- Max. dissimilarity: 0.22
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.128
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65892929 - tpod74
- WINNER - 65901765 - darryluk
- 66126089 - WiltedLotus
- 66134094 - slicitra
- 66141647 - gwynnie
- 66152676 - gbeerjohn

65892929 - tpod74
Dearest Sylvia - my love
This is a short note to say what this morning's letter did not say enough - that I adore you, that my pleasure is loving you and being loved is so great.
Ravishing creature I think of you all the while. As I worked this afternoon you were always in my thoughts - as I glimpsed a painting by you - as I reached for a book - on as the light, now fading, caught my ring.
I feel less worried for I have made admirable notes for tomorrow's Impressionist lecture which I shall tell you bits of (proudly) soon, when we meet.
Oh I am deliciously haunted by you, xxxxlingly , and ravishingly aware of you, despite absence of existentialist geography you are my muse and my love. Andre Breton and Alexandre Pope are my witnesses! My love, my dazzling beauty your magic invades me in a net of glittering memories and anticipation of you.
Alas more to do but this letter shall catch the last but one post and I hope reach you before Sunday - that day without postmen, that landscape without messengers.
Sylvia I love you
And news of the ??? please L
WINNER - 65901765 - darryluk
[27-6-50]Blackheath Friday
Dearest Sylvia - my love
This is a short note to say what this morning's letter did not say enough - that I adore you, that my pleasure in loving you and being loved is so great.
Ravishing creature I think of you all the while. As I worked this afternoon you were always in my thoughts - as I glimpsed a picture by you - as I reached for a book - or as the light, now fading, caught my ring.
I feel less worried for I have made admirable notes for tomorrow's Impressionist lecture which I shall tell you bits of (proudly) soon when we meet.
Oh I am deliciously haunted by you, disturbingly and ravishingly aware of you, despite absence or existentialist geography! You are my muse and my love. Andre Breton and Alexander Pope are my witnesses! My rare my dazzling beauty your magic invalnes me in a net of glittering memories and anticipations of you.
Alas, more work to do, but this letter shall catch the last- but - one post and so I hope reach you before Sunday - that day without postmen, that landscape without messengers
Sylvia I love you
And news of the ?, please L
66126089 - WiltedLotus
Dearest Sylvia - my love
This is a short note to say what this morning's letter did not say enough - that I adore you, that my pleasure in loving you and being loved is so great.
Ravishing creature I think of you all the while. As I worked this afternoon you were always in my thoughts - as I glimpsed a picture of you -as I reached for a book - or as the light, now fading, caught my ring.
I feel less worried for I have made admirable notes for tomorrow's Impressionist lecture which I shall tell you bits of (proudly) soon when we meet.
Oh I am deliciously haunted by you, disturbingly and ravishingly aware of you, despite absence & existentialist geography; you are my muse and my love. Andre Breton and Alexander Pope are my witnesses! My rare my dazzling beauty your magic involves me in a net of glittering memories and anticipations of you.
Alas, more work to do, but this letter shall catch the last-but-one post and so I hope reach you before Sun-day - that day without postmen, that landscape without messengers.
Sylvia I love you
And news of the owls, please L
66134094 - slicitra
Dearest Sylvia - my love
This is a short note to say what this morning's letter did not say enough - that I adore you, that my pelasure in loving you and beling loved is so great.
creature I think of you all the while. As I worked this afternoon you were always in my thoughts - as I glimpsed a by you - as I reached for a look - as once light, now fading, caught my ring.
I feel less worried for I have made admirable notes for tomorrow's Impressionist lecture which I shall tell you bits of (proudly) soon when we meet.
Oh I am deliciously haunted by you, disturbingly and ravishingly aware of you, despite absence is existentialist geography, you are my muse and my love. Andre Breton and Alexandre Pope are my witnesses! My rare my dazzling beauty your magic me in a of glittering memories and anticipation of you.
Alas, more work to do, but this letter shall catch the - one post and so I hope reach you before Sunday - that day without portmen, that landscape without messengers.
Sylvia I love you
And news of I'll , please L
66141647 - gwynnie
[27-6-50]Blackheath Friday
Dearest Sylvia - my love
This is a short note to say what this morning's letter did not say enough - that I adore you, that my pleasure in loving you and being loved is so great.
Ravishing creature I think of you all the while. As I worked this afternoon you were always in my thoughts - as I glimpsed a picture by you - as I reached for a book - or as he light, now fading, caught my ring.
I feel less worried for I have made admirable notes for tomorrow's Impressionist lecture which I shall tell you bits of (proudly) soon, when we meet.
Oh I am deliciously haunted by you, disturbingly and ravishingly aware of you, despite absence or existentialist geography, you are my muse and my love. Andre Breton and Alexander Pope are my witnesses! My rare my dazzling beauty your magic involves me in a net of glittering memories and anticipation of you.
Alas, more work to do, but this letter shall catch the last-but-one post and so I hope reach you before Sunday - that day without postmen, that landscape without messengers.
Sylvia I love you
And news of the owls, please L
66152676 - gbeerjohn
[27-6-50]Blackheath Friday
Dearest Sylvia, my love
This is a short note to say about this morning's letter did not say enough - that I adore you, that my pleasure in loving you and being loved is so great.
Ravishing creature I think of you all the while. As I worked this afternoon you were always in my thoughts - as I glimpsed a picture by you - as I reached for a book - or as the light, now fading, caught my ring.
I feel less worried for I have made admirable notes for Edmarrow's Impressionist lecture which I shall tell you bits of (proudly) soon when we meet.
Oh I am deliciously haunted by you, disturbingly and ravishingly aware of you, despite absence or existentialist geography; you are my muse and my love. Andre' Breton and Alexander Pope are my witnesses! My rare my dazzling beauty your magic involves me in a net of glittering memories and anticipations of you.
Alas, more work to do, but this letter shall catch the last-but-one post and so I hope reach you before Sunday - that day without postmen, that landscape without messengers.
Sylvia I love you
And news of till cuuh , please L