- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.416
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66622718 -
- 66709061 - tmeconverse
- 67807667 - RommelC
- WINNER - 68213395 - JanetCormack
- 68342841 - johndpieper
- 68409014 - mar15ted

66622718 -
Encased at first in silver
Then ready for the lips
Its anal charm provokes
Our fatal appetite
Not given by the swan
(white question of the lakes)
Nor by the jeweled peacock
That perfect brunette oval we ate
... And row there poems, light as they are, turn into prose. It is
Wednesday again and I miss you as agonisingly as ever. I have 'got
down' to a great deal of gallery goings (8 times to the Vienna pictures) and
for the rest of the week I have the Louvre, the Jeu de Paume, on schedule.
No time for writing, taking in so much. All of which however does not
in the least distract my libido from you. Architecture must come
next week. I have got a few books - including Valery's Callede
poems. Michael will be interested in this.
Have you made a decision about Paris yet? It is difficult
to write without your letters here and I'm beginning to worry about how long
the mail takes back and forth as I asked at cooks yesterday
without any luck. Actually it is now fixed and we are staying at
the Hotel de I'Avenir indefinitely. You could write me direct. I
expect to return in about 2 weeks from now - roughly - that is
before the final lecture. I wish I could come before but I realise
that I must not if my money holds out.
Albert is rather unhappy at present - it is the anniversary
willies the days of when his wife left him. It manifests itself in
an inability to paint and to sexual urges that my celibate position
has not assisted. He has met a Swedish girl, a night that dances,
but things are rogue and harmless so far. He has talked - for the
first time about his past and really he's the Sartre - Milles
underground man - violent, hunted, etc.
66709061 - tmeconverse
Encased at first in silver
Then ready for the lips
Its oval charm provokes
Our fatal appetite
Not given by the swan
(white question of the lake)
Nor by the jewelled peacock
That perfect brunette oval we ate.
...And now these poems, light as they are, turn into prose. It is Wednesday again and I miss you as agonizingly as ever. I have "got down" to a great deal of gallery going (8 times to the Vienna pictures) and for the rest of the week I have the Louvre, the Jeu de Paume, on schedule. No time for writing, taking in so much. All of which however does not in the least distract my libido from you. Architecture must come next week. I have got a few books - including Vallery's collected poems. Anidad will be interested in this.
Have you made a decision about Paris yet? It is difficult to write without your letters here and I'm beginning to worry about how long the mail takes back and forth as I asked at Cooks yesterday without any luck. Actually it is now fixed and we are staying at the Hotel de L'avenis indefinitely. You could write me direct. I expect to return in about two weeks from now - roughly - that is before the final lecture. I wish I could come before but I realise that I must not if my money holds out.
Albert is rather unhappy at present - it is the anniversary within two days of when his wife left him. It manifests itself in an inability to paint and a sexual energy that my celibate position has not assisted. He has met a Swedish girl, a night club dancer, but things are vague and formless so far. He has talked - for the first time - about the past and really he's the Sartre-Mills underground man - violent, hunted, &c.
67807667 - RommelC
Encased at first in sieves
Then ready for the lips
Its oval charm provokes
Our fatal appetite
Not given by the swan
(white question of the lakes)
Nor by the jewelled peacock
That perfect brunette oval we ate
...And now these poems, light as they are, turn into prose. It is Wednesday again and I miss you as agonisingly as ever. I have "got down" to a great deal of gallery fair (sometimes to the Vienna pictures) and for the rest of the week I have the Louvre, le Jeu de Paume, on schedule. No time for writing, taking in so much. All of weird however does not in the least distract my libido from you. Architecture must come next week. I have got a few books - including Valery's collected poems. Michael will be interestd in this.
Have you made a decision about Paris yet? It is difficult to write without your letters here and I'm beginning to worry about how long the mail takes back and forth as I asked our cooks yesterday without any luck. Actually it is now fixed and we are staying at the Hotel del'Aremis indefinitely. You could write me direct. I expect to return in about 2 weeks from now - roughly- that is before the final lecture. I wish I could come before but I realise that I must not if my money holds out.
Albert is rather unhappy at present. It is the anniversary within two days of when his wife left him. It manifests itself in an inability to paint and a sexual revenge that my celibate position has not assisted. He has met a Swedish girl, a night club dancer, but things are vague ad harmless so far. He has talked - for the first time- about his past and really he's the Sartre--Miller underground man- violent, hunted etc.
WINNER - 68213395 - JanetCormack
Encased at first in silver
Then ready for the lips
Its oral charm provokes
Our fatal appetite
Not given by the swan
(White question of the lakes)
Nor by the jewelled peacock
That perfect brunette oval we ate
.... And now these poems, light as they are, turn into prose. It is Wednesday again and I miss you as agonisingly as ever. I have 'got down' to a great deal of gallery going (8 times to the Vienna pictures) and for the rest of the week I have Louvre, the Jeu de Paume, on schedule. No time for writing, taking in so much. All of which however does not in the least distract my libido from you. Architecture must come next week. I have got a few books - including Valery's collider poems. Michael will be interested in this.
Have you made a decision about Paris yet? It is difficult to write without your letters here and I am beginning to worry about how long the mail takes back and forth as I asked at Cooks yesterday without any luck. Actually it is now fixed and we are staying at the Hotel de l'Ananis indefinitely. You could write me direct. I expect to return in about 2 weeks from now - roughly - that is before the final lecture. I wish I could come before but I realise that I must not if my money holds out.
Albert is rather unhappy at present - it is the anniversary within two days of when his wife left him. It manifests itself in an inability to paint and a sexual urgethat my celibate position has not assited. He has met a Swedish girl, a night club dancer, but things are vague and formless so far. He has talked - for the first time about the past and really he's the Satre-Mills underground man - violent, hunted etc.
68342841 - johndpieper
68409014 - mar15ted
vi. (OEUFS DE PA QUES) Encased at first in silver Then ready for the lips Its oval charm provokes Our fatal appetite. Not given by the swan (white question of the lake) Nor by the jeweled peacock That perfect brunette oval we ate vii. Wednesday ......And now there poems, light as they are, turn into prose. It is Wednesday again and I miss you as agonizingly as ever. I have "got down" to a great deal of gallery paintings (8 times to the Vienna pictures) and for the rest of the week I have the Louvre, the Jeu de Paume, on schedule. No time for writing, taking in so much. All of which however does not in the least distract my libido from you. Architecture must come next week. I have got a few books including Valery's poems. Michael will be interested in this. Have you made a decision about Paris yet? It is difficult to write without your letters here and I'm beginning to worry about how long the mail takes back and forth as I asked at Cooks yesterday without any luck. Actually it is now fixed and we are staying at the Hotel de l'Arenis indefinitely. You could write me direct. I expect to return in about 2 weeks from now - roughly - that is before the final lecture. I wish I could come before but I realise that I must not if my money holds out. Albert is rather unhappy at present. It is the anniversary two days of when his wife left him. It manifests itself in an inability to paint and a sexual that my celibate position has not assisted. He has met a Swedish girl, a night club dancer, but things are vague and formless so far. He has talked for the first time about his past and really he's the Sartre-Miller underground man - violent, hunted, &c.