- Max. dissimilarity: 0.285
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.174
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65954313 - tinkapuppy
- 66294218 - applepi314
- 66479336 - Preacher357
- 66486679 - dixiechicken
- 66506627 - nzanga
- 66884170 - jennfurr

WINNER - 65954313 - tinkapuppy
MONDAYDearest Sylvia -
I thought of you all over the week-end, struggling
with the greenwoods. I hope you can release now.
I must apologize for writing no more than this
hasty note now but I am preparing my Tuesday
morning lecture and still have good deal to
do, and must return shortly to the gallery.
My father has agreed to let me have a cheque
for 50, which is, I think, very kind indeed. I feel
very glad and grateful about this. They have
given me chocolate, thinned meat, & butter from
France, and 2 tiny bottles of liqueur - Benedic-
tine & cherry brandy, which we shall drink when
you come.
I love you and think of you so strongly, while
I work in the day, and before I sleep at night. I
have written a good deal of another 100 line poem,
which I will send you soon - my dazzling Muse -
how you inspire me to write!
I hope you can paint this week - I love you.
I will write more fully tomorrow.
I love you
66294218 - applepi314
MondayDearest Sylvia,
I thought of you all over the week and, sluggling
mid the greenwoods. I hope you can releve now.
I must apologize for writing no more to this
narty rate now but I am preparing my Tuesday
morning lecture and still have a good deal to
do, and must return shortly to the gallery.
My father has agreed to let me have a cleque
for 50, which is, I think, very kind indeed, I feel
very glad and grateful about this. They have
given me chocolate, tinnel meat, & butter from
France, and 2 tiny bottles of liquor- benedic-
wine & cherry brandy, unbid me slaledried when
you come.
I love you and think of you so strongly, while
I work in the day, and before I sleep at night. I
have written a good deal of another 100 love poem,
which I will send you soon. my dazzling Muse-
how you inspire me to write!
I hope you can paint this week- I love you
I will write more full tomorrow
I love you
66479336 - Preacher357
MONDAY Dearest Sylvia -I though of you all over the week-end, strugglin
with the Greenwoods. I hope you can relate now.
I must apoligise for writing no more than this
hasty note now but I am preparing my Tuesday
morning lecture and still have a good deal to
do, and must return shortly to the gallery.
My father has agreed to let me have a cheque
for 50, which is, I think, very kind indeed. I feel
very glad and grateful about this. They have
given me , meat, & butter from
France, and 2 tiny bottles of liquier - -
& cherry brandy, which we shall drink when you come.
I love you and think of you so strongly, while
I work in the day, and before I sleep at night. I
have written a good deal of another 100 line poem,
which I will send you very soon - my dazzling Muse -
how you inspire me to write!
I hope you can paint this week - I love you
& will write more fully tomorrow
I love you
66486679 - dixiechicken
MondayDearest Sylvia
I thought of you all over the weekend, struggling with the Greenwoods. I hope you can relax now. I must apologise for writing no more than this hasty note now but I am preparing for my Tuesday morning lecture and still have a good deal to do, and must return shortly to the Gallery.
My father has agreed to let me have a cheque for lb50 which is I think very kind indeed. I feel very glad and grateful about this. The have given me chocolate, tinned meat and butter from France, and 2 tiny bottles of liqueur - benedictine and cherry brandy, which we shall drink when you come.
I love you and think of you so strongly, while I work in the day, and before I sleep at night. I have written a good deal of another 100 line poem, which I will send you soon - my darling Muse - how you inspire me to write !
I hope you can paint this week - I love you and will write more fully tomorrow.
I love you
66506627 - nzanga
MONDAYDearest Sylvia
I thought of you all over this week-end, struggling with the Greenwoods. I hope you can release now. I must apologise for writing no more than this hasty note now but I am preparing my Tuesday morning lecture and still have a good deal to do, and must return shortly to the gallery.
My father has agreed to let me have a cheque for lb50, which is, I think, very kind indeed. I feel very glad and grateful about this. They have given me chocolate, tinned meat, & bottles from France, and 2 tiny bottles of liqueur - benedictine and cherry brandy, which we shall drink when you come.
I love you and think of you so strongly, while I work in the day, and before I sleep at night. I have written a good deal of another 100 line poem, which I will send you soon - my dazzling Muse- how you inspire me to write!
I hope you can paint this week - I love you & will write more fully tomorrow
I love you
66884170 - jennfurr
MondayDearest Sylvia -
I thought of you all over the week-end, struggling
with the greenwoods. I hope you can relax now.
I must apologise for writing no more than this
nasty note now but I am preparing my Tuesday
morning lecture and still have a good deal to
do, and must return shortly to the gallery.
My father has agreed to let me
for 50, which is, I think, very kind indeed. I feel
very glad and grateful about this. They have
given me chocolate, tinner meat, & butter from
France and 2 tiny bottles of liqueur - benedic-
tine & cherry brandy, which we shall drink when
you come.
I love you and think of you so strongly, while
I work in the day, and before I sleep at night. I
have written a good deal of another 100 line poem,
which I will send you soon. my dazzling muse - how you inspire me to write!
I hope you can paint this week - I love you
& will write you fully tomorrow
I love you