- Max. dissimilarity: 0.161
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.088
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65468601 - Sabine_Tuck
- WINNER - 65469760 - JNaz
- 65541736 - Bambina41
- 65592045 - Lovage
- 65618277 - Jacobi
- 65644425 - WiltedLotus

65468601 - Sabine_Tuck
44 Queen Street Redcar Yorkshire10 xii 1949
My dearest Sylvia -
Your letter arrived by the second post and I hasten to reply. I am sitting in the reference room, my reference room it is fast becoming, having just phoned the station. Still now news of the exhibition I am glad to say. I have started reading Sir Osbert's Great Morning and I have also drafted the whole of my NS and N review. I read the entire length of the American book about Hogarth yesterday. I am very glad that the exhibition has not appeared and I have been able to stay by the coal-fire at Queen Street for my stomach trouble has not yet disappeared though I believe I am, today, decidedly better. It has "come on" me several times in the afternoon but not, thank goodness, this afternoon.
WINNER - 65469760 - JNaz
44 Queen Street Redcor Yorkshire10 xii 1949
My dearest Sylvia -
Your letter arrived by the second post
and I hasten to reply. I am sitting in
the reference room, my reference room
as it is fast becoming, having just
phoned the station. Still no news
of the exhibition I am glad to say.
I have started reading SirOsbert's Great
Morning and I have also drafted the
whole of my NS and N review. I read
the entire length of the American book
about Hogarth yesterday. I am very
glad that the exhibition has not ap -
peared and I have been able to stay
byt the coal-fire at Queen Street for
my stomach trouble has not yet dis-
appeared though I believe I am, to-
day, decidedly better. It has "come
on" me several times in the afternoon
but not, thank goodness, this afternoon
65541736 - Bambina41
44 Queen Street Redcar Yorkshire10 xii 1949
My dearest Sylvia-
Your letter arrived by the second post and I hasten to reply. I am sitting in the reference room, my reference room as it is fast becoming, having just phoned the station. Still no news of the exhibition I am glad to say. I have started reading Sir Osbert's Great Morning and I have also drafted the whole of my NS and N review. I read the entire length of the American book about Hogarts yesterday. I am very glad that the exhibition has not appeared and I have able to stay by the coal-fire at Queen street for my stomach trouble has not yet disappeared thought I believe I am, today, decidedly better. It has "come on" me several times in the afternoon but not, thank goodness, this afternoon.
65592045 - Lovage
44 Queen Street Redcar Yorkshire10 xii 1949
My dearest Sylvia -
Your letter arrived by the second post
and I hasten to reply. I am sitting in
the reference room, my reference room
as it is fast becoming, having just
phoned the station. Still no news
of the exhibition I am glad to say.
I have started reading Sir Osbert's Great
Morning and I have also drafted the
whole of my NS and N review. I read
the entire length of the American book
about Hogarth yesterday. I am very
glad that the exhibition has not ap-
peared and I have been able to stay
by the coal-fire at Queen Street for
my stomach trouble has not yet did-
appeared though I believe I am, to-
day, decidedly better. It has "come
on" me several times in the afternoon
but not, thank goodness, this afternoon.
65618277 - Jacobi
44 Queen Street Redcar Yorkshire10 Xii 1949
My dearest Eylnia -
Your letter arrived by the second post and I hastened to reply. I am sitting in the reference room, my reference room as it is fast becoming, my (underscore "my") having just phoned the station. Still no news of the exhibition I am glad to say- I have started reading Sir O?bert's Great Morning (underscore Great Morning) and I have also drafted the whole of my NS and N review. I read the entire length of the American book about Hogarts yesterday. I am very glad that the exhibition has not appeared and I have been able to stay by the coal-fire at Queen Street for my stomach trouble has not yet disappeared though I believe I am, today, decidedly better. It has "come on" me several times in the afternoon but not, thank goodness, this afternoon.
65644425 - WiltedLotus
44 Queen Street Redcar Yorkshire10 xii 1949
My dearest Sylvia
Your letter arrived by the second post and I hasten to reply. I am sitting n the reference room, my reference room as it is fast becoming, having just phoned the station. Still no news of the exhibition I am glad to say. I have started reading Sir Osbert's Greta Morning and I have drafted the whole of my NS and N review. I read
the entire length of the American book about Hogarth yesterday. I am very glad that the exhibition has not appeared and I have been able to stay by the coal-fire at Queen Street for my stomach trouble has not yet dis-appeared though, I believe I am, today decidedly better. IC has "come on" me several times in the afternoon but not, thank goodness, this afternoon.