- Max. dissimilarity: 0.037
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.026
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65920319 - altheist
- 65974149 - pdunk
- 66125188 - DoubleOhHelix
- 66238271 - fennas
- 66265381 - Sabine_Tuck
- 66302188 - Mel492

WINNER - 65920319 - altheist
Blackheath27 I 1950
Dearest Sylvia,
I have got your button. I would have bought more than one if I could, but this was the only one they had left.
Schimanski was very nice and not at all as his letter made us suspect him. He has given me a book about Edward ("Omar") Fitzgerald to review and is reading my Third Man article: without having read it he almost committed himself to publishing it and he wants me to see Bicycle Thieves and The Miracle and write about one of them. He also wants to see a Hogarth chapter with a view to publishing it: I shall give him the chapter I am writing now.
You've seen the Statesman today? Both my reviews are in.
I enclose the Mahon review which I got at Gainborough's yesterday.
Here is a poem, my dove:
No news my rocaille, my spoon
Of delights and shafts tumescent,
How is it that you have not heard
By way of dream or hunch or moon
What I perform in the Void,
The Interregnum, the Royal absent?
You are, then, exempt from the visit
Of roofless muse and mouse of fear
Rattling in the wainscot, running
Along the veins to flutter in the wrist,
Or like someone lately sunning
Deluged by baroque states of a tear.
65974149 - pdunk
Dearest Sylvia,
I have got your letter. I would have bought
more than one if I could, but this was the only
one they had left.
Schimanski was very nice and not at all as his
letter made us suspect him. He has given me a
book about Edward ('Omar') Fitzgerald to review
and is reading my Third Man article: without
having read it he almost committed himself to pub-
lishing it and he wants me to see Bicycle Thieves
and The Miracle and write about one of them. He
also wants to see a Hogarth chapter with a view to
publishing it: I shall give him the chapter I am writing now.
You've seen the Statesman today? Both my reviews are in.
I enclose the Mahon review which I got at Gains-
borough's yesterday.
Here is a poem, my dove:
No news my rocaille, my spoon
Of delights and shafts tumescent,
How is it that you have not heard
By way of dream or hunch or moon
What I perform in the Void,
The Interregnum, the Royal absent?
You are, then, exempt from the visit
Of roofless muse and mouse of fear
Rattling in the wainscot, running
Along the veins to flutter in the wrist,
Or like someone lately sunning
Deluged by baroque states of a tear.
66125188 - DoubleOhHelix
BLACKHEATH 24 I 1950Dearest Sylvia,
I have got your button. I would have bought more than one if I could, but this was the only one they had left.
Schimanski was very nice and not at all as his letter made us suspect him. He has given me a book about Edward ('Omar') Fitzgerald to review and is reading my Third Man article: without having read it he almost committed himself to pub-lishing it and he wants me to see the Bicycle Thieves and The Miracle and write about one of them. He also wants to see a Hogarth chapter with a view to publishing it: I shall give him the chapter I am writing now.
You've seen the Statesman today? Both my re-views are in.
I enclose the Mahon review which I got at Gains-borough's yesterday.
Here is a poem, my dove:
No news my rocaille, my spoon
Of delights and shafts tumescent,
How is it that you have not heard
By way of dream or hunch or moon
What I perform in the Void,
The Interregnum, the Royal absent?
You are, then, exempt from the visit
Of roofless muse and mouse of fear
Rattling in the wainscot, running
Along the veins to flutter in the wrist,
Or like someone lately sunning
Deluged by baroque states of a tear.
66238271 - fennas
BLACKHEATH 27 I 1950Dearest Sylvia,
I have got your button. I would have bought
more than one if I could, but this was the only
one they had left.
Schimanski was very nice and not at all as his
letter made us suspect him. He has given me a
book about Edward ('Omar') Fitzgerald to review
and is reading my Third Man article: without
having read it he almost committed himself to pub-
lishing it and he wants me to see Bicycle Thieves
and The Miracle and write about one of them. He
also wants to see a Hogarth chapter with a view to
publishing it: I shall give him the chapter I am
writing now.
You've seen the Statesmen today? Both my re-
views are in.
I enclose the Mahon review which I got at Gains-
borough's yesterday.
Here is a poem, my dove:
No news my rocaille, my spoon
Of delights and shafts tumescent,
How is it that you have not heard
By way of dream or hunch or moon
What I perform in the Void,
The Interregnum, the Royal absent?
You are, then, exempt from the visit
Of roofless muse and mouse of fear
Rattling in the wainscot, running
Along the veins to flutter in the wrist,
Or like someone lately sunning
Deluged by baroque states of a tear.
66265381 - Sabine_Tuck
BLACKHEATH 27 I 1950Dearest Sylvia,
I have got your button. I would have bought more than one if I could, but this was the only one they had left.
Schimanski was very nice and not at all as his letter made us suspect him. He has given me a book about Edward ('Omar') Fitzgerald to review and is reading my Third Man article: without having read it he almost committed himself to publishing it and he wants me to see Bicycle Thieves and The Miracle and write about one of them. He also wants to see a Hogarth chapter with a view to publishing it: I shall give him the chapter I am writing now.
You've seen the Statesman today? Both my reviews are in.
I enclose the review which I got at Gainsborough's yesterday.
Here is a poem, my dove:
No news my rocaille, my spoon
Of delights and shafts tumescent,
How is it that you have not heard
By way of dream or hunch or moon
What I perform in the Void,
The Interregnum, the Royal absent?
You are, then, exempt from the visit
Of roofless muse and mouse of fear
Rattling in the wainscot, running
Along the veins to flutter in the wrist,
Or like someone lately sunning
Deluged by baroque states of a tear.
66302188 - Mel492
Blackheath. 27 1. 1950Dearest Sylvia,
I have got your button. I would have bought
more than one if I could, but this was the only
one they had left.
Schimanski was very nice and not at all as his
letter made us suspect him. He has given me a
book about Edward ('Omar') Fitzgerald to review
and is reading my Third Man article: without
having read it he almost committed himself to pub-
lishing it and he wants me to see Bicycle Thieves
and The Miracle and write about one of them. He
also wants to see a Hogarth chapter with a view to
publishing it: I shall give him the chapter I am
writing now.
You've seen the Statesman today? Both my re-
views are in.
I enclose the Mahon review which I got at Gains-
borough's yesterday.
Here is a poem, my dove:
No news my rocaille, my spoon
Of delights and shafts tumescent,
How it is that you have not heard
By way of dream or hunch or moon
What I perform in the Void,
The Interregnum, the Royal absent?
You are, then, exempt from the visit
Of roofless muse and mouse of fear
Rattling in the wainscot, running
Along the veins to flutter in the wrist,
Or like someone lately sunning
Deluged by baroque states of a tear.