- Max. dissimilarity: 0.101
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.054
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66111943 - slicitra
- 66138295 - j_l_alfred
- 66286072 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 66522707 - ethomson
- 66906015 - _secunda
- 67028579 - tinkapuppy

66111943 - slicitra
(vii)A) Theseues' black sail diminished to a pupil,
Tiny and curious in the iris of the day.
B) When I found her she was stunned like grain in a mill
By the rotating stones the mill sails drive.
A) My eylelids collapsed like caves on the bay.
B) I heard her heart in the silence boast that she was alive.
A) On this coast, long as a tragic monologue,
I know that I must lose whom I adore,
Choose lovers by the attributes of loss,
Prophetic in their eyes or speech and long for death.
B) Beyond surprise and sexual metaphor
I post you then, past blood, past breath.
B) the theatrical vista admits in great numbers
personages not guided by the head:
By the knots in their hair they are maenads,
And their bodies are splashed with the blood of members
Gamins) You who play Bacchus, faithful only to his profile,
Suppress his leaps and grapes, build a fence
Of academic ideals of permanence,
We burn your straw, upend your idyll.
A) They would divert my sorrow by ureason,
Disrupt the casue of grief love and effect of grief,
Chop logic like a swan's neck and laugh
At its last song so early in the season.
Gamins) Ignite the fuse and ride the explosion:
Sensations of flight replace your stolid feet.
They key of flesh can open gravity's gate
And wings on your bottom guard against erosion.
august mcml
66138295 - j_l_alfred
(vii) climaxA) Theseues' black sail diminished to a pupil,
Tiny and curious in the iris of the day.
B) When I found her she was stunned like grain in a mill
By the rotating stones that mill sails drive.
A)My eyelids collapsed like caves on the bay.
B) I heard her heart in the silence boast that she was alive.
A) On this coast, long as a tragic monologue,
I know that I must lose whom I adore,
Choose lovers by the attributes of loss.
Prophetic in their speech and long for death.
B) Beyond surprise and sexual metaphor
I post you then, past blood, past breath.
(viii) Anti-masque
B) The theatrical vista admits in great numbers
Personages not guided by the head:
By the knots in their hair they are maenads,
And their bodies are splashed with the blood of members
Gamins) You who play Bacchus, faithful only to his profile,
Suppress his leaps and grapes, build a fence
Of academic ideals of permanence,
We burn your straw, upend your idyll.
A) They would divert my sorrow by unreason,
Disrupt the cause of love and affect grief,
Chop logic like a swan's neck and laugh
At its last song so early in the season.
Gamins) Ignite the fuse and ride the explosion:
Sensations of the flight replace your stolid feet.
Thy key of flesh can open gravity's gate
And wings on your bottom guard against erosion.
august mcml
66286072 - Preacher357
(vii) ClimaxA) Theseues' black sail diminished to a pupil,
Tiny and curious in the iris of the day.
B) When I found her she was stunned like grain in a mill
By the rotating stones that mill sails drive.
A) My eyelids collapsed like caves on the bay.
B) I heard her heart in the silence boast that she was alive
A) On this coast, long as a tragic monologue,
I know that I must lose whom I adore,
Choose lovers by the attributes of loss,
Prophetic in their speech and long for death.
B) Beyond surprist and sexual metaphor
I post you then, past blood, past breath.
(viii) Anti-Mosque
B) The theatrical vista admits in great numbers
Personages not guided by the head:
By the knots in their hair they are maenads,
And their bodies are splashed with the blood of members.
Gamins) You who play Bacchus, faithful only to his profile,
Suppress his leaps and grapes, bulld a fence
Of academic ideas of permanence,
We burn your straw, upend your idyll.
A) They would divert my sorrow by unreason,
Disrupt the cause of love and effect of grief,
Chop logic like a swan's neck and laugh
At its last song so early in the season.
Gamins) Ignite the fuse and ride the explosion:
Sensations of flight replace your stolid feet.
Thy key of flesh can open gravity's gate
And wings on your bottom guard against erosion
august mcml
WINNER - 66522707 - ethomson
(vii) ClimaxA) Theseus' black sail diminished to a pupil,
Tiny and curious in the iris of the day.
B) When I found her she was stunned like grain in a mill
By the rotating stones that mill sails drive.
A) My eyelids collapsed like caves on the bay.
B) I heard her heart in the silence boast that she was alive.
A) On this coast, long as a tragic monologue,
I know that I must lose whom I adore,
Choose lovers by the attributes of loss
Prophetic in their speech and long for death.
B) Beyond surprise and sexual metaphor
I post you then, past blood, past breath.
(viii) Anti-masque
B) The theatrical vista admits in great numbers
Personages not guided by the head:
By the knots in their hair they are maenads,
And their bodies are splashed with the blood of members.
Gamins) You who play Bacchus, faithful only to his profile,
Suppress his leaps and grapes, build a fence
Of academic ideals of permanence,
We burn your straw, upend your idyll.
A) They would divert my sorrow by unreason,
Disrupt the cause of love and effect of grief,
Chop logic like a swan's neck and laugh
At its last song so early in the season.
Gamins) Ignite the fuse and ride the explosion:
Sensations of flight replace your stolid feet.
Thy key of flesh can open gravity's gate
And wings on your bottom guard against erosion.
august mcml
66906015 - _secunda
(vii) ClimaxA) Theseus' black sail diminished to a pupil,
Tiny and curious in the iris of the day.
B)When I found her she was stunned like grain in a mill
By the rotating stones the mill sails drive.
A)My eyelids collapsed like caves on the bay.
B) I heard her heart in the silence boast that she was alive.
A) On this coast, longa s a tragic monologue,
I know that I must lose whom I adore,
Choose lovers by the attributes of loss
Prophetic in their speech and long for death.
B) Beyond surprise and sexual metaphor
I post you then, past blood, past breath
(viii) Anti-masque
B) The theatrical vista admits in great numbers
Personages not guided by the head:
By the knots in their hair they are maenads,
And their bodies are splashed with the blood of members.
Gamins) You who play Bacchus, faithful only to his profile,
Suppress his leaps and grapes, build a fence
Of academic ideals of permanence, We burn your straw, upend your idyll.
A) They would divert my sorrow by unreason,
Disrupt the cause of love and effect of grief,
Chop logic like a swan's neck and laugh
At its last song so early in the season.
Gamins) Ignite the fuse and ride the explosion:
Sensations of flight replace your stolid feet.
The key of flesh can open gravity's gate
And wins on your bottom guard against erosion.
august mcml
67028579 - tinkapuppy
(vii) ClimaxA) Theseus' black sail diminished to a pupil,
Tiny and curious in the iris of the day.
B) When I found her she was stunned like grain in a mill
By the rotating stone that mill sails drive.
A) My eyelids collapsed like caves on the bay.
B) I heard her heart in the silence boast that she
was alive.
A) On this coast, long as a tragic monologue,
I know that I must lose whom I adore,
Choose lovers by the attributes of loss,
Prophetic in their speech and long for death.
B) Beyond surprise and sexual metaphor
I post you then, past blood, past breath.
(viii) Anti-masque
B) The theatrical vista admits in great numbers
Personages not guided by the head:
By the knots in their hair they are maenads,
And their bodies are splashed with the blood of members.
Gamins) You who play Bacchus, faithful only to his profile,
Suppress his leaps and grapes, build a fence
Of academic ideals of permanence,
We burn you straw, upend your idyll.
A) They would divert my sorrow by unreason,
Disrupt the cause of love and effect of grief,
Chop logic like a swan's neck and laugh
At its last song so early in the season.
Gamins) Ignite the fuse and ride the explosion:
Sensations of flight replace your stolid feet.
Thy key of flesh can open gravity's gate
And wings on your bottom guard against erosion.
august mcml