- Max. dissimilarity: 0.187
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.111
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66640970 - not-logged-in-9550bd1d342b63726e05
- 67041539 - Preacher357
- 67126434 - mar15ted
- 67716024 - claireh90
- 67862543 - Chris5420
- WINNER - 68111660 - Frosty1

66640970 - not-logged-in-9550bd1d342b63726e05
Blackheath5 IV 1951
Dearest Sylvia
Here is the Orplie article. I have found a few more pieces of evidence to add to your fundamental ideas. I hope you approve of them, my muse. It is exactly the relation of muse & Poet according to G. M. Hopkins: the muse, in a start time, provides percept-
ions (or you did), & the poet must laboriously ex-
press them (as I have - or hope I have).
I finished the article after a mornings work. This afternoon I need Nicolrn's book & hasten to tell you how just I think your review. This even-
ing I have to go to the WIAC party. I will tell you about it in my next letters.
Please, on p.13 NOTES would you write in the exact title of Fodor's article. I have mislaid your notes - I am sorry.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, write soon
67041539 - Preacher357
Blackheath 5 iv 1951 Dearest SylviaHere is the Orplee artical. I have found a few more
pieces of evidence to add to your fundamental ideas.
I hope you approve of them, my Muse. It is exactly
the relation of Muse & Poet according to G.M. Hop-
leins: the muse, in a short time, provides percept-
ions (as you did), & the poet must laboriously ex-
press them (as I have - or hop I have).
I finished the article after my mornings work. This
afternoon I read Nicolron's book & haste to
tell you how just I think your reveiw. This even-
ing I have to go to the WIAC party. I will tell you about
it in my next letters.
Please, on p. NOTE 3 would you write in the exact
title of Fodor's article? I have mislaid your
notes - I am sorry.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, write soon
67126434 - mar15ted
Blackheath 5 IV 1951 Dearest Sylvia Here is the Orphei article. I have found a few more pieces of evidence to add to your fundamental ideas. I hope you approve of them, my Muse. It is exactly the relation of Muse & Poet according to G.M. Hopkins: the muse, in a short time, provides perceptions (as you did) & the poet must laboriously express them (as I have - or hope I have). Please, on p.13 would you write in the exact title of Fodor's article. I have mislaid your notes - I am sorry. I finished the article after a morning's work. This afternoon I read Nicolson's book & hasten to tell you how just I think your review. This evening I have to go to the WIAC party. I will tell you about it in my next letters. I love you, dearest Sylvia, write soon Lawrence67716024 - claireh90
Blackhall5 IV 1951
Dearest Sylvia
Here is the Orphee article. I have found a few more
pieces of evidence to add to your fundamental ideas.
I hope you approve of them, my muse. It is exactly
the relation of muse & poet according to G.M. Hop-
kins: the muse, in a short time, provides percept-
ions (as your did), & the poet must laboriously ex-
press them (as I have - or hope I have).
I finished the article after a morning's work. This
afternoon I read Nicolson's book & hasten to
tell you how just I think your review. This even-
ing I have to go to the WIAC party. I will tell you about
it in my next letters.
Please, on p.13 would you write in the exact
title of Fodor's article. I have mislaid your
notes - I am sorry.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, write soon
67862543 - Chris5420
Blackheath5 1V 1951
Dearest Sylvia
Here is the Orplee article. I have found a few more
pieces of evidence to add to your fundamental ideas.
I hope you approve of them, my Muse. It is exactly
the relation of Muse & Poet according to G.M. Hop-
kins: the muse, in a short time, provides percept-
ions (as you did), & the poet must laboriously ex-
press them (as I have - or hope I have).
I finished the article after a morning's work. This
afternoon I read Nicolson's book & hasten to
tell you how just I think your review. This even-
ing I have to go to the WIAC party. i will tell you about it in my next letters.
Please, on P. 13 would you write in the exact
title of Fodor's article. I have mislaid your notes - I am sorry.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, write soon
WINNER - 68111660 - Frosty1
Blackheath5 IV 1951
Dearest Sylvia
Here is the Orphee article. I have found a few more pieces of evidence to add to your fundamental ideas. I hope you approve of them, my muse. It is exactly the relation of muse & poet according to G. M. Hopkins : the muse, in a short time, provides perceptions (as you did), & the poet must laboriously express them (as I have - or hope I have).
I finished the article after a morning's work. This afternoon I read Nicolson's book & hasten to tell you how just I think your review. This evening I have to go to the WIAC party. I will tell you about it in my next letter.
Please, on p.13 Note 3 would you write in the exact title of Fodor's article. I have mislaid your notes - I am sorry.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, write soon