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  1. WINNER - 65773958 - MituKagome
  2. 65885550 - Astrolunos
  3. 65900265 - darryluk
  4. 65950809 - Cusanus
  5. 66013955 - coleen12
  6. 66134436 - gbeerjohn

WINNER - 65773958 - MituKagome


Today I may find time to see one of those Italian films. I shall try. Tomorrow I must read and start my review of the Fitzgerald book for World Review so I cannot start writing about Hogarth quite yet alas.

I seem to be rather overwhelmed with things to do, at the moment. I still have something of the consequent anxiety and felt rather headachy and stiff this morning. But, since a bath, I feel more human and soon I must to town: washing, shopping, film, and, finally, the debate. I enclose a card showing you what it is.

I love you, dearest, I love you

65885550 - Astrolunos


Today I may find time to see one of those Italian films. I shall try. Tomorrow I must read and start my review of the Fitzgerald book for World Review so I cannot start writing about Hogarth quiet yet alas.

I seem to be rather overwhelmed with things to do, at the moment. I still have something of the conse-
quent anxiety and felt rather headachy and stiff this morning. But, since a bath, I feel more human and soon I must to town: washing, shopping, film, and, finally, the debate. I enclose a card showing you what it is.

I love you, dearest, I love you

65900265 - darryluk


Today I may find time to see one of those Italian films. I shall try. Tomorrow I must read and start my review of the Fitzgerald book for World Review so I cannot start writing about Hogarth quite yet alas.

I seem to be rather overwhelmed with things to do, at the moment. I still have something of the consequent anxiety and felt rather headachy and stiff this morning. But, since a bath, I feel more human and soon I must to town: washing, shopping, film, and. finally, the debate. I enclose a card showing you what it is.

I love you, dearest, I love you


65950809 - Cusanus

Today I may find time to see one of those Italian films. I shall try. Tomorrow I must read and start my review of the Fitzgerald book for the World Review, so I cannot start writing about Hogarth quite yet - alas.

I seem to be rather overwhelmed with things to do at this moment. I still have something of the consequent anxiety and felt rather headachy and stiff this morning. But, since a bath, I feel more human and soon must go to town: washing, shopping, film, and, finally, the debate. I enclose a card showing you what it is.

I love you dearest, I love you

66013955 - coleen12

Today I may find time to see one of those Italian films. I shall try. Tomorrow I must read and start my review of the Fitzgerald book for World Review so I cannot start writing about Hogarth quite yet alas.
I seem to be rather overwhelmed with things to do, at the moment. I still have something of the consequent anxiety and felt rather headachy and stiff this morning. But, since a bath, I feel more human and soon I must to town: washing, shopping, film, and, finally the debate. I enclose a card showing you what it is.
I love you, dearest, I love you

66134436 - gbeerjohn

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