- Max. dissimilarity: 0.454
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.281
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65824255 - xuelee
- 66073031 - applepi314
- WINNER - 66083644 - srasg56
- 66194437 - SailorVal
- 66419437 - tmeconverse
- 66445030 - nzanga

65824255 - xuelee
I am glad the snow has gone. Does that mean the Rectory is warmer? At least Dordy will not be ambushed on his way to post this.How kind of Curt to write you at lergth about your pie - times; though I do not accept his complaint about Greenwich it is good hearted of him.
I have just found another letter and I have in tell you I am not reviewing to Arcade Gellery show nor did I do
the Hergarth Wilson lecture. That
would have been C J.
You will be ervdite with all their lectures and Chiffonds that you are attending.
I am glad you like my poems. I have written 1st draft on the Norinable Profile (100 lines) & have started reniring it.
Oh I am sleeping. I must pull my myself to getle & catch the 4.30 post.
I love you
Sleeping lion. I yearned as I drew it, Love
66073031 - applepi314
I am glad the snow has gone. Does eat mean the Rectoryis warmer? At least Dowdy will not be ambushed on his
way in past lis.
How kind of Cunt to write you at length about your nic-
times: though I do not accept his complaint about greenwich
it is good headed of him.
I have just found amatla letter and I hope to like you
I am not reviewing the Arcade Willery show run did I do
at Wogartt & Wilson ledure. That would have been CJ.
You will be eudile with all the ledines of Clif-
fords that you are attending.
I am glad you like my paintings. I have written a
1st draft of the Navigable profile (100 lines) &
have started revising it.
Ok I am sleepy. I must pull myself to-
getta & catch the 4:30 rort.
I love you
Sleeping lion. I yawned and
I drew it. Love
WINNER - 66083644 - srasg56
I am glad the snow has gone. Does that mean the Rectoryis warmer? At least Dandy will not be ambushed on his
way to post this.
How kind of Curt to write you at length about your pic-
tures; though I do not accept his complaint about Greenwich
it is good hearted of him.
I have just found another letter and I have to tell you
I am not reviewing TV Arcade Gallery show nor did I do
the Hogarth by Wilson lecture. That would have been CJ.
You will be erudite with all these lectures at Clif-
fords that you are attending.
I am glad you like my poems. I have written a
1st draft of The Navigable Profile (100 lines) &
have started revising it.
Oh I am sleepy. I must pull myself to-
gether to catch the 4.30 post.
I love you
Sleeping lion. I yawned as I drew it. Love
66194437 - SailorVal
I am glad the snow has gone. Does that mean the Rectoryis warmer? At least Dandy will not be amphusled on his
way to post this.
How kind of Curt to write you at length about your pic-
tures: though I do not accept his complaint about Greenwich
it is good hearted of him.
I have just found another letter and I home in tell you
I am not seriously to Arcade Gallery show ron did I do
the Hogarth & Wilson lecture. That would have been C.J.
You will be erudite with all these lectures at Clif-
fords that you are attending.
I am glad you like my poems. I have written a
1st draft of the Navigable profile (100 lines) &
have started revising it.
Oh, I am sleepy. I must pull myself to-
gether to catch the 4.30 post.
I love you.
Sleeping lion. I yawned as
I drew it. Love
66419437 - tmeconverse
I am glad the snow has gone. Does that mean the Rectory is warmer? At least Dandy will not be ambushed on his way to post this.How kind of Curt to write you at length about your picture: though I do not accept his complaint about Greenwich it is good hearted of him.
Have just found another letter and I have to tell you I am not reviewing the Arcade Gallery show nor did I do a Hogarth to Wilson lecture. That would have been C.J.
You will be erudite with all these lectures of Clifford's that you are attending.
I am glad you like my poems. I have written a 1st draft of the Nanigahls Profile (100 lines) & have started revising it.
Oh I am sleepy. I must pull myself together to catch the 4.30 post.
I love you
Sleepy lion. I yawned as I drew it. Love
66445030 - nzanga
I am glad the snow has gone. Does that mean the Rectory is warmer? At least Dandy will not be ambushed on his way in past this.How kind of Art to write to you at length about your pictures; though I do not accept his complaint about Greenwich it is good of him.
I have just found another letter and I have to tell you I am not reviewing the Arcade Gallery show nor did I do the Hogarth by Wilson lecture. That would have been CJ.
You will be erudite with all these lectures of Clifford's that you are attending.
I am glad you like my poems. I have written a 1st draft on the Navigable Profile (100 lines) & have started revising it.
Oh I am sleepy. I must pull myself together to catch the 4.30 post.
I love you
Sleepy lion. I yawned as I drew it. love L.