- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.406
- Image votes: 1.0
- WINNER - 66292650 - Moggsy8
- 66306732 - JanetCormack
- 66350299 - WiltedLotus
- 66507438 - jmfahne
- 66933676 - maestrie
- 67154100 - jsprake

WINNER - 66292650 - Moggsy8
ingenuities of my Hogarth interpretation which requires so much thought and attention it must be the reason I have not written any poems myself.Yes, I meant a psychological interpretation of H's calor - I won't spoil it by paraphrase, wait 'til you come. My analysis of A Harlot's Progress has an almost suspiciously felicitious paradox. However I long for you to hear all this when you come.
Yesterday, I saw Mary Dickson - Albert's American mistress - who is over here for a few days and spent a charming afternoon with her. She tells me Albert is painting furiously, intensely, and has been for a couple of months.
I've looked at Les Demoiselles d'Avignon but fail to see the resemblance - you must show me.
Look after yourself, dearest - I hope that you are less tired -
I love you
Dandy shaving for his lecture
66306732 - JanetCormack
ingenuities of my Hogarth interpretation which requires so much thought and attention it must be the reason I have not written any poems myself. Yes, I meant a psychological intrepretation of H's calos - I won't spoil it by paraphrase, wait 'til you come. My analysis of A Harlot's Progress has an almost felicitious paradox. However I long for you to hear all this when you come.Yesterday I saw Mary Dickson - Albert's American mistress - who is over here for a few days and spent a charming afternoon with her. She tells me Albert is painting furiously, intensely, and has been for a couple of months.
I've looked at Demoiselles d'Avignon but fail to see the resemblance - you must show me.
Look after yourself, dearest - I hope that you are less tired.
I love you
Dandy shaving for his lecture
66350299 - WiltedLotus
ingenuities of my Hogarth interpretation which requires so much thought and attention it must be the reason I have not written any poems myself. Yes, I meant a psychological interpretation of H's colour - I won't spoil it by paraphrase, wait 'til you come. My analysis of A Harlot's Progress has an almost suspiciously felicitous paradox. However I long for you to hear all this when you come.Yesterday I saw Mary Dickson - Albert's American mistress - who is over here for a few days and spent a charming afternoon with her. She tells me Albert is painting furiously, intensely, and has been for a couple of months.
I've looked at Les Demoiselles d'Avignon but fail to see the resemblance - you must show me.
Look after yourself, deares - I hope that you are less tired.
I love you
Dandy shaving for his lecture
66507438 - jmfahne
ingenuities of my Hogarts interpretation which requires so much thought and attention it must be the reason I have not written any poems myself. Yes, I meant psycological interpretation of H's color - I won't spoil it by paraphrase, wait 'til you come. My analysis of A Marlot's Progress has an almost suspiciously delecitious paradox. However I long for you to hear all this when you come.Yesterday I saw Mary Dickison - Albert's American mistress - who is over here for a few days and spent a charming afternoon with her. She tells me Albert is painting furiously, intensely, and has been for a couple of months.
I've looked at Les Demoirelle Anigron but fail to see the resemeblance - you must show me.
Look after yourself, dearest - I hope that you are less tired -
I love you Laurence
Dandy shaving for his lecture.
66933676 - maestrie
67154100 - jsprake
ingenuities of my Hogarth interpretation which re-quires so much thought and attention it must be the
reason I have not written any poems myself.
Yes, I meant a psychological interpretation of H's
color - I won't spoil it by paraphrase, wit 'til
you come. My analysis of A Harlot's Progress has
an almost suspiciously felecitious paradox. How-
ever I long for you to hear all this when you come.
Yesterday I saw Mary Dickson - Albert's American
mistress who is only here for a few days and spent
a charming afternoon with her. She tells me Albert
is painting furiously, intensely, and has been
for a couple of months.
I've looked at Les Demoiselles d Avignon but
fail to see the resemblance - you must show me.
Look after yourself, dearest - I hope that
you are less tired.
I love you
Dandy shaving for his lecture