- Max. dissimilarity: 0.066
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.033
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65866750 - not-logged-in-b6ea37c239d813f778a6
- 65937697 - nicola2071
- 65961266 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
- 65999249 - altheist
- 66028249 - maewe
- 66039338 - pleiades33

WINNER - 65866750 - not-logged-in-b6ea37c239d813f778a6
Blackheath 23 xii 1950Dearest Sylvia,
I hope your journey was as comfortable as it
looked: window seat to yourself, rug and a
book of legends.
Let me give you news immediately: I have just
finished typing the poems for the competition
and will post them off with this. There.
Among my Christmas cards, by the way, was one
from Kenneth Garlick.
I miss you very much and I wonder if you will
go to the dentist this afternoon, or when. I
hope you are not suffering from your period.
Alas the post is haywire completely... No
letters from you yet, I expect. What did come
was M's Christmas card. It is very nice, of
course, but thoroughly disturbing, minatory and
The only piece of a poem I have written since
you went away is 'Snow is the buckle on the
belt of - '. I like it but it is still eni-
gmatic to me.
I had a hunt for a Christmas card kind of pre-
sent for you, an extra one of course, and I
found the book which I am also posting off
this afternoon. It's poems and light.
Tiny sent Hetty a nice letter and a postal order
which she has given to Yawolla as a present.
He was a little short of gunpowder for the
explosive cigars.
Paul Southey was pleased to receive your regards and
invited you to dinner but I told him that you
65937697 - nicola2071
Blackheath 23 xii 1950Dearest Sylvia,
I hope your journey was as comfortable as it looked: window seat to yourself, rug, and a book of legends.
Let me give you news immediately: I have just finished typing the poems for the competition and will post them off with this. There. Among my Christmas cards, by the way, was one from Kenneth Garlick.
I miss you very much and I wonder if you will go to the dentist this afternoon, or when. I hope you are not suffering from your period. Alas the post is haywire completely... No letters from you yet, I expect. What did come was M's Christmas card. It is very nice, of course, but thoroughly disturbing, minatory and depressive.
The only piece of a poem I have written since you went away is 'Snow is the buckle on the belt of - '. I like it but it is still enigmatic to me.
I had a hunt for a Christmas card kind of present for you, an extra one of course, and I found the book which I am also posting off this afternoon. It's poems and light.
Tiny sent Hetty a nice letter and a postal order which she has given to Yawolla as a present. He was a little short of gunpowder for the explosive cigars.
Paul Southey was pleased to receive your regards and invited you to dinner but I told him that you
65961266 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
Blackheath 23 xii 1950Dearest Sylvia,
I hope your journey was as comfortable as it locked: window seat to yourself, rug, and a book of legends.
Let me give you news immediately: I have just finished typing the poems for the competition and will post them off with this. There. Among my Christmas cards, by the way, was one from Kenneth Garlick.
I miss you very much and I wonder if you will go to the dentist this afternoon, or when. I hope you are not suffering from your period. Alas the post is haywire completely... No letters from you yet, I expect. What did come was M's Christmas card. It is very nice, of course, but thoroughly disturbing, minatory and depressive.
The only piece of a poem I have written since you went away is 'Snow is the buckle on the belt of -'. I like it but it is still enigmatic to me.
I had a hunt for a Christmas card kind of present for you, an extra one of course, and I found the book which I am also posting off this afternoon. It's poems and light.
Tiny sent Hetty a nice letter and a postal order which she has given to Yawolla as a present. He was a little short of gunpowder for the explosive cigars.
Paul Southing was please to receive your regards and invited you to dinner but I told him that you
65999249 - altheist
Blackheath23 XII 1950
Dearest Sylvia,
I hope your journey was as comfortable as it looked: window seat to yourself, rug, and a book of legends.
Let me give you news immediately: I have just finished typing the poems for the competition and will post them off with this. There. Among my Christmas cards, by the way, was one from Kenneth Garlick.
I miss you very much and I wonder if you will go to the dentist this afternoon, or when. I hope you are not suffering from your period. Alas the post is haywire completely... No letters from you yet, I expect. What did come was M's Christmas card. It is very nice, of course, but thoroughly disturbing, minatory and depressive.
The only piece of a poem I have written since you went away is "Snow is the buckle on the belt of -". I like it but it is still enigmatic to me.
I had a hunt for a Christmas card kind of present for you, an extra one of course, and I found the book which I am also posting off this afternoon. It's poems and light.
Tiny sent Hetty a nice letter and a postal order which she has given to Yawolla as a present. He was a little short of gunpowder for the explosive cigars.
Paul Santhing was pleased to receive your regards and invited you to dinner but I told him that you
66028249 - maewe
Blackheath23 xii 1950
Deareast Sylvia,
I hope your journey was as comfortable as it looked: window seat to yourself, rug, and a book of legends.
Let me give you news immediately: I have just finised typing the poems for the competition and will post them off with this. There. Among my Christmas cards, by the way, was one from Kenneth Garlick.
I miss you very much and wonder if you will go to the dentist this afternoon, or when. I hope you are not suffering from your period. Alas the post is haywire completely... No letters from you yet, I expect. What did come was M's Christmas card. It is very nice, of course, but thorougly disturbing, minatory and depressive.
The only piece of a poem I have written since you went away is 'Snow is the buckle on the belt of-'. I like it but it is still enigmatic to me.
I had a hunt for a Christmas card kind of present for you, an extra one of course, and I found the book which I am also posting off this afternoon. It's poems and light.
Tiny sent Retty a nice letter and a postal order which she has given to Yawolla as a present. He was a little short of gunpowder for the explosive cigars.
PaulSouthely was pleased to receive your regards and invited you to dinner but I told him that you
66039338 - pleiades33
Blackheath 23 xii 1950Dearest Sylvia,
I hope your journey was as comfortable as it looked: window seat to yourself, rug, and a book of legends.
Let me give you news immediately: I have just finished typing the poems for this competition and will post them off with this. There. Among my Christmas cards, by the way, was one from Kenneth Garlick.
I miss you very much and I wonder if you will go to the dentist this afternoon, or when. I hope you are not suffering from your period. Alas the post is haywire completely... No letters from you yet, I expect. What did come was M's Christmas card. It is very nice, of course, but throughly disturbing, minatory and depressive.
The only piece of a poem I have written since you went away is 'Snow is the buckle on the belt of - '. I like it but it is still enigmatic to me.
I had a hunt for a Christmas card kind of present for you, an extra one of course, and I found the book which I am also posting off this afternoon. It's poems and light.
Tiny sent Hetty a nice letter and a postal order which she has given to Yawolla as a present. He was a little short of gunpowder for the explosive cigars.
Paul Southey was pleased to receive your regards and invited you to dinner but I told him that you