- Max. dissimilarity: 0.226
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.182
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66537195 - Bethbeth
- 66646411 - not-logged-in-9550bd1d342b63726e05
- WINNER - 66701475 - YukonRed
- 66938080 - N5bz
- 67454832 - SailorVal
- 67944814 - _secunda

66537195 - Bethbeth
Blackheath31 V 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your letters, both of which came this morning. The sun is bright today and, at least on this side of the window, warm. I have just had breakfast: I wish you were here so that we could have one of our long this - breakfasts.
I am glad indeed to hear that you have finished your painting. I look forward, very much, to seeing it. And, moreover, it is very good news that 'wades' is going for you. (I expect one of her boyfriends will buy...).
IC is very kind of 'Wacks' to say she will send me a photograph. Still I doubt if the conflict between art & photography (what with Hetty and Ajax) will be decided differently even when I've seen the 'snap'. I did my best to look like a (16ch picture. I tremble to think if I have succeeded or no.
What a lonely story about Carol & you trying on your dresses while Tiny laboured below with a bean!
Poor Ruth, nursing! Still, on you say, she will enjoy being away from home.
I am not eligible for 60 because Leonard Russell edits and you may remember that he will not help me as I lost some photographs a long time ago. Thank you for suggesting it, however.
I have found various small paints in Orplee which confirm your original interpretations. I doubt if I shall be
66646411 - not-logged-in-9550bd1d342b63726e05
Blackheath3 IV 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your letters, both of which came this morn-
ing. The sun is bright today and, at least on this side of the window, warm. I have just had breakfast: I wish you were here so that we could have one of your long leis-
urely breakfasts.
I am very gad indeed to hear that you have finished your painting. I look forward, very much, to seeing it. And, moreover, it is very good news that 'wacko' is going to sit for you. (I expect one of her boy-friends will buy...).
It is very kind of 'wacko' to say she will send me a photograph. Still I doubt if the conflict art & photo-
graphy (what with Hetty and Ajax) until he decided differently even when I've seen the 'Enoy'. I did my best to look like a (16th pictures. I tremble to think if I have succeeded or no.
What a lovely story about Carol & you trying on your dresses while Tiny laboured below with a broom!
Poor Ruth, nursing! Still, as you say, she may enjoy being away from home.
I am not eligible for 60 edits is and you may remember that he will not help me as I lost some photographs a long time ago. Thank you for suggesting it, however.
I have found various small points in Orplie which con-
firm your original interpretations. I doubt if I shall be
WINNER - 66701475 - YukonRed
Blackheath3 IV 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your letters, both of which came this morn-
ing. The sun is bright today and, at least on this side of
the window, warm. I have just had breakfast: I wish you
were here so that we could hve one of our long leis-
urely breakfasts.
I am very glad indeed to hear that you have finished your
painting. I look forward, very much, to seeing it.
And, moreover, it is very good news that 'Wades'? 'wacko'? is going
to sit for you. (I expect one of her boy-friends will buy ... )
It is very kind of 'wacko' to say she will send me a
photograph. Still I doubt if the conflict between art photo-
graphy (what with Helty and Ajax) will be decided differently even
when I've seen the 'enojo'?. I did my best to look like a
16th C ch picture [Lawrence's way of putting C for century ahead of the no. is cool ... might be 16th c Ch victim?. I tremble to think if I have succeeded
or no.
What a lovely story about Carol & you trying on your dresses
while Tiny laboured below with a bear bean WTH?!
Poor Ruth, nursing! Still, as you say, she may enjoy being
away from home.
I am not eligible for 60? Go? because Leonard Russell edits
it and you may remember that he will not help me as I
lost some photographs a long time ago. Thank you for
suggesting it, however.
I have found various small paints in Orph'ee? which con-
firm your original interpretations. I doubt if I shall be
66938080 - N5bz
Blackheath3.1V 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your letters, both of which came this morn-
ing. The sun is bright today and, at least on this side of
the window, warm. I have just had breakfast: I wish you
were here so that we could have one of our long leis-
urely breakfasts.
I am very glad indeed to hear that you have finished your
painting. I look forward . very much, to seeing it.
And, moreover, it is very good news that 'Wards' is going
to sit for you. ( I expect one of her boy . friends will buy ... ).
It is very kind of 'wacko' to say she will send me a
photograph. Still I doubt if the conflict between art and plato-
graphy (what with Hetty and Ajax) will be decided differently even
when I've seen the 'envoy' . I did my best to look like a
(16th picture. I tremble to think if I have succeeded
or no.
What a long story about carol & you trying your dresses
while Tiny laboured below with a beam!
Poor ruth, nursing! still, as you say, she may enjoy being away from home.
I am not eligible for 60 because leanard Russell edits
it and you may remember that he will not help me as I
lost some photographs a long time ago. Thank you for
suggesting it, however.
I have found various small points in Osples which con-
firm your original interpretations. I doubt if I shall be
67454832 - SailorVal
Blackheath3 IV 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your letters, both of which came this morn-
ing. The sun is bright today and, at least on this side of
The window, warm. I have just had breakfast: I wish you
were here so that we could have one of our long leis-
urely breakfasts.
I am very glad indeed to hear that you have finished you
painting. I look forward, very much, to seeing it.
And, moreover, it is very good news that 'Wacks' is going
to sit for you. (I expect one of her boy-friends will buy...)
It's very kind of 'Wacks' to say she will send me a
photograph. Still I doubt if the conflict between art & photo-
graphy (what with Hetty and Ajax) will be decided differently even
when I've seen the 'snap'. I did my best to look like a
C16th picture. I tremble to think if I have succeeded
or no.
What a lovely story about Carol & you trying on your dresses
while Tiny laboured below with a bean!
Poor Ruth, nursing! Still, as you say, she may enjoy beng
away from home.
I am not eligible for 60 because Leonard Russell edits
it and you may remember that he will not help me as I
lost some photographs a long time ago. Thank you for
suggesting it, however.
I have found various small points in Orphee which con-
firm your original interpretations. I doubt if I shall be
67944814 - _secunda
Blackheath3 IV 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your letters, both of which came this morning. The sun is bright today and, at least on this side of the window, warm. I have just had breakfast: I wish you were here so that we could have one of our long and leisurely breakfasts.
I am very glad indeed to hear that you have finished your painting. I look forward, very much, to seeing it. And, moreover, it is very good news that 'whacko' is going to sit for you. (I expect one of her boy-friends will buy...).
It is very kind of 'wacko' to say she will send me a photograph. Still I doubt if the conflict between art & photography (went with Hetty and Ajax) will be decided differently even when I've seen the 'snap'. I did my best to look like a 16th picture. I trouble to think if I have succeeded or no.
Wrote a long story about Caral & you trying on your dresses while Tiny laboured below with a beam!
Poor Ruth, nursing! Still, as you say, she may enjoy being away form home.
I am not eligible for 60 because Bernard Russell edits if and you may remember that he will not help me as I lost some photographs a long time ago. Thank you for suggesting it, however. I have found various small points in Orphee which confirm your original interpretation. I doubt if I shall be