- Max. dissimilarity: 0.097
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.068
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65525879 - _secunda
- 65550770 - Gillian1956
- WINNER - 65686993 - vanderfb
- 65740763 - SusanMorley53425
- 65764762 - kbee333
- 65842024 - Moggsy8

65525879 - _secunda
the dozen, dodgem-car rinks, all shut, only their notices and advertisements ironically unattended, and grimy. I think it is safe to say there is not a pretty building in the town: I have not seen the South end yet but elsewhere there is nothing-- an aesthetic waste-land. At the pavilion theatre, a crazy structure jutting on slender pylons above the winter sea, there is The Yeoman of the Guard--little wonder that even Yawalla stayed at 44 Queen Street with the upset Dandylion. No gallivanting here; he said ruefully. Soon I will send you a drawing of the clock tower--pure plantary, my dear.I have written about 500 words on Beckett; Megarts (am I not quick?) and am making a start on the atlas book this morning.
I do not know about the personal relations of the librarians here (as I did of Shepherd's Bush) but their behavior confirms my belief that they are, as a social type, stupid, mannerless, slow-in-response, philistine, and, generally, beneath contempt though I am not always above irritation.
I do hope you are well now: I appear to be so I expect you will be, alas, for although we reacted at different speeds our symptoms point to Kings x refreshments.
I love you, my dearest, so much--I think of you all the time and treasure every thought of you. Your locket is with me now.
I love you
65550770 - Gillian1956
the dozen, dodgem-car rinks, all shot, only their notices and advertisements ironically unattended, and grimy. Ithink it is safe to say there is not a pretty building in the town: I have not seen the south end yet but elsewhere there is nothing--an aesthetic waste-land. At the pavilion theatre, a crazy structure jutting on slender pylons above the winter sea, there is the yeoman of the guard--little wonder that even Yawalla stayed at 44 Queen Street with the upset Dandylions. 'No gallivanting here,' he said ruefully. Soon I will send you a drawing of the clock tower - pure phantasy, my dear.I have written about 500 words on Beckett's [ ( am I not quick?) and am making a start on the other book this morning.
I don ot know about the personal relations of the librarians here (as I did at Shepherd's Bush) but their behavior confirms my belief that they are, as a social type, stupid, mannerless, slow-in-response, phillistine, and, generally, beneath contempt though I am not always above irritation.
I do hope you are well now: I appear to be so I expect you will be, also, for although we reacted at different speeds our symptoms point to Kings X refreshments.
I love you, my dearest, so much - I think of you all the time and treasure every thought of you. Your locket is with me now
I love you,
WINNER - 65686993 - vanderfb
the dozen, dodgem-car rinks, all shut, only their notices and advertisements ironically unattended and grimy. I think it is safe to say there is not a pretty building in town: I have not seen the South end yet but elsewhere there is nothing - an aesthetic wasteland. At the pavilion theatre, a crazy structure jutting on slender pylons above the winter sea, there is The Yeoman of the Guard. Little wonder that even Yawalla stayed at 44 Queen Street with the upset Dandylion. 'No gallivanting here,' he said ruefully. Soon I will send you a drawing of the clock tower - pure fantasy my dear.I have written about 500 words on Beckett's Hogarth (am I not quick?) and am making a start on the other book this morning.
I do not know about the personal relations of the librarians here (as I did at Shepherd's Bush) but their behavior confirms my belief that they are, as a social type, stupid, mannerless, slow-in-response, philistine, and, generally, beneath contempt though I am not always above irritation.
I do hope you are well now: I appear to be so I expect you will be, also, for although we reacted at different speeds our symptoms point to Kings X refreshments.
I love you, my dearest, so much - I think of you all the time and treasure every thought of you. Your locket is with me now
I love you
65740763 - SusanMorley53425
the dozen, dodgem-car links, all shut, only their noticesand advertisements ironically unattended, and grimy. I
think it is safe to say there is not a pretty building in
the town : I have not seen the south end yet but elsewhere
there is nothing - an aesthetic waste-land. At the
pavilion theatre, a crazy structure jutting on slender
pylons above the winter sea, there is The Yeoman of the Guard.
little wonder than even Yawalla stayed at 44 Queen
Street with the upset Dandylion. No gallivanting here; he
said ruefully. Soon I will send you a drawing of
the clock tower - pure phantasy my dear.
I have written about 500 words on Beckett's Megarts (am
I not quick?) and am making a start on the other book this
I do not know about the personal relations of the li-
brariens here (as I did at Shepherd's Bush) but this be-
haviour confirms my belief that they are, as a social
type, stupid, mannerless, slow-in-response, philistine,
and, generally, beneath contempt though I am not al-
ways above irritation.
I do hope you are well now: I appear to be so I expect
you will be, also, for although we reacted at different
speeds our symptoms point to Kings X refreshments.
I love you, my dearest, so much - I think of you all
the time and treasure every thought of you. Your locket
is with me now
I love you
65764762 - kbee333
the dozen, dodgem-car rinks, all shut, only their notices and advertisements ironically unattended, and grimy. I think it is safe to say there is not a pretty building in the town: I have not seen South end yet but elsewhere there is nothing - an aesthetic waste-land. At the Pavilion Theatre, a crazy structure jutting on slender pylons above the winter sea, there is The Yeoman of the Guard - little wonder that even Yawalla stayed at 44 Queen Street with the upset Dandylions. 'No Gallivanting here', he said ruefully. Soon I will send you a drawing of the clock tower - pure phantasy my dear.I have written about 500 words on Beckett's Hogarth (am I not quick?) and am making a start on the other book this morning.
I do not know about the personal relations of the librarians here (as I did at Shepherd's Bush) but their behaviour confirms my belief that they are, as a social type, stupid, mannerless, slow-in-response, philistine, and, generally, beneath contempt though I am not always above irritation.
I do hope you are well now - I appear to be so I expect you will be, also, for although we reacted at different speeds our symptoms point to Kings x refreshments.
I love you, my dearest, so much - I think of you all the time and treasure every thought of you. Your locket is with me now
I love you
65842024 - Moggsy8
the dozen, dodgem-car rinks, all shut, only their notices and advertisements ironically unattended, and grimy. I think it safe to say there is not a pretty building in the town: I have not seen the south end yet but elsewhere there is nothing - an aesthetic waste-land. At the pavilion theatre, a crazy structure jutting on slender pylons above the winter sea, there is The Yeoman of the Guard - little wonder that even Yawalla stayed at 44 Queen Street with the upset Dandylion. 'No gallivanting here' he says ruefully. Soon I will send you a drawing of the clock tower - pure fantasy, my dear.I have written about 500 words on Beckett's Hogarth (am I not quick?) and am making a start on the atlas book this morning.
I do not know about the personal relations of the librarians here (as I did at Shepherd's Bush) but their behavior confirms my belief that they are, as a social type, stupid, mannerless, slow-in-response, philistine and , generally, beneath contempt though I am not always above irritation.
I do hope you are well now: I appear to be so I expect you will be, also. for although we reacted at different speeds our symptoms point to Kings X refreshments.
I love you, my dearest, so much - I think of you all the time and treasure every thought of you. Your locket is with me now
I love you