- Max. dissimilarity: 0.148
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.085
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67043847 - Preacher357
- 68284936 - tmeconverse
- 68326907 - jesseytucker
- 68591443 - ALBECA
- 69879014 - JanetCormack
- WINNER - 70234300 - hoskinml

67043847 - Preacher357
send in. What about The Priary? I should think thatis one they would like. Also I suggest the view
of 109 Blackheath Park in the Wood Collection. I
think that one of your latest watercolours of the
Belrige Square interior would be worth sub-
mitting, too. That makes three which is perhaps
one more than you can enter. The last word is
yours but I hope this may help you to sort out
the ones to send in from so many successful and
beautiful examples.
I will make the adjustments to my article that
Clifford suggests. I am very pleased he likes it.
When I ahve posted this letter I plan to invite some
of the Victorian sonnet article: films, too, I ex-
I wonder if you have started yet in your water-
color of the Wood's new possession. It is so ex-
citing to think of new paintings by you progressing,
enriching your , even as I sit and write
this. Miles away, across a rainy pattern of town
and country, perhaps, a radient image is farming
at this moment.
Alas, there are some SEA letters to write so
I suppose I better get down to them. This paper
shows that your lion also has headed paper
of a fine magerrional character: Sylvia Sleigh
and S.E.A. it means: society for the Elevation
of Animals ( but only lions & cats, and elepants -
or one elephant). Hetty loves your muff - &
so does Dandy.
I love you, my dearest one, I love you
68284936 - tmeconverse
send in. What about the Priory? I should think that is one they would like. Also I suggest the view of 109 Blackheath Park in the Wood Collection. I think that one of your latest watercolors of the Peelrige Square interior would be worth submitting, too. That makes three which is perhaps one more than you can enter. The last word is yours but I hope this may help you to sort out the ones to send in from so many successful and beautiful examples.I will make the adjustments to my article that Clifford suggests. I am very pleased he likes it. When I have posted this letter I plan to write some of the Victorian sonnet article: films, too, I expect.
I wonder if you have started yet on your watercolor of the Wood's new possession. It is so exciting to think of new paintings by you progressing, enriching your oeuvre, even as I sit and write this. Miles away, across a rainy pattern of town and country, perhaps, a radiant image is forming at this moment.
Alas, there are some SEA letters to write so I suppose I better get down to them. This paper shows that your lion also has headed paper of a fine professional character: Sylvia Sleigh and S.E.A. It means: Society for the Elevation of Animals (but only lions & cats, and elephants - or one elephant). Hetty loves your muff - & so does Dandy.
I love you, my dearest one, I love you
68326907 - jesseytucker
send in. What about The Priory? I should think thatis one they would like. Also I suggest the new
cy 109 Blackheath Park in the Wood Collection. I
think that one of your latest watercolors of the
Belize Square interior would be worth sub-
mitting, too. That makes three which is perhaps
one more than you can enter. The last word is
yours but I hope this may help you to sort out
the ones to send in from so many successful and
beautiful examples.
I will make the adjustments to my article that
Clifford suggests. I am very pleased he likes it.
When I have posted this letter i plan to write some
of the Victorian sonnet article: films, too, I ex-
I wonder if you have started yet on your water-
color of the Wood's new possession. It is so ex-
citing to think of new paintings by you progressing,
enriching your oeuvre, even as I sit and write
this. Miles away, across a rainy pattern of town
and country, perhaps, a radiant mage is farming
at this moment.
Alas, there are some SEA letters to write so
I suppose I better get down to them. This paper
shows that your lion also has headed paper
of a fine professional character: Syvia Sleighs
and SEA. It means: Society for the Elevation
of Animals (but only lions and cats, and elephats--
or one elephant). Hetty loves your stuff--and
so does Dandy.
I love you, my dearest one, I love you
68591443 - ALBECA
send in. What about The Priory? I should think that is one they would like. Also I suggest the view of 109 Blocklanth Park in the Wood Collection. I think that one of your latest watercolors of the Belrige square interior could be worth submitting, too. that makes three which is perhaps one more than you can enter. The last word is yours but I hope this may help you to sort out the ones he sent in from so many successful and beautiful examples.I will make the adjustments to my article that Clifford suggests. I am very pleased he likes it. When I have posted this letter I plan to write some of the Victorian sonnet article: Films, too, I expect.
I wonder if you have started yet on your watercolor of the woods new possession. It is so exciting to think of new paintings by you progressing, enriching your oeuvre, even as I sit and write this. Miles away, across a rainy pattern of town and country, perhaps, a radiant image is forming at this moment.
Alas, there are some SEA letters to write so I suppose I better get down to them. This paper shows that your lion also has headed paper of a live professional character: Sylvia Sleigh and S.E.A it means: Society for the Elevation of Animals (but only lions & cats, and elephants - or one elephant). Hetty loves your muff - & so does Dandy.
I love you, my dearest one, I love you
69879014 - JanetCormack
send in. What about the Priory? I should think that is one they would like. Also I suggest the view of 109 Blackheath park in the Wood Collection. I think that one of your latest watercolours of the Belsize square interiors would be worth submitting, too. That makes three which is perhaps one more than you can enter. The last word is yours but I hope this may help you to sort out the ones to send in from so many successful and beautiful examples.I will make the adjustments to my article that Clifford suggests. I am very pleased he likes it. When I have posted this letter I plan to write some of the Victorian sonnet article: films, too, I expect.
I wonder if you have started yet on your watercolour of the Wood's new possession. It is so exciting to think of new paintings by you progressing, enriching your oeuvre, even as I sit and write this. Miles away, across a rainy pattern of town and country, perhaps, a radiant image is forming at this moment.
Alas, there are some SEA letters to write so I suppose I better get down to them. This paper shows that your lion also has headed paper of a fine professional character: Sylvia Sleigh and S.E.A. It means: Society for the Elevation of Animals (but only lions & cats, and elephants - or one elephant). Hetty loves your muff - and so does Dandy.
I love you, my dearest one, I love you
WINNER - 70234300 - hoskinml
send in. What about The Priory? I should think that is one they would like. Also I suggest the view of 109 Blackheath Park in the Wood Collection. I think that one of your latest watercolors of the Belrige Square interior would be worth sub-mitting, too. That makes three which is perhaps one more than you can enter. The last word is yours but I hope this may help you to sort out the ones to send in from so many successful and beautiful examples.I will make the adjustments to my article that Clifford suggests. I am very pleased he likes it. When I have posted this letter I plan to write some of the Victorian sonnet article: films, too, I ex-pect.
I wonder if you have started yet on your water-color of the Wood's new possession. It is so ex-citing to think of new paintings by you progressing, enriching your oeuvre, even as I sit and write this. Miles away, across a rainy pattern of town and country, perhaps, a radient image is forming at this moment.
Alas, there are some SEA letters to write so I suppose I better get down to them. This paper shows that your lion also has headed paper of a fine professional character: Sylvia Sleigh and S. E. A. It means: Society for the Elevation of Animals (but only lions & cats, and elephants - or one elephant). Hetty loves your muff - & so does Dandy.
I love you, my dearest one, I love you