- Max. dissimilarity: 0.786
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.484
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65644186 - davidesheffield
- 65670367 - not-logged-in-0f1322750989e94ff838
- WINNER - 65745642 - susanmb70
- 66013436 - KittyM
- 66025982 - k8mielke
- 66029064 - maewe

65644186 - davidesheffield
44 Queen Street Redcar Yorkshire 12 xii 1949Dearest Sylvia,
Monday morning has brought no news, as yet, of the exhibition but it has bought what I so much more desired, a letter from you.
I am glad your lecture was better attended, a marked rise in numbers. Probably had it gone on a bit numbers would have justly increased. The fact attendance recovered seems to give the lie to the canon blaming you for the attendance. He sounds a nice creature-nice. When I reached the point in your letter when the epidiascope burst into flames I laughed and laughed-it had the cumualtive comic effect of one of Sir Oswald's stories about the cavalry (I have almost finished great training) When Mrs Moorhouse brought in my eggs and bacon I was chuckling away, madly, to myself
65670367 - not-logged-in-0f1322750989e94ff838
44 Queen Street Redear Yorkshire 12 x 11 1949Dearest Sylvia,
Monday morning has brought no news, as yet, of the ex-
hibition but it has brought what I so much more desired,
a letter from you.
I am glad your lecture was better attended, a marked rise
in numbers. Probably had it gone on a bit numbers would
have little increased.
WINNER - 65745642 - susanmb70
44 Queen Street Redcar Yorkshire 12 x11 1949Dearest Sylvia,
Monday morning has brought no news, as yet, of the exhibition, but it has brought what I so much more desired, a letter from you.
I am glad your lecture was better attended, a marked rise in numbers. Probably had it gone on a bit numbers would have durther increased. The fact attendance recovered seems to give the lie to the canon blaming you for the attendance. He sounds a vile creature - vile. When I reached the point in your letter when the epidiascope burst into flames I laughed and laughes - it had the cumulative comic effect of one of Sir Osbert's stories about the cavalry. (I have almost finished Great Morning.) When Mrs Woorbouse brought in my eggs and bacon I was still chuckling away, madly, to myself.
Yes, I think Yorkshire good-will is a well-founded myth (though, of course, library staff must be excluded from any generalisations - leaving as they do in an introverted philistine world of their own). I meant to remark in earlier letters but seem always to have suppressed it that the people, apart from my hosts who are exemplary, all seem amiable, not afraid of smiling - as great a contrast as I could wish to the people in the midlands.
Melty has showered questions on me about the exact appearance of your new coat but I tell her she must wait and see.
66013436 - KittyM
44 Queen Street Redcar Yorkshire 12 x 11 1949Dearest Sylvia,
Monday Morning has brought no news, as yet, of the ex-
hibition but it has brought what I so much more desired,
a letter from you.
I am glad your lecture was better attended, a washed in
in numbers. I notably had it gone on a bit numbers would
have greatly increased. The fort attenders recovered seem
to give the lie in the canon blaming you for the attendance.
He sounds a vile creature- vile. When I reached the
point in your letter when the epidiascope burst into flames
I laughed and laughed- it had the cumulative comic effect
of one of Sir Osler's stories about the cavalry. (I have al-
most finished great herving .) When the waiter brought in my eggs and bacon I was still chuckling away, madly, to myself.
Yes, I think Yorkshire good- will is a well-founded myts
(though, of course, library staff must be excluded from any
generalization - leaving on they do in an introverted philistine
world of their own). I meant to remark in earlier letters but
seem always to have suppressed it that the people, apart from
my hosts, who are exemplary, all seem amiable, not afraid of
smiling - as great a contrast as I could wish to the people
in the midlands.
Name: Helty has showered questions on me about the exact ap-
pearance of your new coat but I tell her she must wait and
66025982 - k8mielke
44 Queen Street Redear Yorkshire 12x11 1949 Dearest Sylvia, Monday morning has brought no news, as yet, of the exhibition but it has brought what I so much more desired, a letter from you. I am glad your lecture was jelle, attended, a washed air in numbers. I notably had it gone on a bit numbers would have farther increased. The fact attendance recovered seems to give the ice to the canon blaming you for the attendance. He sounds a vile creature - vile - hone I reached the point in your letter when the epidiascope burst into flames, I laughed and laughed - it had the cumulative comes effect of one of sir D shell's stones about the cavalry. ( I have almost finished Great Morning.) When Mrs. Moorloure brought in my eggs and bacon I was still chuckling away, madly, in myself. Yes, I think Yorkshire good-will is a well founded myths (Doug, of course, library staff must be excluded from any generalization - leaning on they do in an introverted philistine work of their own). I meant to remark in earlier letters but seem always to have suppressed it that the people, apart from my hosts who are exemplary, all seem amiable, not afraid of smiling - as a great contrast as I could wish to the people in the midlands. Pretty has showered questions on me about the exact appearance of your new coat but I tell her she must wait and see.66029064 - maewe
44 Queen Streent Redear Yorkshire12 XII 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
Monday morning has brought no news, as yet, of the exhibition but it has brought what I so much more desired, a letter from you.
I am glad your lecture was better attended, a marked rise in numbers. Probably had it gone on a bit numbers would have further increased. The foel attendance reconered seems to give the lie to the canon claming you for the attendance. He sounsa a vile creature - vile. When I reached the point in your letter when the epidioscope burst into flames I laughed and laughed - it has the comulative comic effect of one of Sir Orlando stones about the cavalry. (I have almost finished Great Morning) When Inns moorloure brought in my eggs and bacon I was still chuckling away, modly, to myself.
Yes, I think Yorkshire good-will is a well-founded myth (though, of course, library staff must be excluded from any generalization - leaving as they do in a introverted philistine world of their own). I meant to remark in earlier letters seem always to have a suppressed it that the people, apart from tests who are exemplary, all seem amiable, not afraid of smiling - as great a contrast as I could wish to the people in the midlands.
Poetry has slowedquestioning on me about the exact appearance of your new coat and I tell her she must wait and see.