- Max. dissimilarity: 0.045
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.025
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65882580 - Akschnei
- WINNER - 65981663 - applepi314
- 65999339 - Preacher357
- 66029677 - hoskinml
- 66269096 - 2416837397
- 66481005 - gailkoelker

65882580 - Akschnei
VERSIONS OF CYTHEREWhat version of the island satisfies
Our theory and our mood? Remember, some
Supposed it was a phallic crest surviving
Elaborate sunken continents,
Precipitous and guilty as a gibbet
Caked with snow and with the wind raked.
Blue noses not red lips and bones not breasts
Spiky, not voluptuous on the shore
Where dribbled or beat the sea, in mad extremes.
Some wish it free of loves's longer words,
Its lees peaceful because free of verbs,
A concave in the sea, an azure dent
Out of the wind, and well off the trade routes
Where captains keep their logs and sailors spit,
Responsible or merely animal:
Under the raft of the horizon,
The island slips, regressive involute,
Diminishing in vacent fathoms
The island we select and have adored
Has cliffs, but functional, set forth a climb,
Is tranquil, but not past the point of choice.
Varieties of attitude like fruit
Rise tumescent from the blossom,
Above the knotted lovers, in their reach.
Between retreat and death the island is
A purple bed - an orchard
Replenished by the lattitude of wishes.
1-2 February.
WINNER - 65981663 - applepi314
Versions of CythereWhat version of the island satisfies
Our theory and our mood? Remember, some
Supposed it was a phallic crest surviving
Elaborate sunken continents,
Precipitous and guilty as a gibbet
Caked with snow and with the wind raked.
Blue noses not red lips and bones not breasts
Spiky, not voluptuous on the shore
Where dribbled or beat the sea, in mad extremes.
Some wish it free of love's longer words,
Its lees peaceful because free of verbs,
A concave in the sea, an azure dent
Out of the wind, and well off the trade routes
Where captains keep their logs and sailors spit,
Responsible or merely animal:
Under the raft of the horizon,
The island slips, regressive involute,
Diminishing in vacent fathoms
The island we select and have adored
Has cliffs, but functional, set for a climb,
Is tranquil, but not past the point of choice.
Varieties of attitude like fruit
Rise tumescent from the blossom,
Above the knotted lovers, in their reach.
Between retreat and death the island is
A purple bed- an orchard
Replenished by the lattitude of wishes.
1-2 February.
65999339 - Preacher357
VERSIONS OF CYTHEREWhat version of the island satisfies
Our theory and our mood? Remember, some
Supposed it was a phallic crest surviving
Elaborate sunken continents,
Precipitous and guilty as a gibbet
Caked with snow and with the wind raked.
Blue noses not red lips and bones not breasts
Spiky, not voluptuous on the shore
Where dribbled or beat the sea, in mad extremes.
Some wish it free of love's longer words,
Its less peaceful because free of verbs,
A concave in the sea, an azure dent
Out of the wind, and well off the trade routes
Where captains keep their logs and sailors spit,
Responsible or merely animal:
Under the raft of the horizon,
The island slips, regressive involute,
Diminishing in vacant fathoms.
The island we select and have adored
Has cliffs, but functional, set for a climb,
Is tranquil, but not past the point of choice.
Varieties of attitude like fruit
Rise tumescent from the blossom,
Above the knetted lovers, in their reach.
Between retreat and death the island is
A purple bed - an orchard
Replenished by the lattitude of wishes.
1-2 February.
66029677 - hoskinml
VERSIONS OF CYTHEREWhat version of the island satisfies our theory and our mood? Remember, some Supposed it was a phallic crest surviving Elaborate sunken continents, Precipitous and guilty as a gibbet Caked with snow and with the wind raked. Blue noses not red lips and bones not breasts Spiky, not voluptuous on the shore Where dribbled or beat the sea, in mad extremes.
Some wish it free of love's longer words, Its lees peaceful because free of verbs, A concave in the sea, an azure dent Out of the wind, and well off the trade routes Where captains keep their logs and sailors spit, Responsible or merely animal: Under the raft of the horizon, The island slips, regressive involute, Diminishing in vacent fathoms
The island we select and have adored Has cliffs, but functional, set for a climb, Is tranquil, but not past the point of choice. Varieties of attitude like fruit Rise tumescent from the blossom, Above the knotted lovers, in their reach. Between retreat and death the island is A purple bed - an orchard Replenished by the lattitude of wishes.
1-2 February.
66269096 - 2416837397
VERSIONS OF CYTHEREWhat version of the island satisfies
Our theory and our mood? Remember, some
Supposed it was a phallic crest surviving
Elaborate sunken continents,
Precipitous and guilty as a gibbet
Caked with snow and with the wind raked.
Blue noses not red lips and bones not breasts
Spiky, not voluptuous on the shore
Where dribbled or beat the sea, in mad extremes.
Some wish it free of love's longer words,
Its lees peaceful because free of verbs,
A concave in the sea, and azure dent
Out of the wind, and well off the trade routes
Where captains keep their logs and sailors spit,
Responsible or merely animal:
Under the raft of the horizon,
The island slips, regressive involute,
Diminishing in vacant fathoms.
The island we select and have adored
Has cliffs, but functional, set for a climb,
Is tranquil, but not past the point of choice.
Varieties of attitude like fruit
Rise tumescent from the blossom,
Above the knotted lovers, in their reach.
Between retreat and death the island is
A purple bed- an orchard
Replenished by the latitude of wishes.
1-2 February.
66481005 - gailkoelker
VERSIONS OF CYTHEREWhat version of the island satisfies Our theory and our mood? Remember, some Supposed it was a phallic crest surviving Elaborate sunken continents, Precipitous and guilty as a gibbet Caked with snow and with the wind raked. Blue noses not red lips and bones not breasts Spiky, not voluptuous on the shore Where dribbled or beat the sea, in mad extremes. Some wish it free of love's longer words, Its lees peaceful because free of verbs, A concave in the sea, an azure dent Out of the wind, and well off the trade routes Where captains keep their logs and sailors spit, Responsible or merely animal: Under the raft of the horizon, The island slips, regressive involute, Diminishing in vacent fathoms.
The island we select and have adored Has cliffs, but functional, set for a climb, Is tranquil, but not past the point of a choice. Varieties of attitude like fruit Rise tumescent from the blossom, Above the knotted lovers, in their reach. Between retreat and death the island is A purple bed - an orchard Replenished by the latitude of wishes 1-2 February