- Max. dissimilarity: 0.239
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.153
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65954363 - mayah24
- 66042110 - scisawiz
- 66050727 - datastruth
- WINNER - 66158997 - not-logged-in-d4c033f68f55dedb326b
- 66513892 - Preacher357
- 66978444 - not-logged-in-129402a1804e88f4a088

65954363 - mayah24
28 ii 1950Dearest Sylvia,
Oh, my beatiful creature, my rose, my
minerva, how I love you, my Venetian.
Your letters keep lion on his best behav-
ior and he reads them ones several times and
imagines you doing all the things you describe.
You certainly seem interested in Giogione,
now. I hope Martin Conway's book comes to-
day - it ought to, I sent it off yesterday
by letter post.
Today I have those metded photographers
which is a most unattra ckine prospect. I wish
I could stay here and work. Quelle bare!
Also lunch with Gourmandinet.
I have not slept very well these past two
nights - I don't know why - so feel very sleepy,
sitting curled up in an armchair in the sun.
I wish there were no N G lecture today.
Yes - I agree - Flugel's Henry VIII has the complex
pattern of a good poem. Wait till you hear the
66042110 - scisawiz
28 ii 1950Dearest Sylvia,
Oh, my beautiful creature, my rose, my
Minerva, how I love you, my Venetian.
Your letters keep lion on his best behav-
ior and he reads them over several times and
imagines you doing all the things you describe.
You certainly seem interested in Morgione,
now. I hope Martin Conway's book comes to-
day - it ought to, I sent it off yesterday
by letterpost.
Today I have those wretched photographers
which is a most unattractive prospect. I wish
I could stay here and work. Quelle bore!
Also - lunch with Lourmardine.
I have not slept very well these past two
nights - I don't know why - so feel very sleepy,
sitting curled up in an armchair in the sun.
I wish there were no N G lecture today.
Yes - I agree - Higel's Henry VIII has the ample
pattern of a good poem. Wait till you hear the
66050727 - datastruth
107 Blackheath Park,London, S.E.3
28 ii 1950
Dearest Sylvia,
Oh, my beautiful creature, my rose, my Minerva, how I love you, my Venetian.
Your letters keep Lion on his best behavior and he reads them over several times and imagines you doing all the things you describe. You certainly seem interested in Giorgione, now. I hope Martin Conway's book comes today - it ought to. I sent it off yesterday by letter post.
Today I have those wretchedphotographers which is a most unattractive prospect. I wish I could stay here and work. Quelle bore'. Also - lunch with Qourmardinet.
I have not slept very well these past two nights - I don't know why - so feel very sleepy, sitting curled up in an armchair in the sun.
Yes - I agree - Flogel's Henry VIII has the couples pattern of a good poem. Wait (un)till you hear the
WINNER - 66158997 - not-logged-in-d4c033f68f55dedb326b
107 Blackheath Park,London, S.E.3
28 ii 1950
Dearest Sylvia,
oh, my beautiful creature, my rose, my Minerva, how I love you, my Venetian.
Your letters keep lion on his best behavior and he reads them over several times and imagines you doing all the things you describe. You certainly seem interested in Giorgione, now. I hope Martin Conway's book comes today - it ought to, I sent it off yesterday by letter post.
Today I have those wretched photographers which is a most unattractive prospect. I wish I could stay here and work. Quelle bore! Also - lunch with Gourmardinet.
I have not slept very well these past two nights - I don't know why - so feel very sleepy, sitting curled up in an armchair in the sun. I wish there were no NG lecture today.
Yes - I agree - Flugel's Henry VIII has the coupled pattern of a good poem. Wait till you hear the
66513892 - Preacher357
25 ii 1950 Dearest Sylvia,Oh, my beautiful creature, my rose, my
minerva, how I love you, my Venetian.
Your letters keep Lion on his best behav-
ior and he reads them over several times and
imagines you doing all the things you describe.
You certainly seem interested in giorgione,
now. I hope Martin Conway's book comes to-
day - it ought to, I sent it off yesterday
by letter post.
Tuesday I have those wretched photographers
which is a most unattractive prospect. I wish
I could stay here and work. Quelle bore!
Also - lunch with gourmardinet.
I ahve not slept very well these past two
nights - I don't know why - so feel very sleepy,
sitting curled up in an armchair in the sun-
I wish there were no NG lecture today.
Yes - I agree - Flugel's Henry VIII has the angles
pattern of a good poem. Wait till you hear the
66978444 - not-logged-in-129402a1804e88f4a088
25 ii 1950Dearest Sylvia,
Oh, my beautiful creature, my rose, my Minerva, how I love you, my Venetian.
Your letters keep Lion on his best behavior and he reads them over several times and imagines you doing all the things you describe. You certainly seem interested in giorgione now. I hope Martin Convway's book comes to-day - it ought to. I sent it off yesterday by letter post.
Today I have those melded photographers which is a most unattractive prospect. I wish I could stay here and work. Quelle bore! Also - lunch with ourmardiener.
I have not slept very well these past few nights - I don't know why - so feel very sleepy, sitting curled up in an armchair in the sun. I wish there were no NG lecture today.
Yes - I agree - Flugel's Henry VIII has the emples pattern of a good poem. Wait till you hear the