- Max. dissimilarity: 0.403
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.23
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65846636 - hoskinml
- 66076009 - altheist
- 66227391 - Francie_T
- 66245620 - ethomson
- 66511279 - not-logged-in-b6af984c3340534da060
- 67389099 - tmeconverse
- 67837402 - N5bz

WINNER - 65846636 - hoskinml
Kensington Gardens Saturday June 3rdDearest Lawrence
Petrol being off the Ration Michael brought his pictures to the Observer Exhibition, and I collected my pictures from the Kensington Gallery. When Clifford and Marjorie were on holiday they bought one - was-n't it nice of them? They thoroughly enjoyed their holiday and had a very happy time at "the Ship" and "did" Brighton and Shore thoroughly. They enjoyed "The Ring around the Moon" enormously. and thought it excellent.
The holiday did Clifford so much good that he has worked wonders with the garden, painted the radiators and done inumerable odd jobs.
Clifford has 2 3 year courses and 1 of 1 year - he has been offered another terminal which he has refused, and, most exciting, has been invited to go to Oxford to see the university authorities about tutorials!
66076009 - altheist
Kensington GoodeusSaturay June 3rd
Dearest Lawrence
Petsol being off the Radios Michael brought his pictures to the Observer Exhibition and I collected my pictures from the Kensington Gallery. When Clifford and Marjorie were on holiday they bought one - wasn't it nice of them? They thoroughly enjoyed their holiday and had a very happy time at "the ship" and "did" brighton and Have thoroughly. They enjoyed "the Ring around the Moon" enormously. And thought its excellent.
The holiday did Clifford so much good that he has worked wonder with the garden, painted the radiators and done its reversible odd jobs. Sunday Clifford has 2 3 year courses and 1 of 1 year - he has been offered another terminal which he has reward, and, most exciting, has been invited to go to Oxford to see the university authorities about tutorials!
66227391 - Francie_T
Rensuyia Goodeus Saturday June 2ndDearest Lawerence
Peter being of the Ratiss Mechael,
brought his picture to the Obsewe
Exhibition and I collected my
pictures from the Kensington Gallery.
When Clifford and Majorie were
on holiday they brought us - was
n't it nice of them? They thoroughly
enjoyed their holiday and had
a very happy time at "It's Slup"
and "did" Rishron and the
thoroughly. They enjoyed "the Flag
ciuoned the noon" enormously
and thought it excellent.
The holiday did Clifford so much good
that he has worked wooden will
the garden, painted the radiators
and done umesable odd jobs.
Sunday Clifford has 2 3-year cowses
and 1 of 2 year - he has
been offered another tesinial which
he has refused, and, most exciting,
has been invited to go to
Oxford to see the university
authorities about tutorials!
66245620 - ethomson
Kensington Gardens. Saturday June 3rdDearest Lawrence
Petrol being off the Ration Michael
brought his pictures to the Observer
Exhibition, and I collected my
pictures from the Kensington Gallery.
When Clifford and Marjorie were
on holiday they bought one - was-
n't it nice of them? They thoroughly
enjoyed their holiday and had
a very happy time at "the Ship"
and "did" Brighton and Hove
thoroughly. They enjoyed "the Ring
around the Moon" enormously.
and thought it excellent.
The holiday did Clifford so much good
that he has worked wonders with
the garden, painted the radiators
and done innumerable odd jobs.
Sunday Clifford has 2 3 year courses
and 1 of 1 year - he has
been offered another terminal which
he has refused, and, most exciting,
has been invited to go to
Oxford to see the university
authorities about tutorials!
66511279 - not-logged-in-b6af984c3340534da060
Dearest LaurencePetol being of the Radioa Michael brought his picture to the Observer Exhibit i2, and I collected my pictures from the Kensington Gallery. When Clifford and Majoris were on holiday they bought one- was-
nt it nice of them? They thoroughly
enjoyed their holiday, and had a very happy time at "the Sluip " and "did" Brighton owel Hore Rosongshy- They enjoyed the Riag ciuomid this noon enormously, and thought it excellent.
The holiday did Clifford so much good that he has workers wonders with the gardner, painted the radiators, and done innumerable oeld jobs.
Sunday Clifford has 2 3-year courses and 1 of 1year- he has been offered another terminal which he has refused, and, most exciting, has been invited to go, to Oxford, to see the university authorities about tutorials!
67389099 - tmeconverse
Kensington Gardens. Saturday June 3rdDearest Lawrence
Petrol being off the Ration Michael brought his pictures to the Obrooes Exhibition, and I collected my pictures from the Kensington Gallery. When Clifford and Marjorie were on holiday they bought one - wasn't it nice of them? They thoroughly enjoyed their holiday and had a very happy time at "the Ship" and "did" Brighton and Hore thoroughly. They enjoyed "the Ring around the Moon" enormously, and thought it excellent.
The holiday did Clifford so much good that he has worked wonders with the garden, painted the radiators and done innumerable odd jobs.
Clifford has 2 3 year courses and I of 1 year - he has been offered another terminal which he has refused, ad, most exciting, has been invited to go toe Oxford to see the university authorities about tutorials!
67837402 - N5bz
Kensington Gaedeus Saturday June 3rdDearest Lawrence
Petrol being off the Ration Mechael
brought his pictures to the observer
Exhibition, and I collected my
pictures fro the Kensington Gallery.
When Clifford and Marjorie were
on holiday they bought one - was -
n't it nice of them? They thoroughly
enjoyed their holiday and had
a very happy time at "the ship"
and "did" Brighton and shore
thoroughly - They enjoyed "the Ring
around the Moon" enormously.
and thought it excellent.
The holiday did Clifford so much good
that he has worked wonders with
the garden, painted the radiators
and done innumerable odd jobs.
Clifford has 2 3 year courses
and 1 of 1 year - he has
been offered another terminal which
he has refused, and, most exciting,
has been invited to go, to
Oxford to see the university
authorities about tutorials!