- Max. dissimilarity: 0.2
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.159
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67152099 - asotun
- 67485044 - Preacher357
- 67604929 - altheist
- 67801660 - RommelC
- 68018188 - jsprake
- WINNER - 68053390 - Carriechelle

67152099 - asotun
Dearest Sylvia --
How happy I am to have seen you again though sad
to have lost you so soon. I do hope that you are
feeling happy and creative -- despite M who is a avid of
machine for making people guilty or tense. Your spring
picture and Kissing will occupy your hard and creative
energy, I hope, for a day or two. They are all very good.
Your grand and handsome dress on Friday evening was
superb: how well the grand style suits you. When I am
rich you shall wear such dresses to paint in -- in
surroundings as perfects as those described by Lionardo.
He clearly had you in mind. Coucheries shall sing and play Dandy's poems to you; and honour attentively will
the night hushes fan you.
I do not know how you can fear I do not love
you. Hetty says it is obvious at a glance that I adore
you and Lionel, whom I met for a moment last night,
placed a paw on my arm as he enquired after you.
Yawalla, of course, must not be left out, and he keeps
rushing in with crumpled old envelopes & pieces of paper
to tell Dandy that the post has come with lots of letters
from Sylvia. Then he laughs and cries: 'this fool'.
But Dandy became sad so Hetty sent Yawalla to
apologise for this quick. Sylvia, I adore you.
67485044 - Preacher357
1 iv 51 Blackheath Dearest Sylvia -How happy I am to have seen you again though sad
to have left you so soon. I do hope that you are
feeling happy and creative - despite M who is a kind of
machine for making people guilty or tense. Your Spring
picture and Kissing will occupy your hard and creative
energy, I hope, for a day or two. They are all very good.
Your grand and handsome dress on Friday evening was
superb: how well the grand style siuts you. When I am
rich you shall wear such dresses to paint in - in
surroundings as perfect as those described & Lionardo.
He clearly had you in mind. shall sing and
play Dandy's poems to you; owls hover attentivly with
the right brushes for you.
I do not know how you can fear I do not love
you. Hetty says it is obvious at a glance that I adore
you and Lionel, whom I met for a moment last night,
placed a paw on my arm as he enquired after you.
Yawalla, of course, must not be left out, and he
rushing in with crupled old envelopes or pieces of paper
to tell Dandy that the post has come with lots of letters
from Sylvia. Then he laughs and cries: April fool?
But Dandy became sad so Hetty sent Yawallato
apoligise for this trick. Sylvia, I adore you.
67604929 - altheist
Blackheath1 IV 51
Dearest Sylvia -
How happy I am to have seen you again though sad to have left you so soon. I do hope that you are feeling happy and creative - despite M. who is a hard of machine for making people guilty or tense. Your Spring picture and Kissing will occupy your hard and creative energy, I hope, for a day or two. They are both very good. Your grard and handsome dress on Friday evening was superb: how well the grard style suit you. When I am rich you shall wear such dresses to paint in -in surroundings as perfect as those described by Lionardo. He clearly had you in mind. Coucheries shall sing and play Dandy's poems to you; ands honor attentines with the night brushes for you.
I do not know how you can fear I do not love you. Hetty says it is obvious at a glance that I adore you and Lionel, whom I met for a moment last night, placed a paw on my arm as he enquired after you. Yawalla, of course, must not be left out, and he keeps rushing in with crumpled old envelopes or pieces of paper to tell Dandy that the post has come with lots of letters from Sylvia. The he laughs and cries: "true fool"/ But Dandy became sad so Hetty send Yawalla to apologize for this cuck. Sylvia, I adore you.
67801660 - RommelC
BeacheathI iv 51
Dearest Sylvia -
How happy I am to have seen you again though sad to have left you so soon. I do hope that you are feeling happy and creative - despite M who is a kind of machine for making people guilty or tense. Your spring picture and kissing will occupy your hard and creative energy, I hope, for a day or two. They are all very good. Your grand and handsome dress on Friday evening was superb: how well the grand style suits you. When I am rich you shall wear such dresses to paint in- in surroundings as those described by Lionardo. He clearly had you in mind. Loucheries shall sing and play Dandy's poems to you; and hover attentively with the right brushes for you.
I do not know how you canfear I do not love you. Hetty says it is obvious at a glance that I adore you and Lionel, whom I met for a moment last night placed a paw on my arm as he enquired after you. Yawalla, of course, must not be left out, and he keeps rushing in with crumpled old envelopes and pieces of paper to tell Dandy that the post has come into lots of letters from Sylvia. Then he laughs and cries: 'true love'. But Dandy became sad so Hetty sent Yawalla to apologis for this trick. Sylvia, I adore you.
68018188 - jsprake
Blackheath1 IV 51
Dearest Sylvia -
How happy I am to have seen you again though sad
to have left you so soon. I do hope that you are feeling happy and creative - despite M who is a kind of
machine for making people guilty or tense. Your Spring
picture and Kissing will occupy your hand and creative
energy, I hope, for a day or two. They are both very good.
Your grand and handsome dress on Friday evening was
superb: how well the grand style suits you. When I am
sick you shall wear such dresses to paint in - in
surroundings as perfect as those described by Lionardo.
He clearly had you in mind. Coucheries? shall sing and
play Dandy's poems to you; and hover attentively with
the right brushes for you.
I do not know how you can feel I do not love
you. Hetty says it is obvious at a glance that I adore
you and Lionel, whom I met for a moment last night,
place a paw on my arm as he enquired after you.
Yawalla, of course, must not be left out, and he keeps rushing in with crumpled old envelopes & pieces of paper to tell Dandy that the post has come with lots of letters from Sylvia. Then he laughs and cries: "April Fool".
But Dandy became sad so Hetty sent Yawalla to
apologize for this trick. Sylvia, I adore you.
WINNER - 68053390 - Carriechelle
Beachhenth1 iv 51
Dearest Sylvia,
How happy I am to have seen you again though sad to have left you so soon. I do hope that you are feeling happy and creative - despite M hes is a kind of machine for making people guilty or tense. Your Spring picture and Kissing will occupy your hand and creative energy, I hope, for a day or two. They are both very good. Your grand and handsome dress on Friday evening was superb: how well the grand style suits you. When I am rich you shall wear such dresses to paint in - in surroundings as perfect as those described by Leonardo. He clearly had you in mind. Coucheries shall sing and play Dandy's poems to you; owls hover attentively with the right brushes for you.
I do not know how you can fear I do not love you. Hetty says it is obvious at a glance that I adore you and Lionel, whom I met for a moment last night, placed a paw on my arm as he enquired after you. Yawalla, of course, must not be left out, and he keeps rushing in with crumpled old envelopes or pieces of paper to tell Dandy that the post has come with lots of letters from Sylvia. Then he laughs and cries: "April fool'. But Dandy became sad so Hetty sent Yawalla to apologize for this trick. Sylvia, I adore you.