- Max. dissimilarity: 0.193
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.12
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65850187 - hoskinml
- 65936402 - Frosty1
- 66248468 - WiltedLotus
- WINNER - 66362600 - ethomson
- 66386697 - nzanga
- 66416038 - MrComaToes2

65850187 - hoskinml
2darkened and the moon became very bright. The speaker talked nonsense and the shapeless shadowy crowd of people listened aimiably. I described the scene to them at Banstead & told them it would have been exquisitely hallucinatory if the speaker had said, as if one imagined him as saying : 'Let us peel the moon like a monkey and eat it is as if mere, in reality, musical &c.' The idea charmed them and the unconscious held, momently, sway in Commonfield Road, Banstead, Surrey, England . . .
Molly and Eric are very well = at least Molly is well & Ricky is rather run-down but he is painting & begining to paint interestingly and Paul is working on an abstract painting about 48x30.
Mother has been very unwell - a bad migraine attack for which a doctor proscribed a new drug which produced scarcely less horrible symptoms, including a kind of sleepy delirious state during which she went out & came to in a slightly obscure part of Wimbledon. She looks bad but is getting better.
I love you so much, my beauty, you are in my thoughts continuously, ravishing, elegant, witty, creative, in, ah, how many poses. I love you Lawrence
65936402 - Frosty1
darkened and the moon became very bright. The speaker talks nonsense and the shapeless shadowy crowd of people listened amiably. I described the scene to them at Banstead and told them it would have been exquisitely hallucinatory if the speaker had said, as if one imagined him as saying : 'let us peel the moon like a monkey and eat it is as it were, in reality, musical, &c.' The idea charmed them and the unconscious held, momentarily, sway in Commonfield Road, Banstead, Surrey England...Molly and Eric are very well : at least Molly is well & Ricky is rather run-down but he is painting & beginning to paint interestingly and Paul is working on an abstract painting about 48 X 30.
Father has been very unwell - a bad migraine attack for which a doctor prescribed a new drug which produced scarcely less variable symptoms, including a kind of sleepy delirious state during which she went out & came to in a slightly obscure part of Wimbledon. She looks bad but is getting better.
I love you so much, my beauty, you are in my thoughts continuously, ravishing, elegant, witty, creative, in, Oh, how many, poses. I love you
66248468 - WiltedLotus
2darkened and the moon became very bright. The speaker talked nonsense and the shapeless shadowy crown of people listened amiably. I described the scene to them at Barnstead & told them it would have been exquisitely hallucinatory if the speaker had said, or if one imagined him as saying: 'Let us peel the moon like a monkey and eat it as if it were, in reality, musical, &c.' The idea charmed them and the unconscious held, momently, sway in Commonfield Road, Banstead, Surrey, England. . .
Molly and Eric are very well: at least Molly is well & Richy is rather run-down but he is painting & beginning to paint interestingly and Paul is working on an abstract painting about 48 x 30.
Mother has been very unwell - a bad migraine attack for which a doctor prescribed a new drug which produced scarcely less horrible symptoms, including a kind of sleepy delirious state during which she went out & came to in a slightly obscure part of Wimbledon. She looks bad but is getting better.
I love you so much, my beauty, you are in my thoughts continuously, ravishing, elegant, witty, creative, in, oh, how many, poses. I love you
WINNER - 66362600 - ethomson
darkened and the moon became very bright. Thespeaker talked nonsense and the shapeless shadowy
crowd of people listened aimiably. I described the scene
to them at Banstead & told them it would have been
exquisitely hallucinatory if the speaker had said, as if
one imagined him as saying: 'let us peel the moon like
a monkey and eat it is as is were, in reality, musical, &c.'
The idea charmed them and the unconscious held, momently,
sway in Commonfield Road, Banstead, Surrey, England...
Molly and Eric are very well: at least Molly is well &
Ricky is rather run-down but he is painting & beginning to
paint interestingly and Paul is working on an abstract
painting about 48x30.
Matty has been very unwell - a bad migraine attack for
which a doctor prescribed a new drug which produced
scarcely less horrible symptons, including a kind of
sleepy delirious state during which she went out & came to
in a slightly obscure part of Wimbledon. She looks
bad but is getting better.
I love you so much, my beauty, you are in my thoughts
continuously, ravishing, elegant, witty, creative, in, oh, how many, poses. I love you
66386697 - nzanga
2darkened and the moon became very bright. The speaker talked nonsense and the shapeless shadowy crowd of people listened amiably. I described the scene to hem at Banstead & told them it would have been exquisitely hallucinatory if the speaker had said, as if one imagined him as saying: ' Let us peel the moon like a monkey and eat it is as if were, in reality, musical &c' The idea charmed them and the unconscious held, momently. sway in Commonfield Road, Banstead, Surrey, England...
Molly and Eric are very well: at least Molly is well & Ricky is rather run-down but he is painting & beginning to paint interestingly and Paul is working on an abstract painting about 48 X 30.
Mother has been very unwell - a bad migraine attack for which a doctor prescribed a new drug which produced scarcely less variable symptoms, including a kind of sleepy delirious state during which she went out & came to in a slightly obscure point of Wimbledon. She looks bad but is getting better.
I love you so much, my beauty, you are in my thoughts continuously, ravishing, elegant, witty, creative, in, oh, how many, poses. I love you
66416038 - MrComaToes2
2darkened and the room became very bright. The
speaker talked nonsense and the shapeless shadowy
crowd of people listened amiably. I described the scene
to Ian at Banstead and told Ian it would have been
exquisitely hallucinatory if the speaker had said , as if
one imagine him as saying: 'Let us peel the moon like
a monkey and eat it isas if it were, in reality, musical,& c.'
The idea charmed them an the unconscious held,
sway in Commonfreed Road, Banstead,Surrey, England...
Wally and Eric are very well: at least Wally is well &
Ricky is ratle run - down but he is painting &
beginning to
paint interestingly and Paul is working on an abstract
painting about 48 X 30.
Walter has been very unwell - a bad migraine attack for
which a doctor prescribed a new drug which produced
scarcely less horrible symptoms, including a kind of
deeply delirious state during which she went out & came to
in a slightly obscure part of Wimbledon. She looks
bad but is getting better.
I love you so much my beauty, you are in my thoughts
continuously, ravishing, elegant, witty, creative, in
oh, how man, poses. I love you