-after writing the second letter to you - I, too, had recurring waves of nausea but not as badly as you appear to have suffered from, my poor, dear, cat. What a pity that you have to travel to Pett - look after yourself and keep as warm as you possibly can. Wrap up till only the tips of your whiskers and your narrowed eyes can be seen!
Yesterday I went for a walk along the beach north of Redcar: the landscape is absolutely flat and only an ambling line of sand-dunes separates the sea from the plain. Not far from Redcar, nimble among euphistic combinations of mist and smoke immense junctions almost reach the water. The sands are very fine (though streaked just now with patters of fine sea-coal) and, in the summer, is paraded by the people who work at middle erlorough and atlas industrial plotsinland who come daily, returning home at night, apparently. The sea-front of Redcar would delight Jack A. Napes in season but at present it has a subdued sullen air: 'fun city,' ice-cream bar, cafes by
65706513 - Wborges4
44 Queen Street- Redcon Yorkshire 9 X 11 1949Dearest Eylnia,
Thank you for your letter though I am distressed at the news contained in it about your illness. I do hope that you are perfectly recovered now and that this evenings lecture will not be too trying. Yesterday - after writing the second letter to you - I, too, had recurring waves of nausea but not as badly as you appear to have suffered from, my poor, dear, cat. What a pity that you have to travel to Pelt- look after yourself and keep as warm as you possibly can. Wrap up till only the tips of your whiskers and your narrowed eyes can be seen!
Yesterday I went for a walk along the beach North of Redcar = the landscape is absolutely flat and only an ambling line of sand-dunes separate the sea from the plain. Not far from Redcar,nulle armory euphuistic conditions of mist and smoke immense factories of most reach to water. The sands are very fine ( Dough etrealed just now with patterns of live sea- coal) and, in the Summer, is fanared by the people who work at middle extrarough and atles industrial neores in-land who came daily, returning home at night, apparently, The sea-front of Redcar waved delight Jack A. Napes in seaman at present it has a sub-dued sullen air: 'sun ity', ice-cream bar, cafes by
65749310 - mar15ted
44 Queen Street - Redcar Yorkshire 9 xii 1949Dearest Sylvia, thank you for your letter though I am distressed at the news contained in it about your illness. I do hope that you are perfectly recovered now and that this evening's lecture will not be too trying. Yesterday - after writing the second letter to you - I, too, had recurring waves of nausea but not as badly as you appear to have suffered from, my poor, dear, cat. What a pity that you have to travel to Pett - look after yourself and keep as warm as you possibly can. Wrap up till only the tips of your whiskers and your narrowed eyes can be seen! Yesterday I went for a walk along the beach North of Redcar - the landscape is absolutely flat and only an ambling line of sand - dunes separates the sea from the plain. Not far from Redcar, visible among euphemistic combinations of mist and smoke immense factories almost reach the water. The sands are very fine (though streaked just now with patterns of fine sea-coal) and, in the summer, is favored by the people who work at Middlesborough and other industrial places inland who came daily, returning home at night, apparently. the sea-front of Redcar would delight Jack A. Napes in season but at present it has a subdued sullen air - "fun city', ice-cream bar, cafes by