- Max. dissimilarity: 0.213
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.126
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65767731 - sab_animal_seeker
- 65785899 - evanstonsherry
- WINNER - 66183702 - nhsia
- 66499506 - jsprake
- 66518487 - ethomson
- 68241794 - Preacher357
- 68577443 - JanetCormack

65767731 - sab_animal_seeker
24 X 50Dearest Sylnia,
Your dram ravishes me and has cast an exciting kind of /
distortion in the direction of enchantment one all my laughs /
and actions. All morning . Dearest Sylnia, your magic accom- /
panies your letter, as wings accompany your hand on its /
'flight', as putti play in your shadow, as I adore you. /
I am sorry to learn that you are still tired but I
can understand how it happens after the sustained effort /
at the large painting. Nonetheless, to adapt Michelangelo's /
aphorism, no body will mind that you were tired, when con- /
fronted with the painting itself. For I am sure its colour - /
istic lyricism and compound of repose and monument /
will capture attention and delight. But I mind at present - /
as hope that household nonsense does not claim your /
attention too much. /
When are you coming? /
S. John's school last night was amusing. The boys /
were very keen and after a 10 minute delay when the lan- /
tern caught fire (!) and I was near the end of the allotted /
period, I wondered whether to stop or go on and the boys /
roared: 'go on'. The school is a near 1860 gather - a quaint /
and interestingly kind of gather compared to the real thing at /
King's, Ely.
I love you,
65785899 - evanstonsherry
24 X 50Dearest Sylvia
Your dream ravishes me and has cast an exciting kind of
distortion in all direction of enchantment over all my thoughts
& actions this morning. Dearest Sylvia, you magic accom-
panies your letter, as wings accompany you hand on its
'flight', as putti play in your shadow, as I adore you.
I am sorry to learn that you are still tired but I
can understand how it happens after the sustained effort
of the large painting. Nonetheless, to adapt Michelangelo's
aphorism, nobody will mind that you were tired when con-
fronted with the painting itself, for I am sure its colour, it's lyricism and compound of repose & movement
will capture attention and delight. But I mind at present -
& hope that household nonsense does not claim your attention too much.
When are you coming?
S John's School last night was amusing. The boys
were very keen & after a 10 minute delay when the lan-
tern caught fire (!) & I was near the end of the allotted
period, I wondered whether to stop or go on & the boys roared: 'go on'. The school is a vast 1860 Gather - a quaint
& clarsicizing of Gather compare to the real thing at
King's, ely.
I love you,
WINNER - 66183702 - nhsia
24 x 50Dearest Sylvia
Your dream ravishes me and has cast an exciting kind of
distortion in the direction of enchantment over all my thoughts
& actions, this morning. Dearest Sylvia, your magic accom-
panies your letter, as wings accompany your hand on its
'Flight', as putti play in your shadow, as I adore you.
I am sorry to learn that you are still tired but I
can understand how it happens after the sustained effort
of the large painting. Nonetheless, to adapt Michaelangelo's
aphorism, nobody will mind that you were tired, when con
fronted with the painting itself, for I am sure its colour-
istic lyricism and compound of repose & movement
will capture attention and delight. But I mind at present
& hope that household nonsense does not claim your
attention too much.
When are you coming?
S. John's School last night was amusing. The boys
were very keen & after a 10-minute delay when the lan-
tern caught fire (!) & I was near the end of the allotted
period, I wondered whether to stop or go on & the boys
roared: 'Go on'. The School is a vast 1860 Gothic - a quaint
& classically kind of Gothic compared to the real thing at
King's, Ely.
I love you
66499506 - jsprake
24 x 50Dearest Sylvia
Your dream ravishes me and has cast an exciting kind of
distoration in the direction of enchantment over all my thoughts
& actions, this morning. Dearest Sylvia, your magic accom-
panies your letter, as wings accompany your hand on its
"Flight", as putti play in your shadow, as I adore you.
I am sorry to learn that you are still tired but I can understand how it happens after the sustained effort
of the large painting. Nonetheless, to adopt Michelangelo's
aphorism, nobody will mind that you were tired, when con-
fronted with the painting itself, for I am sure its colour-
istic lyricism and compound of repose & movement
will capture attention and delight. But I mind at present -
& hope that household nonsense does not claim you
attention too much.
When are you coming?
S. John's School lst night was amusing. The boys
were very keen & after a 10 minute delay when the lan-
tern caught fire (1) & I was near the end of the allotted
period, I wondered whether to stop or go on & the boys
roared: "go on". The School is a vast 1860 Sather - a quaint
& kind of Gothic compared to the real thing at
King's, Ely.
I love you
66518487 - ethomson
24 X 50Dearest Sylvia,
Your dream ravishes me and has cast an exciting kind of
distortion in the direction of enchantment over all my thoughts
& actions, this morning. Dearest Sylvia, your magic accom-
ponies your letter, as wings accompany your hand on its
'Flight', as putti play in your shadow, as I adore you.
I am sorry to learn that you are still tired but I
can understand how it happens after the sustained effort
of the large painting. Nonetheless, to adapt Michelangelo's
aphorism, nobody will mind that you were tired, when con-
fronted with the painting itself, for I am sure its colour-
istic lyricism and compound of repose & movement
will capture attention and delight. But I mind at present -
& hope that household nonsense does not claim your
attention too much.
When are you coming?
S John's School last night was amusing. The boys
were very keen & after a 10-minute delay when the lan-
tern caught fire(!) & I was near the end of the allotted
period, I wondered whether to stop or go on & the boys
roared: 'go on.' The School is a vast 1860 Gothic - a quaint
& classicizing kind of Gothic compared to the real thing at
King's, Ely.
I love you
68241794 - Preacher357
24 x 50 Dearest SylviaYour dream ravishes me and has cast an exciting kind of
distortion in the direction of enchantment over all my thoughts
& actions, this morning. Dearest Sylvia, your magic accom-
panies your letter, as wings accompany your hand on its
'Flight', as putti play in your shadow, as I adore you.
I am sorry to learn that you are still tired but I
can understand how it happens after the sustained effort
of the large painting. Nonetheless, to adapt Michelangelo's
, nobody will mind that you were tired, when con-
fronted with the painting itself, for I am sure its colour-
istic lyricism and compound of repose & movement
will capture attention and delight. But I mind at present -
& hope that household nonsence does not claim your
attention too much.
When are you coming?
S. John's School last night was amusing. The boys
were very keen & after a 10 - minute delay when the lan-
tern caught fire (!) & I was near the end of the alloted
period, I wondered whether to stop or go on & the boys
roared: 'go on'. The school is a vast 1860 Gothic - a quaint
& kind of Gothic compared to the real thing at
King's, Ely.
I love you
68577443 - JanetCormack
24 X 50Dearest Sylvia
Your dream ravishes me and has cast an exciting kind of distortion in the direction of enchanment ones all my thoughts & actions. Dearest Sylvia, your magic accompanies your letter, as wings accompany your hand on its 'Flight', as putti play in your shadow, as I adore you.
I am sorry to learn that you are still tired but I can understand how it happens after the sustained effort of the large painting. Nontheless, to adapt Michaelangelo's aphorism, nobody will mind tha you were tired, when confronted with the painting itself, for I am sure its colouristic lyricism and compound of repose & movement will capture attention and delight. But I mind at present - & hope that household nonsense does not claim your attention too much.
When are you coming?
St John's School last night was amusing. The boys were very keen & after a 10 minute delay when the lantern caught fire (!) & I was near the end of the allotted period, I wondered whether to stop or go on & the boys roared: 'Go on'. The School is a vast 1860 Gothic - a quaint & classicizing kind of Gothic compared to the real thing at King's, Ely.
I love you