- Max. dissimilarity: 0.307
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.209
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66674206 - gailkoelker
- 67218147 - jennfurr
- WINNER - 68044263 - SREM
- 68549406 - jesseytucker
- 68596339 - Preacher357
- 68959524 - LibrarianDiva

66674206 - gailkoelker
Blackheath iv 1951 Dearest Sylvia-The weather is vile again: Yawalla is drenched to the fur and Dandy will not be able to put off for long going out in the rain (V and A, the Banstead via a Wimbledon tea). I have entitled your review A "Guide" to Ferrarese Art-as you have used the word yourself. I think that it has an undercurrent of disapproval. I Incidentally I am interpreting Saturday's public lecture (Italian masterpieces) as Tura, Cossa, Costa, and Crinelli. Your W.I.A.C. watercolors are back safely: I've put the interior up and "The Poet" is on the chair. My lecture yesterday to children of all colors on Painting as an International Language was very enjoyable: I showed them two International Gothic pieces, Velasquez & (int. realism), Claude & Constable: I spent 1 hour & 1/4 on these six pictures. I had prepared the lecture for late adolescents & was startled to see ten year olds but they were charming and intelligent. Efren Zweig is lecturing early in May at the I.C.A. on "Psychology of Abstract Art". Bearing in mind his smiling woman I think it should be a marvelous talk, don't you. I hope that Ruth & you enjoyed your tea yesterday & that your painting of Carol will progress satisfactorily-I am sure it will. Even Hetty admits Carol is charming. I love you, muse and treasure, I love you Lawrence67218147 - jennfurr
Blackheath4 IV 1951
Dearest Sylvia -
The weather is mild again: Tawalla is drenched to the
and Dandy will not be able to put off for long going out in
the rain (V and A, the Banstead via a Wibledon then).
I have entitled your review A guide to Ferrarere Art -
as you have use the word yourself. I think that it has
an undercurrent of disapproval. Incidentally I am
interpreting Saturday's public lecture (
) as Tura, Cossa, Costa, and Crinelli.
Your W.I.A.C. watercolors are back safely: I've put
the interior up & T6 Past is on the chair.
My lecture yesterday to children of all colors on painting as
an international language was very enjoyable: I showed
them two international gothic pieces, Velazquez & Do March
(Int. realism), Claude & constable: I spent 1 hour & 1/4 on
those six pictures. I had prepared a lecture for late
adolescents & was startled to see ten year olds but they
were daring & intelligent.
is lecturing early in May at the I.C.A. on
Psychology of Abstract Art. Bearing in mind his smiling
woman I think it should be a marvellous talk, don't you.
I hope that Ruth & you enjoyed your tea yesterday & that
your painting of Carol will progress satisfactorily - I am
sure it will. Even Hetty admits Carol is charming.
I love you, muse and treasure, I love you
WINNER - 68044263 - SREM
Blackheath4 IV 1951
Dearest Sylvia -
The weather is vile again: Yawalla is drenched to the fur and Dandy will not be able to put off for long going out in the rain (V and A, the Banstead via a Wimbledon tea).
I have entitled your review A Guide to Ferrarese Art - as you have used the word yourself. I think that it has an undercurrent of disapproval. Incidentally I am interpreting Saturday's public lecture (Italia masterpieces) as Tura, Cossa, Costa, and Crivelli.
Your W.I.A.C. watercolors are back safely: I've put the interior up & The Poet is on the chair.
My lecture yesterday to children of all colors on painting as an international language was very enjoyable: I showed them two international gothic pieces, Velasquez & Do Mouch (int. realism), Claude & Constable: I spent 1 hour & 1/4 on those six pictures. I had prepared the lecture for late adolescents & was startled to see ten year olds but they were charming and intelligent.
Ebren Giving is lecturing early in May at the I.C.A. on Psychology of Abstract Art. Bearing in mind his smiling woman I think it should be a marvellous talk, don't you.
I hope that Ruth & you enjoyed your tea yesterday & that your painting of Carol will progress satisfactorily - I am sure it will. Even Hetty admits Carol is charming.
I love you, muse and treasure, I love you
68549406 - jesseytucker
Blackheath4 IV 1951
Dearest Sylvia--
The weather is vile again: Yawalla is drenced to the jar
and Dandy will not be able to put off for long going out in
the rain (V and A, the Banstead va a Wimbledon ttha).
I have entitled your review A Guide to Ferrarere Art--
as you have used the word yourself. I think that it has
an undercurrent of disapproval. Incidentally I am
interpreting Saturday's public lecture (Italian mast-
erpieces) as Tura, Cossa, Costa, and Crinelli.
Your WIAC watercolors are back safely: I've put
the interior up and The Poet is on the lair.
My lecture yesterday to children of all colors on painting as
an International Language was very enjoyable: I showed
the two Internation gathie pieces, Velasquez and Do March
(Int. realism), Claude and Constable: I spent 1 hour and 1/4 on
these six pictures. I had prepared the lecture for late
adolescents and was startled to see ten year olds but tey
were charming and intelligent.
Ehren Ginerg is lecturing early in May at the ICA on
Psychology of Abastract Act. Bearing in mind the smiling
mormon I think it should be a marvellous talk, don't you.
I hope that Ruth and you enjoyed your the yesterday and but
your painting of Carol will progress satisfactory--I am
sure it will. Even Hetty admits Carol is charming
I love you, muse and treasure, I love you
68596339 - Preacher357
4 iv 1951 Blackheath Dearest Sylvia -The weather is mild again: Yawalla is drenched to the fur
and Dandy will not be able to put off for long going out in
the rain (V and A, the Banstead via a WImbledon tea).
I have entitled your review A guide to Ferrarere Art -
as you have used the word yourself. I think that it has
an undercurrent of disapproval. Incidentally I am
interpreting Saturday's public lecture (Itailian mast-
erpieces) as Tura, Cossa, Costa, and Crivelli.
Your W.I.A.C. watercolors are back safely: Ive put
the interior up & The Past in on the chair.
My lecture yesterday to children of all colors on Painting as
an Interrnational Gothic pieces, Velasques & Do Mooch
(int. realism), Clause & Constable: I spent 1 hour & 1/4 on
there six pictures. I had prepared the lecture for late adolescents & was started to see ten year olds but they
were charming & intelligent.
giving is lecturing early in May at the I.C.A. on
Plychology of Abstract Art. Keeping in mind his smiling
worman I think it should be a marvellous talk, don't you.
I hope that Ruth & you enjoyed your tea yesterday & that
your painting of Carol will progress satisfactory - I am
sure it will. Even Hetty admits Carol is charming.
I love you, muse and treasure, I love you
68959524 - LibrarianDiva
Blackheath4 IV 1951
Dearest Sylvia-
The weather is mild again: Tawalla is drenched to the far
and Dandy will not be able to put off for long going out in
the rain (V and A, the Barstead via a Wimbledon tea).
I have entitled your review A [underline] guide [/underline] to Ferrarere Art-
as you have used the word yourself. I think that it has
an undercurrent of disapproval. I incidentally I am
interpreting Saturday's publi lecture ( Italian mast-
erpieces) as Tora, cossa, costa, and crinelli.
Your W.I.A.C. watercolors are back safely: I've put
the interior up & [underline] T6 Past [/underline] is on the chair
My lecture yesterday to children of all colors or Painting as
an international language was very enjoyable: I showed
them two International Gothic pieces, Velasquez & Do plooch
(int. realism) Claude & Constable: I spent 1 hour & 1/4 on
these six pictures. I had prepared the lecture for late
adolescents & was startled to see ten year olds but they
were charming & intelligent.
is lecturing early in May at the I.C.A. on
[underline] Psychology of Abstract Art. [/underline] Bearing in mind his smiling
woman I think it should be a marvellous talk, dont you.
I hope that Ruth & you enjoyed your tea yesterday & that
your painting of Carol will progress satisfactorily- I am
sure it will. Even Hetty admits Carol is charming.
I love you, muse and treasure, I love you