- Max. dissimilarity: 0.245
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.138
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66183050 - nhsia
- 66277581 - tmeconverse
- 66370429 - altheist
- 66991903 - ethomson
- 67130219 - KeriStephenson
- WINNER - 67545495 - StarwatcherHB

66183050 - nhsia
Dearest Sylvia 23 11 1950I will tell you first about the lecture. The resist-
ance I had expected I did not encounter and, enboldened,
I even ventured a little way onto psycho-analyticl
interpretation - of one Ernst and one Miro. I read them
Trava's lion Tamer, automatic texts by Picasso, poems by
Peret, Eluard, and Miro himself. They honestly seemed
persuaded when I said - orthodox surrealism - that every-
body could be a surrealist - Mrs Jarvis even admitting
she could write such poems if she tried to. The husband of one
of the women came and seemed himself interested in
what was going on: in the discussion when I mentioned
the resistance surrealism often aroused he compared
it to (super-ego) laws about bathing, &c. I took along
many books and did not leave until almost 10 o'clock.
I had then admiring Alice Paales, Esteban Frances, as well
as the more familiar earlier surrealists. It is curious
how swiftly they respond to colour. One woman bro-
ught along some Harisons with surreal illustrations to
pass about - which was very kind, I thought.
On the way -- actually at Morden -- I listened for
a time to an election meeting (a conservative) : it was a
curious occasion and one I was fascinated by. The sky
was getting appreciably darker & great clouds were rear-
ing up from the horizon - as from a burning city. Great
pink & orange 'flowers' of neon bloomed brighter as it
66277581 - tmeconverse
23. 11. 1950Dearest Sylvia,
I will tell you first about the lecture. The resistance I had expected I did not encounter and, emboldened, I even ventured a little way into psycho-analytical interpretation - of one Erst and one Miro. I read them Trana's Lion Tamer, automatic texts by Picasso, poems by Peret, Eluard, and Miro himself. They honestly seemed persuaded when I said - orthodox surrealism - that everybody could be a surrealist - Mrs Jarvis even admitting she could write such poems if she tried to. The husband of one of the women came and seemed himself interested in what was going on: in the discussion when I mentioned the resistance surrealism often aroused he compared it to (super-ego) laws about bathing, &c. I took along many books and did not leave until almost 10 o'clock. I had them admiring Alice Pauler, Esteban Travies, as well as the more familiar , earlier surrealists. It is curious how swiftly they respond to colour. One woman brought along some Horizons with surreal illustrations to pass about - which was very kind, I thought.
On the way - actually at Morden - I listened for a time to an election meeting (a conservative); it was a curious occasion and one I was fascinated by. The sky was getting appreciably darker & great clouds were rearing up from the horizon - as from a burning city. Great pink & orange 'flowers' of neon bloomed brighter as it
66370429 - altheist
23 II 1950Dearest Sylvia,
I will tell you first about the lecture. The resistance I had expected I did not encounter and, emboldened, I even mentioned a little way onto psycho-analytical interpretation - of one Ernst and one Miro. I read them Trava's Lion Tamer, automotive texts by Picarro, poems by Peret/ Edward, and Miro himself. The honestly seemed persuaded when I said - orthodox surrealism - that everybody could be a surrealist - Mrs. Jarvis even admitting she could write such poems if she tried to. The husband of one of the women came and seemed himself interested in what was going on in the discussion when I mentioned the resistance surrealism after aroused be compared it to (super-ego) laws about bathing, & C. I took along many books and did not leave until almost 10 o'clock. I had them admiring Alice Paalen, Esaben Francis, as well as the more familiar earlier surrealists. It is curious how swiftly they respond to colour. One woman brought along some Harisons with surreal illustrations to pass about - which was very weird, I thought.
On the way in actually at Morden - I limited for a time to an election meeting (a conservative) it was a curious occasion and one I was fascinated by. The sky was getting appreciably darker & great cloud were rearing up from the horizon - as from a burning city. Great ling & orange "flower" of neon bloomed brighter as it
66991903 - ethomson
23 II 1950Dearest Sylvia
I will tell you first about the lecture. The resist-
ance I had expected I did not encounter and, emboldened,
I even ventured a little way onto psycho-analytical
interpretation - of one Ernst and one Miro. I read them
Trara's Lion Tamer, automatic texts by Picasso, poems by
Peret, Eluard, and Miro himself. They honestly seemed
persuaded when I said - orthodox surrealism - that every-
body could be a surrealist - Mrs Jarvis even admitting
she could write such poems if she tried to. The husband of one
of the women came and seemed himself interested in
what was going on : in the discussion when I mentioned
the resistance to surrealism often aroused he compared
it to (super-ego) laws about bathing, &c. I took along
many books and did not leave until almost 10 o'clock.
I had them admiring Alice Paalen, Esteban Frances, as well
as the more familiar earlier surrealists. It is curious
how swiftly they respond to colour. One woman bro-
ught along some Horizons with surreal illustrations to
pass about - which was very kind, I thought.
On the way - actually at Morden - I listened for
a time to an elections meeting (a conservative): it was a
curious occasion and one I was fascinated by. The sky
was getting appreciably darker and great clouds were rear-
ing up from the horizon - as from a burning city. Great
pink & orange 'flowers' of neon bloomed brighter as it
67130219 - KeriStephenson
23.11.1950Dearest Sylvia
I will tell you first about the lecture. The resistance I had expected I did not encounter and, emboldened, I even ventured a little way into psych-analytical interpretations of one Ernst and one Miro. I read them lion , automatic texts by Picasso, poems by Peret, Eluard and Miro himself. They honestly seemed persuaded when I said - orthodox surrealism - that everybody could be a surrealist - Mrs Jarvis even admitted she could write such poems if she tried to. The husband of one of the women came and seemed himself interested in what was going on: in the discussion when I mentioned the resistance surrealism often aroused he compared it to (super-ego) laws about bathing, &c. I took along many books and did not leave until about 10 o'clock. I had them admiring, Alice Paaless, Estoban , as well as the more familiar earlier surrealists. It is curious how swiftly they respond to colour. One woman brought along some Harisons/unclear] with surreal illustrations to pass about - which was very kind, I thought.
On the way - actually at Morden - I listened for a time to an election meeting (a conservative): it was a curious occasion and one I was fascinated by. The sky getting appreciably darker & great clouds were seen way up from the horizon - as from a burning city. Great pink and orange 'flowers' of neon bloomed brighter as it
WINNER - 67545495 - StarwatcherHB
23.11.50Dearest Sylvia
I will tell you first about the lecture. The resist-
ance I had expected I did not encounter and, emboldened,
I even ventured a little way onto psycho analytical
interpretation - of one Ernst and one Miro. I read them
Trava's lion Tamer, automatic texts by Picasso, poems by
Perot, Eluard and Miro himself. They honestly seemed
persuaded when I said - orthodox surrealism - that every-
body could be a surrealist - Mrs Jarvis even admitting
she could write such poems if she tried to. The husband of one
of the women came and seemed himself interested in
what was going on: in the discussion when I mentioned
the resistance surrealism often aroused he compared
it to (super-ego) laws about bathing, etc. I took along
many books and did not leave until almost 10 o'clock
I had them admiring Alice Paalen, Esteban Frances, as well
as the more familiar earlier surrealists. It is curious
how swiftly they respond to colour. One woman bro-
ught along some Horizons with surreal illustrations to
pass about - which was very kind, I thought.
On the way - actually at Morden - I entered for
a time to an election meeting (a conservative): it was a
curious occasion and one I was fascinated by. The sky
was getting appreciably darker & great clouds were rear-
ing up from the horizon - as from a burning city. Great
pink & orange "flowers" of neon bloomed brighter as it