- Max. dissimilarity: 0.309
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.206
- Image votes: 1.0
- 66659474 - altheist
- 67333596 - k8mielke
- WINNER - 67715928 - Preacher357
- 68288425 - jesseytucker
- 68403425 - not-logged-in-100a7442b473d5896a9f
- 68618866 - NVarellas

66659474 - altheist
Blackheath27 11 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
Yesterday I got the RI and R.A. sending in forms. (If it comes to it I could always take in Nemi and the Barberinie Fountain, as they are here and ready - framed.) Should I send you the forms or keep them here? It may not be possible for you to come for a full period for I I am very poor. Still something may turn up: I hope it does. In any case, however, you should come, even if only for a few days, to see the R.A. exhibition - not to mention your lion.
Exciting news, got you some new material. I am so pleased. I see you are going to buy new shoes. And that Clifford has spent lb35 on a suit! Hetty is furious - by jealous & thinks she must remake everything - her entire wardrobe - but everything. Your materials sound very nice.
All Sunday and most of this morning I have been working on (19th Sonnets. It is nearly finished. I monined that I would get it done. I have had a letter from Cambridge, by the way, which is very mild, pacified, apologetic in tone. They still are prepared to defend Fry but litter else. The winner
Sylvia - I love you,
P.S. Give Tiny a great big hum for her very helpful book list. H.
67333596 - k8mielke
Blackheath 27 II 1951 Dearest Sylvia Yesterday I got the RI and R.A. sending in forms. (If it comes to it I could always take in Nemi and the Barberini Fountains, as they are here and ready - framed.) Should I send you the forms or keep them here? It may not be possible for you to come for a full period for I am very poor. Still something may turn up: I hope it does. In any case, however, you should come, even if only for a few days, to see the R.R. exhibitions - not to mention your lion. Exciting news that you have some new material. I am so pleased. I se you are also going to buy new shoes. And that Clifford has spent 35 on a suit ! Hetty is furiously jealous & thinks that she must remake everything in her entire ward robe - but everything. Your materials sound very nice. This Sunday and most of this morning I have been working on (19th Sonnets. It is nearly finished. (I promised that I would get it done.) I have had a letter from Cambridge, by the way, which is very mild, rocific and apologetic, in tone. They still are prepared to defend Fry but little else. The Winner: >>>> Sylvia - I love you Lawrence P.S. Give Tiny a great big kiss for her very helpful book list. H.WINNER - 67715928 - Preacher357
27-11-1951 Blackheath Dearest SylviaYesterday I got the RI and R.A. sending in forms. (If it
comes to it I could always take in Nemi and the Barberine
Fountains, as they are here and ready-framed.) Should I
send you the forms or keep them here? It may not be
possible for you to come for a full period for I am very
poor. Still something may turn up: I hope it does. In
any case, however, you should come, even if only for a
few days, to see the R.A. exhibitions - not to mention
your lion.
Exciting news that you have some new material. I am
so pleased. I see you are also going to buy new shoes.
And that Clifford has spent 35 on a suit! Hetty is furious-
ly jealous & thinks that she must remake everything -
her entire wardrobe - but everything. Your materials
sound very nice.
All Sunday and most of this morning I have been work-
ing on (19th Sonnets. It is nearly finished. (I promised
that I would get it done.) I have had a letter from Cam-
bridge. By the way, which is very mild, pocific and apologetic,
in tone. They still are prepared to defend Fry but little
else. The Winner:
Sylvia - I love you
P.S. Give Tiny a great big kiss for her very helpful book list. H.
68288425 - jesseytucker
Blackheath27 11 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
Yesterday I got the R1 and R.A. sending in forms. (If it
comes to it I could always take in Nemi and the Barbarism
Fountain, as they are here and ready-framed.) Should I
send you the forms or keep them here? It may not be
possible for you to come for a full period for I am very
poor. Still something my turn up: I hope it does. In
any case, however, you should come, even if only for a
few days, to see the R.A. exhibition--not to mention
your lion.
Exciting news, that you have some new material. I am
so pleased. I see you are also going to buy new shoes.
And that Clifford has spent 35 on a suit! Hetty is furious--
by jealous and thinks that she must remake everything--
her entire wardrobe--but everything. Your materials
sound very nice.
Sunday and most of this morning I have been work-
ing on (19th Sonnets. It is nearly finished. (I married
cent I would get it done.) I have had a letter from Camm-
bridge, by the way, which is very mild, docilze and apologetic,
in tons. They still are prepared to defend Fry but litte
else. The winner:
Sylvia--I love you
P.S. Give Tiny a great big hug for her may helpful book list. H.
68403425 - not-logged-in-100a7442b473d5896a9f
Beachheatl27 11 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
Yesterday I got the RI and the R.A. sending in forms. (If it comes to it I could always take in Nemsi and the Barborinie Fountain, as they are here and ready-framed.) Sealed I send you the forms or keep them here? It may not be possible for you to come for a full period for I an very soon. Still something may turn up: I hope it does. In any case, however, you should come, even if only for a few days, to see the R.A. exhibitions- not to mention your heir.
Exciting news, and you have some new material. I am so pleased. I see you are also going to buy new shoes. And that Clifford has spent 35 on a suit! Hetty is furious- by jealous I thinks that she must remake everything in his entire wardrobe-but everything. Your materials sound very nice.
All Sunday and verse if this morning I have been working on (19th Sonnets. It is nearly finished. (I mentioned and I would get it done.) I have had a letter from Comdrigo, by the way, which is very mind, reocile and apologetic, in tone. They still are prepared to defend thy but little ears. The winner:
Sylvia. I love you
P.S. Live tiny a great big heart she may helpful book list. H.
68618866 - NVarellas
Beachheatl27 11 1951
Dearest Sylvia
Yesterday I got the RI and R.A. sending in forms. (If it comes to it I could always take in Nemi and the Barberini Fountain, as they are here and ready-framed.) Should I send you the forms or keep them here? It may not be horrible for you to come for a full period for I am very poor. Still something may turn up: I hope it does. In any case, however, you should come, even if only for a few days, to see the R.A. exhibitions - not to mention your lion.
Exciting news that you have some new material. I am so pleased. I see you are also going to buy new shoes. And that Clifford has spend L35 on a suit ! Hetty is furious by jealous & thinks that she must remake everything in her entire wardrobe - but everything. Your materials sound very nice.
All Sunday and most of this morning I have been working on (19th Sonnets. It is nearly finished. (I promised that I would get it done.) I have had a letter from Cambridge, by the way, which is very mild, vocifie and apologetic, in tons. They still are prepared to defend Fry but little else. The winner:
Sylvia I love you
P.S. Give Tiny a great big kiss for her very helpful book list.