- Max. dissimilarity: 0.389
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.225
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66950035 - SailorVal
- WINNER - 68016481 - jsprake
- 68455081 - Preacher357
- 68606110 - not-logged-in-a0dbdefb80f6ac4884a9
- 68670580 - dixiechicken
- 69877800 - Frosty1

66950035 - SailorVal
2 IV 1951Dearest Sylvia,
Today I have been busy - preparing future
lectures at the N.G. and sending off S E A
letters in the hope of raising the circulation.
This evening I am going to see Orphee so
that I can complete the article &, since I
shall be in Hampstead, have a drink with
Madeleine before returning home.
Miss Rich's Easter holiday
was in a cottage
in Rye attached to Paul Nash's house. She
spent her next reading Henry James she
tells me. She seemed friendly and, in her re-
served way, quite gay. It must be her holi-
day - it can't be spring. Or have you had
better weather than that which batters Hetty's
hats, makes Dandy's mane straight. & causes
Yawalla to skid about when he runs.
This note is simply to say that I adore you &
that you must not think I forget you, even
for a minute. I love you dearest Sylvia
will write again tomorrow morning.
I love you
WINNER - 68016481 - jsprake
2 IV 1951
Dearest Sylvia;
Today I have been busy - preparing future
lectures at the N.G. and sending off SEA
letters in the hope of raising the circulation.
This evening I am going to see Orphee so
that I can complete the article &, since I shall be in Hampstead, have a drink with
Madeline before returning home.
Miss Chick's Easter holiday was in a cottage
in Rye attached to Paul Nash's house. She
spent her rest reading Henry James she
tells me. She seemed friendly and, in her re-
served way, quite gay. It must be her holi-
day - it can't be spring. have you had
better weather than that which batters Hetty's
rats, makes Dandy's mane straight, & causes
Yawalla to skid about when he runs.
This note is simply to say that I adore you &
that you must not think I forget you, even
for a minute. I love you dearest Sylvia
& will write again tomorrow morning
I love you
68455081 - Preacher357
2 iv 1951 Dearest Sylvia,Today I have been busy - preparing future
lectures at the N.G. and sending off S.E.A.
letters in the hope of raising the circulation.
This evening I am going to see Orphee so
that I can complete the article &, since I
shall be in Hampstead, have a drink with
Madeleine before returning home.
Miss Chick's Easter holiday was in a cottage
- Rye attached to Dave Nark's house. She
spent her rest reading Menn, James she
tells me. She seemed friendly and, in her re-
pressed way, quite gay. It must be her holi-
day - it can't be Spring. Oh have you had
better weather than that which bothers Hetty's
rats, makes Dandy's mane straight, & courses
Yawalla to skid about when he runs.
This note is simply to say that I adore you &
that you must not think I will forget you, even
for a minute. I love you dearest Sylvia
& will write again tomorrow morning.
I love you
68606110 - not-logged-in-a0dbdefb80f6ac4884a9
S.E.AThe Society for Education in Art
29 Tavistock Square London WC 1
2 IV 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
Today I have been busy- preparing Juline lectures at the N.G. and sending off S E A letters in the hope of pairing the circulation. This evening I am going to see Orplee so that I can complete the article 8, since I shall be in Hampstead, have a drink with Madeline before returning home.
miss chicks earts residency was in a cottage in Rye attached to Rave Narle's house. She spent her rest reading Henry James she tells me. She seemed friendly and, in her re-served way, quite gay. It must be her validity- it can't be spring. On have you had better weather than that which batters Meltgirats, wakes Dordy's name straight, & comes Jardwalla in shield about when he names.
This not is simply to say that I adore you & that you must not think I forget you, even for a minute. I love you dearest Sylvia & will write again tomorrow morning.
I love you
68670580 - dixiechicken
2. 4. 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
Today I have been busy - preparing future lectures at the N.G. and sending off SEA letters in the hope of raising the circulation. This evening I am going to see Onglee so that I can complete the article and, since I shall be in Hampstead, have a drink with Madeleine before returning home.
Mrs. Chicks Eartes holiday was in a cottage in Rye attached to Dave Nash's house. She spent her rest reading Henry James she tells me. She seemed friendly and, in her repressed way, quite gay. It must be her holiday - it can't be spring. On have you had better weather than that which batters Hetty's rats, makes Dandy;s mane straight and causes Yawalla to skid about when he runs.
This note is simply to say that I adore you and that you must not think I forget you, even for a minute. I love you dearest Sylvia and I will write again tomorrow morning.
I love you
69877800 - Frosty1
2 iv 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
Today I have been busy - preparing future lectures at the N. G. an sending off S.E.A. letters in the hope of raising the circulation.
This evening I am going to see Orphee so that I can complete the article &, since I shall be in Hampstead, have a drink with Madeline before returning home.
Miss Chick's Easter holiday was in a cottage in Rye attached to Paul Nash's house. She spent her rest reading Henry James she tells me. She seemed friendly and, in her repressed way, quite gay. It must be her holiday - it can't be spring. Or have you had better weather than that which batters Hetty's hats , makes Dandy's mane straight, & causes Yawalla to skid about when he runs.
This note is simply to say that I adore you & that you must not think I forget you, even for a minute. I love you dearest Sylvia & will write again tomorrow morning.
I love you