- Max. dissimilarity: 0.17
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.109
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 66135606 - ethomson
- 66162529 - jsprake
- 66339787 - JanetCormack
- 66415992 -
- 66459523 - nzanga
- 66594523 - southsidesunny

WINNER - 66135606 - ethomson
Redcar 1 XI 50Dearest Sylvia
Perhaps I shall hear soon, I go to Whitby this afternoon, of your picture
at the S.G.A exhibition. I long to hear that it is accepted: it certainly
deserves to be from your account of it and from the dazzling, luminous
standard of all your work that I do know.
My lecture last night was, I think, excellently shaped & phrased but the
small audience did not make up in quality what it lacked in quantity.
Consequently neither they nor I enjoyed it particularly & the discussion
was faltering, the chairman half-baked. My previous impressions of
Redcar are amply confirmed.
I enclose 2 drawings of Dandy. The lanes are can convey little of
the extensive desolation of the Yorkshire coast for mile after mile: everything exudes smoke except the pieces that are thrown away & they
rot and rust between the active places. Mist and red sunshine in-vest the area with a perverse beauty - somewhere between melancholy
and the sublime.
Glacial bedroom, as usual, at Redcar but plenty of excellent
food and this time I am able to do justice to it.
Donald Martles, the Regional director, seems charming and apparently
Miss Chick is to blame for my lack of information about the places I
am lecturing in - for she seems to have neglected to forward me
information the regional office sent her.
Did you know that last night was Halloe'en, or however it is spelt. Even the warlocks were too busy to come to the lecture. I
image it was pretty noisy & disturbed at Pett...
It is almost lunch time so I shall stop now and finish my
packing. Dandy sends you a great big hug and all, all his love. I adore you my dearest love & I hope that you are
well and strong.
I love you
66162529 - jsprake
Dearest Sylvia
Perhaps I shall hear soon, I go to Whilty this afternoon, of your picture
at the S.T.A. exhibition. I long to hear that it is accepted: it certainly
deserves to be fro, your account of it and fro, the dazzling, luminous
standard of all your work that I do know.
My lecture last night was, I think, excellently shaped & phrased but the
small audience did not make up in quality where it lacked in quantity.
Consequently neither they nor I enjoyed it particularly & the discussion
was faltering, the chairman half-baked. My previous impressions of
Redcar are amply confirmed.
I enclose 2 drawing of Dandy. The lower one can convey little of
the extreme desolation of the Yorkshire coast for mile after mile:
everything exudes smoke except the places that are thrown away as they
rat and rust between the active places. Mist and red in
rest the area with a perverse beauty - somewhere between melancholy
and the sublime.
Glacial bedroom, as usual, at Redcar but plenty of excellent
food and this time I am able to do justice to it.
Donald Matler, the Regional director, seems charming and apparently
Miss is to blame for my lack of information about the places I
am lecturing in - for she seems to have neglected to forward me
information the regional office sent her.
Did you know that last night was Halloe'en, or however it is
spelt. Even the warlocks were too busy to come to my lecture. I
imagine it was pretty noisy & disturbed at Pett...
It is almost lunch time so I shall stop now and finish my
packing. Dandy send you a great big hug and all, all his love. I adore you my deaerst love and I hope that you are well and strong.
Love you
66339787 - JanetCormack
Redcar 1 XI 50Dearest Sylvia,
Perhaps I shall hear soon, I go to Whitby this afternoon, of your picture at the S.T. A exhibition. I long to hear that it is accepted: it certainly deserves to be from your account of it and from the dazzling luminous standard of all your work that I do know.
My lecture last night was, I think, excellently shaped & phrased but the small audience did not make up in quality what it lacked in quantity. Consequently neither they nor I enjoyed it particularly & the discussion was faltering, the chairman half-baked. My previous impressions of Redcar are amply confirmed.
I enclose 2 drawings of Dandy. The lower one can convey little of the extensive desolation of the Yorkshire coast for mile after mile: everything exudes smoke except the pieces that are thrown away & they rot and rust between the active places. Mist and red sunshine invest the area with a perverse beauty - somewhere between melancholy AND the sublime.
Glacial bedroom, as usual, at Redcar but excellent food and this time I am able to do justice to it.
Donald Mather, the Regional director, seems charming and apparently Miss Chick is to blame for my lack of information about the places I am lecturing in - for she seems to have neglected to forward me information the regional office sent her.
Did you know that last night was Halloe'en, as tamenes it is spell. Even the warlocks were too busy to come to the lecture. I imagine it was pretty noisy & disturbed at Pett ...
It is almost lunchtime so I shall stop now and finish my packing. Dandy sends you a great big hug and all, all his love. I adore you my dearest love & I hope that you are well and strong.
I love you
66415992 -
Redcar I XI 50Dearest Sylvia
Perhaps I shall hear soon, I go to Whitly this afternoon, of your picture
at the S. E. A. exhibition. I long to hear that it is accepted: it certainly
deserves to be from your account of it and from the dazzling, luminous
standard of all your work that I do know.
My lecture last night was, I think, excellently shaped & phrased but the
small audience did not make up in quality what it lacked in quantity.
consequently neither they nor I enjoyed it particularly & the discussion
was faltering, the chairman half-baked. My previous impressions of
Redcar are amply confirmed.
I enclose 2 drawings of Dandy. The homes are can conney little of
the ?? of the Yorkshire coast for mile after mile:
everything exudes smoke except the pieces that are thrown away is they
rot and rust between the active places. Mist and red sunshine in -
vert the area with a perverse beauty - somewhere between melancholy
AND the sublime.
Glacial bedroom, as usual, at Redcar but plenty of excellent
food and this time I am able to do justice to it.
Donald Matler, the Regional director seems charming and apparently
miss chick is to blame for my lack of information about the places I
am lecturing in - for she seems to have neglected to forward me
information the regional office sent her.
Did you know that last night was Hallo e en, or ? it is
spell. Even the warlocks were too busy to come to the lecture. I
imagine it was pretty noisy & disturbed at Pett . . .
It is almost lunch time so I shall stop now and finish my
packing. Dandy sends you a great big hug and all, all his
love. I adore you my dearest love & I hope that you are
well and strong.
I love you
66459523 - nzanga
Redcar I XI 50Dearest Sylvia
Perhaps I shall hear soon, I go to Whitby this afternoon, of your picture at the S.E.A. exhibition. I long to hear that it is accepted: it certainly deserves to be form your account of it and from the dazzling, luminous standard of all your work that I do know.
My lecture last night was, I think, excellently shaped & phrased but the small audience did not make up in quality what it lacked in quantity. Consequently neither they nor I enjoyed it particularly & the discussion was faltering, the claim half-baked. My previous impressions of Redcar are amply confirmed.
I enclose 2 drawings of Dandy. The lanes one can c little of the extensive desolation of the Yorkshire coast for mile after mile: everything exudes smoke except the pieces that are thrown away is they rot and rust between the active places. Mist and red sunshine invest the area with a perverse beauty - somewhere between melancholy AND the sublime.
Glacial bedroom, as usual, at Redcar but plenty of excellent food and this time I am able to do justice to it.
Donald Matlis, the Regional director, seems charming and apparently Miss Chick is to blame for my lack of information about the places I am lecturing in for she seems to have neglected to forward me information the regional offices sent her.
Did you know that last night was Hallo e'en, or however it is spelt. Even the warlocks were too busy to come to the lecture. I imagine it was pretty noisy and disturbed at Pett...
It is almost lunch time so I shall stop now and finish my packing. Dandy sends you a great big hug and all, all his love. I adore you my dearest love & I hope that you are well and strong.
I love you
66594523 - southsidesunny
Redcar 1 xi 50Dearest Sylvia
Perhaps I shall hear soon, I go to Whitley this afternoon, of your picture
at the S.E.A. exhibition. I long to hear that it is accepted: it certainly
deserves to be from your account of it and from the dazzling, luminous
standard of all your work that I do know.
My lecture last night was, I think, excellently shaped & phrased but the
small audience did not make up in quality what it lacked in quantity.
Consequently neither they nor I enjoyed it particularly & the discussion
was faltering, the chairman half-baked. My previous impressions of
Redcar are amply confirmed.
I enclose 2 drawings of Dandy. The lower one can convey little of
the extensive desolation of the Yorkshire coast for mile after mile:
everything exudes smoke except the pieces that are thrown away & they
rot and rust between the active places. Mist and red sunshine in-
vest the area with a perverse beauty - somewhere between melancholy
AND the sublime.
Glacial bedroom, as usual, at Redcar but plenty of excellent
food and this time I am able to do justice to it.
Donald Matles, the Regional director, seems charming and apparently
Miss Hick is to blame for my lack of information about the places I
am lecturing in - for he seems to have neglected to forward me
information the regional office sent her.
Did you know that last night was Hallo e'en, or however it is
spell. Even the warlocks were too busy to come to the lecture. I
imagine I was pretty noisy & disturbed at Pett ...
It is almost lunch time so I shall stop now and finish my
packing. Dandy sends you a great big hug and all, all his
love. I adore you my dearest love & I hope that you are
well and strong.
love you