- Max. dissimilarity: 0.2
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.14
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65899763 - tmeconverse
- WINNER - 66089357 - gaart2
- 66333740 - mikethebike2
- 66343351 - Jacobi
- 66383587 - ethomson
- 66399676 - gailkoelker

65899763 - tmeconverse
2we are all highly delighted and full of beans.
The Hastings of St. L. Observer have published Michael's drawing of Wellington Square. It looks very well indeed!
While we where in town yesterday we met Miss Macdonald at the Moeisdt exhibition and she asked me to come and see her when I was next in town and I said I would. I hope we can arrange it when you are away.
I am delighted with the idea of Rinaldo and Armida - what aspect of the story are you going to treat?
I'm glad you are doing the Lanquy, as it is at a gallery whose notices are more widely read, I imagine - please could you get me last week's Art News - it had something of the Kensington Gallery - but I think nothing about me.
I doesn't matter a bit about the head. I can always send it in
WINNER - 66089357 - gaart2
2we are all highly delighted and full of beans.
The Hastup .... St. L. Observer have published Michael's drawing of Wellington Square - it looks very well indeed!
While we were in town yesterday we met Mrs Macdonald at the Morisot exhibition and she asked me to come and see her when I was next in town and I said I would. I hope we can arrange it when you are buoy.
I am delighted with the idea of Rinaldo and Armida - what aspect of the story are you going to treat?
I'm glad you are doing this Sanquy, as it is at a gallery whose notices are more widely read I imagine - please could you get me last week's Art News - it had something of the Kensington Gallery - but I think nothing about me.
It doesn't matter bit about the head I can always send it in
66333740 - mikethebike2
we are all highly delighted and full of beans.The Hastings of St. L. Observer have published Michaels drawing of Wellington Square, it looks very well indeed!
While we were in town yesterday we met nmg Macdonald at the Morists exhibition and she asked me to come and see her when I was next in town and I said I would. I hope we can arrange it when you are busy.
I am delighted with the idea of Rinaldo and Armiela, what aspect of the story are you going to treat? I'm glad you are doing the Tanquy, as it is at a gallery whose notices are more widely read I imagine, please could you read me last week's Art News, it had something of the Kensington Gallery, but I think nothing about me.
It doesn't matter bit about the head I can always send it in
66343351 - Jacobi
2)we are all highly delighted and full of beans.
The St. L. Observer have published Michaels drawing of Wellington Square. It looks very well indeed!
While we were in town (the other) day we met Macdonald at the
exhibition and she asked me to come and see her when I was next in town and I said I would. I hope we can arrange it when you are -.
I am delighted with the idea of Rinaldo and - what aspect of the story are you going to treat?
I'm glad you are doing , as it is at a gallery whose notices are more widely read imagine- please could you get me last weeks' Art News- it had something of the Kensington Gallery- but I think nothing about me.
It doesn't matter the head I can always send it in
66383587 - ethomson
2we are all highly delighted and
full of beans.
The Hastings & St. L. Observer
have published Michaels drawing of
Wellington Square. It looks very
well indeed!
While we were in town yester-
day we met Mme Macdonald
at the Morisot exhibition and
she asked me to come and see
her when I was next in town
and I said I would. I hope
we can arrange it when you are
I am delighted with the idea
of Rinaldo and Armida - what
aspect of the story are you
going to treat?
I'm glad you are doing the
Tanguy, as it is at a gallery
whose notices are more widely read
I imagine - please could you get
me last week's Art News -
it had something of the Kensington
Gallery - but I think nothing
about me.
It doesn't matter bit about
the head I can always send it in
66399676 - gailkoelker
2 we are all highly delighted and full of beans. The & St. L. Observer have published Michael's drawing of Wellington Square. It looks very well indeed! While we were in town yesterday we met Mrs. Macdonald at the exhibition and she asked me to come and see her when I was next in town and I said I would. I hope we can arrange it when you are . I am delighted with the idea of Rinaldo and -what aspect of the story are you going to treat? I'm glad you are doing the Tanquy, as it is at a gallery whose notices are more widely read I imagine. Please could you get me last week's Art News. It had something of the the Kensington gallery - but I think nothing about me. It doesn't matter bit about the head I can always send it in