- Max. dissimilarity: 0.134
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.109
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 67121787 - mar15ted
- 67896988 - SailorVal
- 67940324 - Carriechelle
- 68595475 - Chris5420
- 68623411 - ALBECA
- 71820965 - JanetCormack

WINNER - 67121787 - mar15ted
able to write them into our article until Thursday or Friday, however. When Orphei is 'killed' in Hades Death becomes very exhausted and says, among other things: ' labour as I labour.' IC is the Orphic scene of rebirth. Jacques Legerte: Jesus Christ. However, I shall save it for the article. It is time to say again that I love you - my beauty. Do not worry - I shall not be lenient towards Buffet. Helion is, now, a kind of I believe - not abstract at all. An amazing thing has happened about cheques. The Chelmsford people have sent a cheque to me, instead of the Arts Council. I have had to return the cheque over to S James' Square and I fear that neither it nor the other lecture will be paid for now for at least ten days. I long to see you but I am inclined to think, even if you come to town on Monday, I shall be short of money until the end of the week. As I have lectures on 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th perhaps you should come a little after Clifford's lecture. The week or so following the 14th I am quite free so we could be completely together without the problem of separating while I go to town or of doubling expense by both going. Dear heart, you know I adore you & long for you to be here but I think it would be best if you come Saturday 14th or Sunday 15th when some money & all the time will be ours entirely. However - let me know what you think. I know what I wish and so passionately hate these frustrating manoeuvres.67896988 - SailorVal
able to unite them into our article until Thursday or Friday,however. When Orphee is 'killed' in Hades Death becomes very
exhausted and says, among other things: 'labour as I labour'. IC
is the Orphic scene of rebirth. Jacques Cogente: Jesus Christ.
However, I shall save it for the article.
It is time to say again that I love you - my beauty.
Do not worry - I shall not be lenient towards Buffet.
Helios is, now, a kind of Seges, I believe - not abstract at all.
An annoying thing has happened about cheques. The Chelms-
ford people have sent a cheque to me, instead of the Arts Council. I have had to return the cheque ones to S James'
Square and I fear that nether it nor the other lecture
will be paid for now for at least ten days. I long to see
you but I am inclined to think, even if you come to
town on Monday, I shall be short of money until the
end of the week. As I have lectures on 10th, 11th, 12th,
13th, & 14th perhaps you should come a little after
Clifford's lecture. The week or so following (the 14th), I am
quite free so we could be completely together without
the problem of separating while I go to town or of
doubling expenses & both going. Dear heart, you
know I adore you & long for you to be here but
I think it would be best if you come Saturday 14th
or Sunday 15th when some money & all the time will
be ours entirely. However - let me know what you think. I know what I wish and so passionately hate
these frustrating manoeuvres.
67940324 - Carriechelle
able to write them into our article until Thursday or Friday, however. When Orpheus is 'killed' in Hades Death becomes very exhausted and says, among other things: "labour as I labour". It is the Orpheus scene of rebirth. Jacques Cegerte: Jesus Christ. However, I shall save it for the article.It is time to say again that I love you - my beauty.
Do not worry - I shall not be lament towards Buffet. Helion is, now, a kind of Seger, I believe - not abstract at all.
An annoying thing has happened about cheques. The Chalmsford people have sent a cheque to me, instead of the Arts Council. I have had to return the cheque now to S James' Square and I fear that neither it nor the atlas lecture will be paid for now for at least ten days. I long to see you but I am inclined to think, even if you come to town on Monday, I shall be short of money until the end of the week. As I have lectures on 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, perhaps you should come a little after Clifford's lecture. The week or so following the 14th I am quite free so we could be completely together without the problem of separating while I go to town or of doubling expenses of bath going. Dear heart, you know I adore you and long for you to be here but I think it would be best if you come Saturday 14th or Sunday 15th when some money and all the time will be ours entirely. However - let me know what you think. I know what I wish and so passionately hate these frustrating manoeuvres.
68595475 - Chris5420
able to write them into our article until Thursday or Friday,however, when Orpheus is 'killed' in Hades Death becomes very
exhausted and says, amomg other things: 'labour as I labour'. IC
is the Orphic scene of rebirth. Jacques Cegeile: Series Christ.
However, I shall save it for the article.
It is time to say again that I love you - my beauty..
Do not worry - I shall not be lenient towards Buffet.
Helion is, now, a kind of feger, I believe - not abstract at
An amazing thing has happened about cheques. The Chelms-
ford people have sent a cheque to me, instead of the Arts
Council. I have had to return the cheque over to S Jame's
Square and I fear that neither it nor the other lecture
will be paid for now for at least ten days. I long to see
you but I am inclined to think, even if you come to
town on Monday, I shall be short of money until the
end of the week. As I have lectures on 10th, 11th, 12th,
13th, 14th perhaps you should come a little after
Clifford's lecture. The week or so following the 14th I am
quite free so we could be completely together without
the problem of separating while I go to town as of
doubling expenses & both going. Dear heart, you
know I adore you & long for you to be here but
I think it would be best if you come Saturday 14th
or Sunday 15th when some money & all the time will
be ours entirely. However - let me know what you
think. I know what I wish and so passionately hate
these frustrating manoeuvres.
68623411 - ALBECA
able to write them into our until Thursday or Friday, however, when Orphie is 'hilled' in Hades Death becomes very exhausted and says, among other things: 'labour as I labour'. IC is the Orphie scene of rebirth. Jacques Cogente: Jesus Christ. However, I shall save it for the article.It is time to say again that I love you - my beauty. Do not worry - I shall not be lenient towards Buffet. Helion is, now, a kind of Seger, I believe - not abstract at all.
An annoying thing has happened about cheques. The Chalms Ford people have sent a cheque to me, instead of the Arts Council. I have had to turn the cheque over to S James Square and I fear that neither it nor the other lecture will be paid for now for at least ten days. I long to see you but I am inclined to think, even if you come to town on Monday, I shall be short of money until the end of the week. As I have lectures on 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th perhaps you should come a litter after Clifford's lecture. The week or so following the 14th I am quite free so we could be completely together without the problem of separating while I go to town or of doubling expenses & both going. Dear heart, you know I adore you & long for you to be here but I think it would be best if you come Saturday 14th or Sunday 15th when some money & all the time will be ours entirely. However - let me know what you think. I know what I wish and so passionately hate these frustrating manoeuvers.
71820965 - JanetCormack
able to write them into our article until Thursday or Friday, however. When Orphee is 'killed' in Hades Death becomes very exhausted and says, among other things: 'Labour as I labour'. It is the Orphic scene of rebirth. Jacques C'egeste: Jesus Christ. However, I shall save it for the article.It is time to say again that I love you - my beauty.
Do not worry - I shall not be lenient towards Buffet. H'elion is, now, a kind of Leger, I believe - not abstract at all.
An annoying thing has happended about cheques. The Chelmsford people have sent a cheque to me, instead of the Arts Council. I have had to turn the cheque over to S James' Square and I fear that neither it nor the other lecture will be paid for now for at least ten days. I long to see you but I am inclined to think, even if you come to town on Monday, I shall be short of money until the end of the week. As I have lectures on 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th perhaps you should come a little after Clifford's lecture. The week or so following the 14th I am quite free so we could be completely together without the problem of separating while I go to town or of doubling expenses by both going. Dear heart, you know I adore you & long for you to be here but I think it would be best if you come Saturday 14th or Sunday 15th when some money & all the time will be ours entirely. However - let me know what you think. I know what I miss and so passionately hate these frustrating manoeuvres.