- Max. dissimilarity: 0.175
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.106
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 67889521 - SREM
- 68070108 - tmeconverse
- 68096345 - saffyre13
- 68291540 - jesseytucker
- 68418728 - Preacher357
- 68536923 - RommelC

WINNER - 67889521 - SREM
The lecture yesterday went well as I had a long time to prepare it in. Charles was very dreary but the psychiatrist was interesting: his name is adapted from an East European original - and now stands as Dr. Pearce. He is on the staff of Stonehouse at Dartford. Though not a Freudian he gave me much useful information and he is a charming, well-bred man. (I had much to drink!) We went through many drawings by the insane and - indistinguishable - a few of the nurses who watch over the class. Neither Pearce's grave doubts nor my ironical ones could dispell the idea, shared by C.J., Mary Openheim, & Celia Bedford, that schizophrenia was contagious. Measles is more of a risk - except to the three neurotics just named. He has a handsome wife whom you would have liked, I think. Oh my dearest, why do I have to waste my life by spending part of it away from you!I have had a letter from Sylvester inviting me to take part in a discussion of critics at the I.C.A. on Helion & Buffet. It is unpaid but I think worth it from a social point of view. It is the Thursday after the Wednesday that I am going to the Hampstead Artists' Council. Banstead on Tuesday and Clifford's lecture on Monday. I wish that that week were less crowded as you may be here but what can I do ? I take it that you would want me to accept the I.C.A. invitation?
I enclose two poems and, dearest creature, all my love.
I love you
68070108 - tmeconverse
The lecture yesterday went well as I had a long time to prepare it in. Charles was very dreary but the psychiatrist was interesting: his name is adapted from an East European original and now stands as Dr. Pearce. He is on the staff of Stonehouse at Dartford. Though not a Freudian he gave me much useful information and he is a charming, well-bred man. (I had much to drink!) We went through many drawings by the insane and - indistinguishable - a few of the nurses who watch over the class. Neither Pearce's grave doubts nor my ironical ones would dispel the idea, shared by C.J., Mary Openheim,, & Celia Bedford, that schizophrenia was contagious. Measles is more of a risk - except to the three neurotics just named. He has a handsome wife whom you would have liked, I think. Oh my dearest, why do I have to waste my life by spending part of it away from you!I have had a letter from Sylvester inviting me to take part in a discussion of critics at the I.C.A on Helias & Buffet. It is unpaid but I think worth it from a social point of view. It is on Thursday after the Wednesday that I am going to the Hampstead Artists Council. Barnstead on Tuesday and Clifford's lecture on Monday. I wish that that week were less crowded as you may be here but what can I do? I take it that you would want me to accept the I.C.A. invitation?
I enclose two poems and, dearest creature, all my love. I love you
68096345 - saffyre13
The lecture yesterday went well as I had a long time to prepare it in. Charles was very dreary but the psychiatrist was interesting: his name is adapted from and East European original and now stands as Dr. Pearce. He is on the staff of Stonehouse at Dartford. Though not a Freudian he gave me much useful information and he is a charming, well-bred man. (I have much to drink!) We went through many drawings of the insane and - indistinguishable - a few of the nurses also watch over the class. Neither Pearce's grave doubts not my ironical ones could dispell the idea, shared by C.J., Mary Openheim, & Celia Bedford, that schizophrenia was contagious. Measels is more of a risk - except to the three neurotics just named. He has a handsome wife whom you would have liked, I think. Oh my dearest, why do I have to waste my life by spending part of it away from you!I have had a letter from Sylvester invitin me to take par tin a discussion of critics at the I.C.A. on H'elian & Buffet. It is unpaid but I think worth it from a social point of view. It is the Thursday after the Wednesday that I am going to the Hampstead Artists' Council. Banstead on Tuesday and Clifford's lecture on Monday. I wish that that week were less crowded as you may be here but what can I do? I take it that you would want me to accept the I.C.A. invitation?
I enclose two poems and, dearest creature, all my love. I love you
68291540 - jesseytucker
The lecture yesterday went well as I had a long time to prepareit in. Charles was very dreary but the psychiatrist was inter-
esting: his name is adapted from an East European original--
and now stands on Dr. Pearce. He is on the staff of Stonehouse
at Dartford. Though not a Freudian he gave me much use-
ful information and he is a charming, well-bred man. (I had
much to drink!) We went through many drawings of the in-
sane and--indistinguishable--a few of the nurses who watch
over the dars. Neither Pearce's grave doubt, nor my
ironical over could dispell the idea, slored SCJ, way
o penheim, and Celin Bedford, that schizophrenia was conta-
gious. Mearles is more of a risk--except to thet hree
nemotics just named. He has a handsome wife whom you
would have liked, I think. Oh my dearest, why do I
have to waste my life by spending part of it away from
I have had a letter from Sylvester inviting me to take part
in a discussion of critics at the ICA on Helion and
Buffet. It is unpaid but I think worth it from a social
point of view. It is the Thrusday after the Wednesday that
I am going in the Hampstead Artist's Couveil. Banstead
on Turesday and Clifford's lecture on Monday. I wish that
that week were less crowded as you may be here but
what can I do? I take it that you would want me
to accept the ICA invitation?
I enclose two poems and, dearest creature, all
my love. I love you
68418728 - Preacher357
The lecture yesterday went well as I had a long time to prepareit in. Charles was very dreary but the psychiatrist was inter-
esting: his name is adapted from an East European original -
and now stands as Dr. Pearce. He is on the staff of Stone House
at Dartford. Though not a Freudian, he gave me much use-
ful information and he is a charming, well-bred mam. (I had
much to drink!) We went through many drawings & its in-
sane and - undistinguishable - a few of the nurses who watch
over the class. Neither Pearce's grave doubts nor my
ironical ones could dispell the idea, shared by C.J., Mary
Openhiem, & Celia Bedford, that schizophrenia was contag-
gious. Measles is more than a risk - except to the three
neurotiss just named. He has a handsome wife whom you
would have liked, I think. Oh mh dearest, why do I
have to waste my life by spending part of it away from
I have had a letter from Sylvester inviting me to take part
in a discussion of critics at the I.C.A. on Helian &
Buffet. It is unpaid but I think worth it from a social
point of view. It is the Thursday after the Wednesday that
I am going in the Hampstead Artists Council. Banstead
on Tuesday and Clifford's lecture on Monday. I wish that
that week were less crowded as you may be here but
what can I do? I take it that you would want me
to accept the I.C.A. invitation?
I enclose two poems and, dearest creature, all
my love. I love you
68536923 - RommelC
The lecture yesterday went well as I had a long time to prepare it in. Charles was very dreary but the psychiatrist was interesting: his name is adapted from an East European original- and now stands as Dr. Pearce. He is on the staff of Stonehouse at Dartford. Though not a Freudian he gave me much useful information and he is a charming, well-liked man. (I had much to drink!) We went through many drawings by the insane and - indistinguishable- a few of the nurses who watch over the class. Neither Pearce's grave doubts nor my ironical ones could dispel the idea, shared by C.J., Mary Openheim, & Celia Bedford, that schizoprenia was contagious. Measles is more of a risk- except to the three neurotics just named. He has a handsome wife whom you would have liked, I think. Oh my dearest, why do I have to waste my life by spending part of it away from you!I have had a letter from Sylvester inviting me to take part in a discussion of critics at the I.C.A. on Heliar & Buffet. It is unpaid but I think worth it from a social point of view. It is the Thursday after the Wednesday that I am to the Hampstead Artist's Council.Banstead on Tuesday and Clifford's lecture on Monday. I wish that week were less crowded as you may be here but what can I do? I take it that you wanted me to accept the I.C.A. invitation?
I enclose two poems and, dearest creature, all my love.
I love you,